Friday, October 29, 2021

Where I Stand: The Second Amendment

Anyone who knows me or who has had a conversation with me on the topic of gun control and the Second Amendment knows where I stand.  And to me, this meme pretty much sums up what I think about others who say they support the second amendment - and then use the word "BUT" when they continue speaking.

And at that point you'd better get ready for a debate, because that's one of my buttons.  I absolutely do not understand how anyone could say they're a supporter of the Second Amendment, and then in the same breath turn right around and say "BUT."  

"I'm a supporter of the Second Amendment, BUT I think everyone needs to be trained before they carry a gun."

"I'm a supporter of the Second Amendment, BUT I don't think anyone needs to own an (please pardon me for using this BS libtard term) 'assault rifle.'"

"I'm a supporter of the Second Amendment, BUT you don't need an AR-15 to hunt deer."

"I'm a supporter of the Second Amendment, BUT I think everyone needs to have a permit to carry a gun, concealed or otherwise."

I could go on, but you get the idea.  These examples are the ones that I hear the most, so let me address them one at a time, and I'll do it in the order they were presented.

I agree that training is a very good idea, BUT the Second Amendment doesn't mention training. That's nothing more than your opinion, and the Amendment - and the rest of the Constitution - doesn't support it.

The term "assault rifle" is a bullshit term invented by the bullshit libtard media to scare the public into accepting their libtard views.  The TRUTH is that the US military has NEVER used the term "assault rifle" to officially describe or classify ANY rifle in the inventory.  But even if the military did use that term to describe a rifle, the statement that no one "needs to own an assault rifle" is still nothing more than an OPINION which is not supported by the Second Amendment.

In the first place, it's not about 'need.'  It's called the "Bill of RIGHTS," not the "Bill of NEEDS."  If I want to own and use an AR-15 to hunt deer, then there's no law that says I can't.  And by the way, yes, people do use an AR-15 to hunt deer.  It wouldn't be my first choice of a rifle to hunt with, but people do use it.

As for that last one, it's simple:  "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED."  The end.

I am a believer in the literal interpretation of the Second Amendment simply because those four words sum it all up.  "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" means one thin and one thing only:  any law that is passed that restricts, limits, or prohibits an American citizen from owning, possessing, or carrying a firearm under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES is unconstitutional and therefore ILLEGAL.  

Do I believe in firearms training?  Absolutely.  Do I believe it should be required as a prerequisite to owning or carrying a firearm?  NO.  "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED."

Do I believe that you need a permit to carry a firearm concealed or not?  NO. "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED."

Do I believe the public should be prohibited from owning a certain kind of firearm?  NO.  "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED."

Let me address two other things about the Second Amendment before I close, something that the libtards and gun-grabbers ALWAYS bring up.  I'll be brief.

The "militia" mentioned in the Amendment refers to THE PEOPLE, not the National fuckin' Guard.  You have to remember that when the Amendment was written there was no National Guard - hell, there wasn't even a standing army!  Only 3% of the colonists in America during the Revolutionary War fought in the conflict, and of that more than 90% of them were not members of the Colonial Army but were members of their own state MILITIA.  So NO, the militia referred to is NOT the National Guard, but the PEOPLE WHO COMPOSE A MILITIA.  (And if you don't really know what a 'militia' is, this is when you should go look it up and educate yourself.)

The term "THE PEOPLE" does NOT mean the state itself, or the governing body of that state.  It means the CITIZENS of the United States - the PEOPLE, not the state or the government.  Even the most staunchest of libtards will agree that in the other nine Amendments, whenever the term "the people" is used it refers to the individual citizen which is exactly what the Founding Fathers meant when they wrote them.  So why in the living hell would it NOT mean the citizens in this Amendment as well?  Because the libtards can't win an argument against the Amendment and the right it guarantees if they say that it does, that's why.

And lastly, just for giggles, the term "security of a FREE STATE" refers to a state of being, said state being FREE, and not the 'state' as a parcel of land occupied by the people.

So that's it, then.  This is where I stand on the Second Amendment.  I encourage discussion and debate on this topic, but be warned - you're not gonna change my mind.

Deo Vindice


Monday, October 25, 2021

This Sums It All Up

And in November 2024 I have a feeling we're gonna do just that.  I just hope we can survive until then.

