So if you've been paying attention to the news for the past couple of months, you'll have noticed that there have been some significant events taking place which involve the ludicrous, liberty-crushing mandates that have been put in place by the governments of the various nations around the world. The most recent event and the one that got the most publicity was the demonstration put on by the truckers in Canada. Their peaceful (meaning they didn't burn anything down or destroy any property, unlike American 'liberal' protestors) protest resulted in the Prime Minister being made to look like the total fool and coward that he is, and ultimately resulted in the truckers getting what they wanted - the repeal of mandates involving COVID.
As I said, this has been happening all over the world. Australian citizens have been staging protests for months, as have Italians, Germans, and Brits. And slowly, one by one, the governments of the nations all over the world are coming to the realization that the people are VERY unhappy, and the only way to make them happy is to repeal the mandates. Britain did just that earlier this week, just about the same time that Canada did.
And here in our own nation we have the same thing happening. Demoncratic "leaders" throughout the nation are slowly repealing mask and vaccination mandates in places like Kalifornia (if you can believe that), Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, New Jersey, New York (surprise, surprise), Oregon and Rhode Island. The SCOTUS issued an opinion that the mask mandates put in place by Mein Fuhrer are "unconstitutional and unenforceable," but the morons in charge at Carhartt decided to proceed with them anyway. (And they're suffering financially because of it, by the way.)
The big difference between the US and the rest of the world is the reason WHY the mandates are being repealed. The people of the rest of the world have been protesting and demonstrating their unhappiness, so the governments of some nations are doing what the people want. Here in the United States, it's being done for a very different reason.
There's an election coming up in November, and the Demoncrats are now realizing that if they want to maintain control and stay in power they'd better start giving the people what they want - namely, the repealing of all mask and vaccination mandates.
Somebody in the Demoncratic party realized that sometimes in order to maintain power you have to relinquish a little bit of it, giving the people the false impression that they're regaining control over their lives while in fact they are surrendering more of it. This is the strategy that the Demoncrats are now employing, and they're counting on the people to not notice it.
Only we are noticing. We're not as stupid as the Demoncrats think we are.
I have a feeling that this strategy will ultimately fail. From what I've seen on social media, there are enough people in this country who realize that the Demoncratic leadership from the White House down has failed the nation, and they're tired of it. I've lost count of the number of Demoncrats I've heard say that they are finished with the Demoncratic party and will vote Republican from here on out. Our dementia-riddled President now has the lowest approval rating of any President in our nation's history, and more Demoncrats are coming out and admitting that they made a mistake in voting for him than ever before.
The tide is turning, and I have a feeling that there's gonna be a real bloodbath in the November elections.
Time will tell.
Deo Vindice