Friday, May 27, 2022

Waiting For An Explanation


I would absolutely LOVE for someone to explain this one to me.  I mean, sure, I understand the importance of helping Ukraine protect and defend itself from Russia, but when we have deranged teenagers walking into a school and killing students and teachers at random, it's WAY past time to start thinking of America and Americans first before we start thinking about anyone else.

And despite what the libtards will tell you, more useless gun control laws is not the answer.  And neither is a total gun ban for several reasons - first, you'd have to repeal the 2nd Amendment, and good luck with that.  Second, there are simply too many guns in this country to ever be able to get rid of all of them.  Australia tried that, and it didn't work.  England tried it, too, and it didn't work.  There are still guns in those countries, although they're well-hidden from the governments of those nations.  So you're never going to get rid of them, and that's the truth.

So instead of taking actions that would do absolutely nothing to stem the flow of violence commmitted with firearms but would instead take the Constitutional rights away from law-abiding citizens, why not do something that would actually help and be effective?

Like what, you ask?  Well, like ARMED GUARDS at our schools, for example.

'OH, THE HORROR! MORE GUNS AT SCHOOLS!  NO, NO, NO, NEVER!' all the libtards will cry, mouths hanging open and eyes wide with terror.  Well, it's like this - we protect our politicians with guns; we protect our governors with guns; we protect our President (dumbass that he is) with guns, so why not protect our children with guns?  To me, that's the only logical answer.

So where are we going to get all these people to stand guard in the schools, and where are they going to get their firearms from?  Easy - hire the thousands of unemployed veterans in this country to do the job.  They would jump at the chance to put their training to work and be relevant again while protecting the youth of this country.  And as for the weapons, a lot of them would be provided by the veterans themselves, and the rest can be provided by the federal government using some of that $40 BILLION we saved by NOT sending it overseas.

The solution to mass shootings in our schools is stupidly simple, and I've just laid it out.  Develop a program for hiring our veterans and/or anyone else who wants to do it, develop a training program for it, supply the guards with the tools they need (ballistic vests, radios, and firearms), and then post them at our schools.  I, for one, would jump at the chance to do this.

Contrary to what the libtards will say, more gun control IS NOT the answer.  If gun control were the answer and actually worked, Chicago would be the safest city in the nation instead of the Murder Capital of the United States.

So here's the solution.  Wanna bet that the politicians in DC will ignore it while hiding behind the safety of their ARMED security detail?

Deo Vindice.