Deo Vindice



Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Where I Stand: Military Members Refusing The Jab

I've been wanting to start this new series of topics called "Where I Stand" for a while now, and I think the topic of active duty military members refusing to get the "jab" would be a good place to start.

First and foremost, for those of you who may not know it I am a retired US Air Force Master Sergeant of Security Police.  (Yeah, I know it's called "Security Forces" today, but I'm old school.)  So when I talk about all things military and military law, you can kinda take for granted that I know what I'm talking about.

So let's start off by taking a look at the Oath of Enlistment that EVERYONE who enlists in the military takes.  Please pay attention to the part that says "I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice."  

What that means is simple:  as long as the order you've received is LAWFUL, you are REQUIRED to obey it.  If you deem the order not to be lawful, there's a process for that - you can refuse the order, but you'd better be right because you're gonna end up before either your commander or a Courts-Martial judge explaining yourself.  

As a member of the military forces, you are REQUIRED to be vaccinated against the things that the DoD thinks you need to be vaccinated against.  This is to ensure that you can be deployed anywhere in the world and not get sick, thereby negating your combat and mission effectiveness.  So when your unit tells you that you have to get a vaccination for whatever, that is a LAWFUL ORDER, and since you took an oath to obey the orders of the officers appointed over you, you MUST obey the order and get the vaccination whether you like it or not.  If you refuse, you have violated your oath and committed a crime for which you can - and will - be punished.  And rightfully so.

See, folks, it's like this - something that most people don't realize is that when you enlist in the armed forces of the United States (or any other nation for that matter) you give up certain rights and freedoms, one of which is the right to say 'no' to the things that the military says you have to do.  As long as the order being given is a LAWFUL order, you have NO option to refuse.

And as I have said, immunizations are LAWFUL.  

So any member of the Armed Forces of the United States who refuses to get the COVID 19 vaccination is wrong, is committing a crime, and should be punished.  Period.

And I'm speaking as one who did the very same thing when I was a nearly-new airman.  When the Air Force was giving the Swine Flu vaccine in the late '70s I refused to take the shot because it was killing people.  Two days later I was standing in front of my commanding officer in my dress blues getting ready to explain myself and then take the punishment that I knew I deserved and was most assuredly coming my way.  It never occurred to me that I was also gonna end up either getting the shot anyway or getting kicked out, but I can chalk that up to the ignorance and inexperience of youth.

But the punishment never came.  My squadron commander informed me that only that morning he had received word from the DoD that they were to cease giving the Swine Flu vaccine to all military members because - wait for it - the vaccine was killing people.  My commander chewed my ass for a good ten minutes and then told me to get the hell out of his office and never do anything that stupid again because if I did, my ass was grass and he was gonna be the lawnmower.

I learned my lesson, and yes, I got away with what I had done.  But did I deserve to get away with it?

No.  I violated my oath and broke the law, and I should have been punished for it.

So having said all that, I must say that the active duty military members who are refusing the COVID 19 vaccination are wrong in just about every sense of the word.  YES, I understand how they feel; NO, they don't have the right to refuse; YES, they have to take the shot, and YES, they should be punished for refusing it and then be prepared to get kicked out.  

The truth is that they're giving the military no choice.  If the military lets them get away with refusing the shot, not only are they willfully compromising the mission and combat effectiveness of the Armed Forces, they're also sending a clear message to the troops that military law doesn't apply to them and they can do whatever they want without fear of prosecution for it.

And there goes the "good order and discipline" of the Armed Forces, and with it the effectiveness of the military.

So there's a hell of a lot more to it than just refusing the jab - a LOT more.  Before you start defending these people and praise them as heroes, you should take a second look.  The REAL heroes are the ones who are willing to keep their word, obey the orders given, and do what they are ordered to do whether it kills them or not.

THAT is a real hero.

Deo Vindice



Monday, October 18, 2021

Biden's America

Pretty much, yeah.  And it's only gonna get worse.

Deo Vindice



Thursday, October 14, 2021

It's Not About Public Safety


And it's not about the virus, either.  It's about CONTROL.  It always has been, right from the start.

If you sit back and think about it, taking an objective look at what we've been told over the past 18 months (which I realize is impossible for all you libtards out there) you'll notice that the narrative from the Biden Reich has shifted time and time again, contradicting itself so many times it's almost impossible to count.

