Monday, June 29, 2009

Racists, Lies, and Connecticut Justice

So have you been paying attention to the media frenzy surrounding the death of Michael Jackson? If so, have you noticed the appearance - one within hours - of two of our nation's most prolific racists? I'm speaking of Jesse Jackson - whom I absolutely REFUSE to call "reverend" - and Al Sharpton. Both of these racists have used the tragic death of Jackson as an excuse to get their faces on television, and Sharpton even had the balls to do it within hours of Jackson's death by holding an impromptu "memorial" - spelled "press conference" - in front of the Apollo Theater in Harlem, New York.

So why do I call them racists? Well, let me ask you a question: if a high-profile white man took an active role in defending and promoting people of the caucasian race, what would you call him? Be honest, now - you'd call him a "racist," as would the mainstream media and the rest of the nation. Well, most of it, anyway, but not me.

So just what makes them any different??

Oh, I see...they're black, so it's impossible for them to be a racist, right? Funny, I don't recall seeing either one of them speaking out about the tragic death of Farrah Fawcett-Majors from cancer, do you? So why would they speak out for Michael Jackson and not her?

Do you really need me to tell you, or do you already know the answer?

Both of these men disgust me.

Now, on to the "lies" portion of this segment, and I'll bet you can guess who I'm gonna talk about, huh? That's right, I'm gonna talk about "The Great Pretender," Barack Hussein Obama!

Remember during his campaign when he said flat-out and in plain English that NO ONE who made less than $200,000.00 a year would EVER have to pay ANY kind of additional taxes? And then he went on to name the taxes that they would NEVER have to pay...remember that?

So did you catch two of his spokesmen telling us today that a new tax to pay for NObama's health care plan "is on the table?" Hang on to your wallets, people, because NObama has proven himself not only to be a liar, but a typical "tax and spend" Democrat. But you knew that when you elected him, right? Right?

NO? So just WTF were you thinking, anyway? Is THIS the kind of "change" you were expecting? No? Well, all I can say is, you're about to get what you asked for, and the sad part about it is that the people who DIDN'T vote for him are gonna get it, too. And there's no justice in that.

But there is justice in New Haven, Connecticut, where a group of 19 caucasian and 1 Latino firefighter took their case of racial discrimination to the highest court in the land, the US Supreme Court, and won. Seems that five years ago - FIVE YEARS AGO - the city of New Haven held promotion testing for their fire department, and because no blacks scored high enough to qualify for promotion they simply chucked out all of the tests, invalidating them and promoting no one. And the reason they gave? They were afraid of being sued by a "civil rights" group for not promoting any blacks. So they decided not to promote ANY of the whites and the one Latino who DID score high enough to get promoted.

And promptly got sued by the 19 whites and the Latino!

Along the way the case was heard by an Appelate Court judge, who sided with the city. And that appelate court judge was non other than Judge Sotomayor, NObama's nomination for the Supreme Court. Kinda tells you what kind of justice she's gonna be, don't it? But when the Supreme Court overturned HER ruling and the ruling of the city and found in favor of the "New Haven 20," as they've come to be called, they sent a clear message out to the entire nation, that message being that "equal opportunity" goes both ways. They also said that the basis of NOT hiring someone because they're white is just as bad as NOT hiring someone because they're black.

But then, we knew that all along, didn't we? Still, I'm glad that the US Supreme Court has finally put it into an opinion that will always be on the books. It was a long time coming!

And I have a feeling that it won't be the last.


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