Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I just don't understand this.....

I'm kinda short on time today, so I'll try and keep this short.

I am absolutely amazed at the number of people out there - "Obamabots," I've heard them called - who are still so fixated on placing blame and name-calling when it comes to the current economical crisis and the "fix" that our fearful leader is proposing. All I hear is, "Well, the economy is all Bush's fault!" and "Well, it took eight years of Bush to get us into this mess!" and "Well, it's all the Republican's fault because they won't back Obama's stimulus package!"

How about this, people - how about a little LESS dwelling on the past and placing of blame and a little MORE fixing of the problem? Sure, Bush screwed things up, but he didn't do it alone and he didn't do it in eight years. What was done to our economy was a team effort, and the players were: the President, the Congress, Wall Street, and Big Business that was more concerned with personal profits, wealth, and bonuses than they were about the economy.

Note, please, that I did NOT name any political parties in that statement. Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, whatever - ALL of them are to blame!

The facts are this: Bush isn't President any longer, so get off that, willya? Obama is President, and it's up to him and his administration to fix it. Continually lamenting and crying about who got us where is like standing on the deck of a sinking boat, crying about it sinking and doing nothing while the water is rising around you.

And as for the proposed "fix," I'll say this: it stinks. Typical Democrat solution which has NEVER worked - throw money at the problem and it'll go away.

Hasn't worked before, won't work now. And personally, I think Obama's big downfall will be Nancy Pelosi - if he could just muzzle that rabid dog he'd be fine, maybe. But at least he'd stand more of a chance then than he does now with her doing her damndest to alienate the Republican half of Congress.

Out of time here...more thoughts on the "stimulus" package and Pelosi later.


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