The Minister of Propaganda, Jen Psaki, and the Minister of Medical Misinformation, Alex Fauci, have done an excellent job of keeping the people confused and in a continual state of panic.  Fauci gets his face on TV as he tells us what new disaster is coming and what we must do to protect ourselves from it, and Psaki gets her face on TV telling us how the Biden Reich and Mein Fuhrer are behind Fauci and his lies.

Think about it:  every time we as a nation start to make progress and things start returning to normal (and by "normal" I mean pre-Biden Reich Bullshit Pandemic normal), the Biden Reich comes up with some new strain of the virus or some other kind of calamity to scare the pants off of the sheep again, and then follows it up with yet more restrictions, yet more things we can't do "for the public's safety."

This is the same bunch of clowns who say we can't get together with our families for the 4th of July or Hallowe'en or Christmas, yet they say nothing about football games or the many big parties they and their other libtard friends attend (like NObama's big birthday bash).  

The people who are in control of this country are the biggest bunch of lying, thieving, conniving hypocrites and assholes I've ever seen in my entire life.  And if you're one of those mindless people who voted for Mein Fuhrer just because you refused to vote for Trump, then you're the root of the problem.  And fuck you, by the way.

The good news is that nothing bad goes on forever.  It always has to end, and I'm sure this will as well.  The only two questions I have are WHEN and HOW?

I have a feeling that the answers are SOON and WHEN THE ANTS STAND UP.

Deo Vindice


Monday, October 11, 2021

What Do You Remember About Summer Vacation?


I'm not sure how they do it in other countries (nor do I really care), but just like every kid in America when I was going to grade school I lived for the day when school was out for the summer.  Summer vacation was here, and it was time to kick back, relax, and have fun!

I started school in 1963 when my family was living in Central Gardens outside of Richmond, Virginia, and while I had two summer vacations from school while we were living there I really don't remember them.  What I remember about living there was NOT going to school while my two older sisters did.  I remember being at home with my mom while my pop was at work, watching her starch and iron his shirts.  She would use liquid starch and a 16 ounce Pepsi bottle that was filled with water, with a tin sprinkler stopper stuck into it.  She'd shake the bottle over the shirt and water would sprinkle out, and then she'd iron the shirt.  All this while watching "Dialing For Dollars" on the black and white TV in the living room

Whenever I think of summer vacations when I was a kid (which meant pre-high school) I always think of the summer vacations when we were living in Highland Springs, also outside of Richmond.  We lived in Highland Springs from the time I was in the 4th grade up until the summer after I finished the 9th grade, and that was the summer we moved from Virginia to North Carolina.  

I gotta tell ya, I absolutely loved those summer vacations in Highland Springs!  Getting up when I wanted to and not when I had to, being out of the house all day, riding my bike all over creation and back, camping with my Boy Scout troop, hiking in the woods - yeah, those summer vacations back in those days were a blast!

I guess the one thing I remember most about those summer vacations started the year I finished 5th grade, because that was the year I started taking Band and learned how to play the cornet.  That was the summer that I started taking Summer Band.  More than half of the kids in the school band also took it, so it was pretty much just a continuation of what we were doing when school was in session.

But the BIG difference was that this time we were doing it because we WANTED to and not because we HAD to.  That made it fun, and that's what Summer Band was all about.

Summer Band was held at Highland Springs High School, and the school was located about a mile or so away from my house - close enough that when I started going to the high school in 1971 I had to walk instead of take the bus.  It was also well within bike-riding range, so three times a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday I'd slide the handle of my cornet case over the handlebars of my Schwinn Stingray bicycle, pedal my butt up to the high school for Summer Band, and then repeat the process two hours later to go home.  I had a lot of fun in Summer Band, and even learned to play the drums one summer (which I royally sucked at).  

Aside from Summer Band, I also remember riding my bicycle literally all over the county.  I lived in an area that was smack dab in the middle of the Seven Day's Battlefield from the War for Southern Independence, and there were no less than four battlefields within riding distance of my house.  There was Seven Pines, Beaver Dam Creek, Fair Oaks, and my personal favorite, Cold Harbor.  That last one was the furthest away and would take the better part of an hour to get to, but once you got there it was great.  The area was heavily wooded which meant that it was always in the shade and therefore cool, and after a long hot bike ride in the Virginia summertime heat that coolness was just wonderful!  We'd go to the Visitor's Center and look at all of the artifacts, then ride our bikes through the battlefield itself before riding home.

