One man's view of local and world events unfolding around him as seen from middle-class America.
Sunday, January 29, 2023
That's Not How It Works Redeaux
Monday, January 23, 2023
That's Not How It Works
Thursday, January 19, 2023
More Bullshit from the ATF
And next to the Demoncratic party in general, the next biggest group of clowns, foul-ups, misfits and morons that have the most dramatic and negative impact on our Second Amendment right is the ATF - the Division of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
First and foremost, I'm still wondering why there's an agency designed to "oversee" firearms at all. I can see why you'd need someone to oversee alcohol, tobacco, and most certainly explosives, but firearms? Nope, not when there's a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT that already does that.
But in any event, the ATF exists and in recent years (ever since the Demoncrats installed a clown in the White House) has been on a campaign to carry out the Demoncrat's wish of gun control, gun registration, and eventual confiscation of all privately owned firearms. And in the past month or so they've come up with a way to take another step towards this goal, that being the reclassification of the "stabilizing brace" used on AR15 pistols (like the one in the meme).
A short history (because it's a LONG story): when AR15 pistols became popular, firearms accessories manufacturers came out with a "stabilizing brace" which is an accessory that allows the pistol to be fired with one hand as it is designed and intended to be fired. ALL of the braces I've ever seen all resemble a stock, because that's the only way you can design the brace and have it be effective. To clear things up, here's how the brace is designed to be used:
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
It's Time for Congress To Act - Way Past Time
So when the libtards and Demoncrats discovered that Trump had taken classified documents to Mar-A-Lago, they went ballistic. The weaponized FBI raided his home, posted staged and bogus pics of the "documents" they allegedly found (which were in fact nothing more than empty folders with labels on them and unclassified stuff they found), initiated an investigation, and demanded that Trump be arrested, tried, and put in prison. So now that the same thing has taken place at the hands of "Creepy Joe," what have they done?
Nothing. Not a fuckin' thing. Not only did they do nothing when it was first discovered way back in September, they intentionally hid it from the news media and the public because they knew it would affect the results of the mid-term elections. But with Trump, on the other hand, they rushed the story into every major libtard news media in existence before the elections where Trump was running for re-election.
There's been no FBI raid on Biden's residence. There's been no pictures of the documents found. There's been no mass outcry by the libtards and Demoncrats, with only Adam "Bug Eye" Schiff saying that Biden had "possibly" jeopardized national security by taking the documents home and storing them in his garage. And he's being lambasted by the other libtards and Demoncrats for that, by the way.
But when all is said and done, here's the bottom line: "Creepy Joe" Biden is unfit for office. He's a senile, demented old fool who isn't qualified to change the filter in a coffee maker much less run the country. He's proven time and time again that he can't do the job, yet the libtards, Demoncrats, and Congress have turned a blind eye to it all. Our country is going down the crapper, and nobody is doing anything about it.
It's time for the new Congress to act. Way, way past time, actually. I know any action taken against him will result in Kamala "The Ho" Harris becoming President, but something has to be done - and it has to be done NOW. Not next month, not next week, not tomorrow - NOW.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that when the Jordan-backed investigation into Biden's actions is complete, the Congress will impeach the senile old fool and be done with it.
Time will tell.
Deo Vindice
Tuesday, January 10, 2023
A New Star on the Horizon
Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a diehard Trump fan. I voted for the man twice, and in my humble opinion he's the best President to sit in the Oval Office in my lifetime (and I'm 66 tomorrow, by the way). He did more for this country in four short years than any other President in the history of our nation. Unemployment was at an all-time low, black employment was at an all-time high, gas prices were lower than they had been in the past 20 years, our military was strong, the southern border was secure, and Wall Street set record high after record high on a consistent basis. Mortgage interest rates were low while new home sales were at an all-time high. And finally, we had a man in the White House who truly loved his country and was doing things for the betterment of the country as a whole, not for just his party.
Then the Demoncrats stole the election and installed "Creepy Joe" Biden as President. Things went to hell in a handbasket after that, and anyone who thinks otherwise is either dumb as a post or intentionally ignorant.
