Well, if you were curious as to what the Muslim world's response would be to Obama's "open hand" speech a few nights ago, there it is. And this, coming from THE most influential Muslim leader in the world.
So what, exactly, did anyone expect? Did they expect the entire Muslim community to just say, "Aw, shucks, Hussein, we're sorry we killed thousands of your innocent countrymen! Here, let's shake on it, then we can hold hands and sit around the campfire singing 'Kumbaya!'"
Not hardly. Anyone who knows anything about Islam and the Muslim hardliners' way of thinking should have known better from the start. Which leads you straight back to what I said earlier about our new President's lack of leadership experience.
For anyone who wants to read the entire story, here's the link: http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/afp/090128/world/iran_us_diplomacy2ndlead
Some excerpts from the story and my comments on them:
"You were standing against the Iranian people in the past 60 years," Ahmadinejad said during an address in the western region of Khermenshah that was broadcast by state television.
"Those who speak of change must apologise to the Iranian people and try to repair their past bad acts and the crimes they committed against Iran."
Of course, the only people who see ANY crimes having been committed against Iran are, of course, the Iranians and their insane leader. But that's old news.
"Meet people, talk to them with respect and put an end to the expansionist policies. If you talk about change it must put an end to the US military presence in the world, withdraw your troops and take them back inside your borders."
Hmm, I wonder why Ahmadinejad wants us to pull all of our troops back into the US? While it's not really a bad idea - God knows we could sure use them on the US/Mexico border to give the Border Patrol a hand - you have to wonder what HIS motives are? Maybe because the US presence in the Gulf effectively prevents Iran's own expansionism into other countries? Ya think?
"Ahmadinejad said the advocates of change must 'stop supporting the Zionists, outlaws and criminals.' "
All the easier to conquer Israel that way, ya know.
"As I said in my inauguration speech, if countries like Iran are willing to unclench their fist, they will find an extended hand from us."
Are you possibly that naive, Mr. President? You mean to tell me that your staff of foreign affairs "experts" and military advisors haven't told you that Iran is one of THE most hard-line Islamic nations in the world, and that their leader is a fanatical, radical Muslim who is hell-bent on destroying anything Christian, with the United States at the top of the list followed by Israel? And when the Iranian president refuses to unclench his fist, then what are you prepared to do? Use harsh language against him? And when the former Gitmo prisoners that you've freed rejoin their terrorist organizations and Ahmadinejad or bin Laden direct them to attack the US on OUR soil, what then?
When you're confronted by a rabid dog, Mr. President, you don't extend your hand to it so he can bite it off.
You pull out the biggest gun you have and blow his fuckin' brains out.
Notice how no apology has been issued...
I didn't expect it would.
Naive, maybe....stupid, no.
You are right about that one...Friday he issued a statement that Iran first has to "unclech their fist" before any type of dialogue can be entered into...Iran's response, of course, was no...and then they called Obama a puppet of the West...
Sounds to me like it's time to decide which gun to use to blow the rabid dog's head off....but then, that's just me!
I've always been partial to the .45 myself!
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