So for the past 2 years everyone on libtard side of the political spectrum has been crowing about what a fantastic job the pedophile in the Oval Office is doing, while the rest of the world realizes just what a fuckin' disaster this doddering, incompetent old fool truly is. (If you want a glimpse of how the rest of the world sees it, just take a look at the BBC. Get ready to be embarrassed.) Needless to say, the cries of "Trump for President" resounded loud and clear, and I was all for it - until the midterm elections, that is.
Now that the midterm elections are over and the Republicans are in charge of the House again (bye-bye, Pelosi), two things have become glaringly apparent - first, Trump's time in the spotlight is over. He doesn't have the influence and clout that he did when he was President, and part of that is because of his own doing. He's still running his mouth as he always has, but the only thing is that since he's not the President anymore he doesn't have the chance to do anything spectacular to justify it. In short, there's no reason to put up with him right now.
Second, there's a new star on the horizon, one that absolutely has the potential to eclipse Trump - and that star's name is Ron DeSantis, the newly re-elected Governor of Florida.
Plainly put, DeSantis is Trump without the mouth. He's Trump without being crass. He loves Florida and the country just as much as Trump, he's clear-spoken and direct, and most important of all he gets things done. He ignored the bullshit mandates put out by the Biden Administration during the bullshit Covid "pandemic" created by Fauci and the Biden Administration, and while all of the libtards whined and cried about it saying that Florida was doomed and that everyone was going to die, the exact opposite happened - Florida flourished, the rates of Coved infection were one of the lowest in the country, and people started leaving blue states and moving to Florida in droves.
Then he turned around and got re-elected, proving that the people of Florida know a good thing when they see it.
Now the big question is, will he run for the Republican nomination for President? Right now Trump's only challenger is that idiot of a former Secretary of State, John Bolton, who stands about as much change of beating Trump as a snowball in hell. I think the only person in the Republican party who can give Trump a run for his money is Ron DeSantis, and if DeSantis runs then it's a whole new ball game for a couple of reasons.
The first reason is that the same people who love and support Trump also love and support DeSantis. They realize just as I do that DeSantis is Trump 2.0 and can get the same job done as Trump but without the mouthing off and constant controversy that Trump brings with him. That's a win-win any way you look at it.
The second reason is that the Republican party will never let Trump win the nomination. There are way too many RINOs and others in the GOP who were embarrassed by Trump when he defied their predictions and accomplished all that he did, showing them to be nothing but Demoncrats in disguise along the way. So now it's time for them to play a little catch-up, and they'll do it by denying Trump the nomination. And if DeSantis runs, that gives them a way to do it.
If DeSantis runs, the RINOs and the rest of the GOP will throw their support behind him, eclipsing any chance that Trump may have. And I'll tell you right now, as much as I love Trump and am grateful for all of the great things he did for our country, if DeSantis runs then he has my vote. Trump has become too much of a polarizing figure over the past two years to be as effective as he was the first time around, and that will prevent him from doing the things that need to be done to fix all of the shit that "Creepy Joe" has broken and make our country great once again. DeSantis, on the other hand, can do just as good a job without the controversy that Trump brings with him.
So as much as I'd love to see DeSantis win the Republican nomination, if that happens that brings us to a point that could very well be a "make or break" one that could hand the Presidency to the libtards again. And that point is this: if DeSantis gets the nomination (which he will), what will Trump do? Will he throw his support behind DeSantis and campaign on his behalf, or will he let his ego get the better of him and run as an Independent? I'm hoping he campaigns for DeSantis, because if he runs as an Independent all that will do is take votes away from DeSantis, which will literally hand the Presidency to the Demoncrats.
And that means we'd have to suffer through another four years of a libtard Demoncratic disaster regardless of who the Demoncrats have in the White House. (And it won't be Biden, that's for sure - not even the most hard-nosed Demoncrat will support him after his abysmal performance ratings of the past year, and just how much of a buffoon he's proven himself to be.)
So I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that if DeSantis runs and wins the nomination, Trump will bow out of the race and campaign for him so we can put a Republican - a TRUE Republican, not a RINO - back in the White House and get this country up and running again as our Founding Fathers wanted.
Time will tell.
Deo Vindice
Tuesday, January 3, 2023
Ten Ways to Improve Our Country
Yeah, I know, it's been a while since I posted last, but to be honest I was keeping a low profile for the past year for reasons I won't go into here, but now the time has come for me to start posting again.
And boy, do I have a lot to say.
Let's start out the year and my return to my blog with Ten Ways to Improve Our Country. As usual, the contents of this blog are my opinion which I base on what I see, hear, and experience, so keep that in mind. I'm quite sure there are those who will disagree vehemently with what I'm about to say, and that's fine - just be respectful if you choose to comment as I will either flame you mercilessly or simply delete your comment if you choose the low road.
Having said that, let's get started, shall we?
1. Set term limits of eight years for members of Congress. When Congress voted on a term limit for the President in 1947, they did so saying that it wasn't good for the country for one man to have so much power for so long. And of course, they turned a blind eye to the fact that this applied to them as well as the President, something that they still turn a blind eye to even now. We have dinosaurs in Congress that have held office for more than FIFTY YEARS and have accomplished relatively little in that time. Hell, even "Creepy Joe" Biden only got ONE bill passed into law in the entire FORTY-SEVEN YEARS he was in the Congress, a law that he later overturned when he became President. It's way past time for the Congress to have the same term limits as the President.
(If you thought I was going to start this list out with "Impeach Joe Biden" as the #1 way to improve our country, you were almost right. I almost did, but that would leave us with Kamala "The Hoe" Harris as President, and that would be even worse than what we have now.)
2. Secure our Southern border. And we do this one way and one way only - BUILD THE GODDAM WALL.
3. Make balancing the budget a requirement to hold Congressional office. I guarantee you that if we pass a law requiring members of Congress to balance the budget in order to be eligible to hold office or run for re-election, the deficit will disappear.
4. Stop All financial aid to other countries. That's right, ALL of them - Britain, Canada, Mexico, the Ukraine, Turkey, EVERYONE. And if this impacts any trade agreements we have with other countries, then so be it - start manufacturing the stuff in THIS COUNTRY like we used to and put the American people back to work while you're at it. Will it be tough? Sure, it will, but only until we get used to it. After all, if we can endure eight years of NObama and four years of Biden, we can endure anything.
5. Give the money saved in #4 to our VETERANS. Do I really need to justify this one?
6. Reinstate the Keystone Pipeline permits. Another one I shouldn't have to explain. Before Biden took office the United States was energy independent (thanks to Donald Trump), and by revoking the permits for the Keystone Pipeline "Creepy Joe" killed both that independence and the American economy. Bringing the pipeline back only makes good sense for a lot of reasons - more jobs and lower gas prices, just to name two.
7. Require all elected members of the Federal government to make their tax returns public. I, for one, would LOVE to know how someone can go into Congress with a net worth of $150,000.00 and end up four years later with a net worth of SIX MILION DOLLARS. And when I say ALL elected members, that includes the President and the Vice President.
8. Enact a federal Voter ID law that restricts voting to US CITIZENS ONLY and REQUIRES a valid ID in order to vote. Admittedly this one will run afoul of the Tenth Amendment, so it's largely up to the states to do this and for the Feds to just butt the fuck out of it.
9. Deport ALL illegal aliens. The impact on jobs for Americans will be felt almost immediately; the effect on the economy by not having to shell out BILLIONS of dollars every year for health care and benefits for those who are in this country ILLEGALLY and DON'T DESERVE IT will take a little longer.
10. Abolish the Federal Income Tax. This country did just fine without it until Abraham Lincoln thought it up to finance his illegal and unconstitutional war against the Southern states. We did it once, we can do it again. And, as a side benefit, since there's no income tax there won't be a need for the IRS, will there? WINNER WINNER, CHICKEN DINNER!
And this is just for starters. I can name at least another six or seven ways we can improve our country (like abolishing the Demoncratic party, for one) but I'll save those for another time.
Let the flaming begin!
Deo Vindice