Then there were the camping trips with my Boy Scout troop.  I loved camping with those guys, and we had a lot of good times on those camping trips.  I learned all about snipe hunts when I was a Boy Scout, a lesson that I later passed on to my children the first time I took them camping.  (And my son is still pissed at me about that, by the way!)

Last but certainly not least were the days we spent playing in the local woods, a wooded area at the end of Pine Street.  Pine Street was two streets over from mine, and those woods invariably became known as "The Woods on Pine Street."  Anytime I was leaving the house and was going to be gone for the day, if I told my mom I was going to The Woods On Pine Street she knew exactly where I was going to be.  I'm not sure how big that wooded area was, but as I recall it was plenty big - big enough where you could ride your bike through it and it would take nearly half an hour to get to the other side on Washington Avenue, and if you were on foot you could play in there all day long and never see civilization once.  

The last time I went to Highland Springs in 2005 for the 30th Reunion of the HSHS Class of '75 I drove down to Pine Street, and was saddened to see that the woods were gone.  The area has been developed and is full of houses now.  What a shame.  Progress, I guess.

But overall, I guess the thing I remember the most about summer vacation in those days was NOT spending much time in the house.  The only time I was in the house was if it was raining, and I don't remember a lot of those days at all.  If the sun was out I was out of the house, and I'd be gone for the day.  My mom never had to worry about where I was or what I was doing for two reasons:  she knew that I had been taught better than to go out and get in trouble, and the world was a much better and safer place back in those days.  As long as I was home by 6 in time to eat dinner everything was fine, and I knew better than to be late.  

Ah, those were the days.  The older I get the more I think about them, and the more I think about them the more I miss them.  But one thing life has taught me is that you can never go back, you can never go home again, and I guess that's true.

And in most cases, I guess that's for the best.  We only remember the good times about the past anyway, right?

So what do you remember about summer vacation?

Deo Vindice


Sunday, October 10, 2021

Our Daily Gift From God


Our daily gift from God is simple:  it's today.  At midnight each night tomorrow turns into today, and it's ours to do with as we please.  And make no mistake about it, each day on this blue ball we call home is indeed a gift from God.

I had this proven to me early in the morning of January 22nd, 1991   I was at King Abdul Aziz Air Base in the city of Dhahran, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf War was nearly in full swing.  We were going through our fourth straight night of SCUD attacks, and it was on this day that we took a direct hit on the base from a very large piece of debris from a SCUD missile that the Patriot battery stationed at my base had destroyed.  Only thing it, the damned thing was literally right over the base when it was taken out, and the tremendous mid-air explosion was followed by a rain of shrapnel before the warhead section of the missile impacted at the alert end of the runway, blowing the biggest crater in the ground that I've ever seen before or since.

After the all clear sounded we got out of our MOP gear (the chemical protective suit for all you civilians), stowing it back into our C-bags until we would need it again.  I was assigned to a mobile patrol on the flightline that particular morning, and I had parked my hummer at the end of the parking ramp so me and my gunner could take our gear off.  Once the gear was stowed and we put out web gear and helmets back on, I lit up a cigarette to try and calm my nerves.  Right then my gunner called out to me from his perch behind the M-60 machine gun mounted in the turret on the roof.

"Uh, Sergeant Craig, are you ok?" he said.

"Yeah, I'm fine.  Why?" I asked, looking up at him.  

"Look at your helmet," he said, pointing at my helmet.

I took my helmet off and looked at it, and I felt all the blood drain out of my face and fall right to my feet.  Right there on the top of the helmet was a rip in the camouflage cover that was about an inch long, the edges jagged and torn.  I touched it with my finger, then stuck my head into the hummer and looked up at the roof.

There was a hole about the size of a quarter in the roof, right above where I was sitting behind the steering wheel.  My hummer had taken a shrapnel hit during the previous attack, and a piece of the destroyed SCUD had hit my hummer, gone through the roof, then bounced off my helmet with enough force to rip the cover and put a pretty good gouge in the helmet itself.

If I hadn't been wearing my helmet I would most likely be dead.

"Holy shit," I said softly as I stood up, looking into the hummer.

"Yeah," my gunner replied.  

Then the thought hit me:  I have to find that piece of shrapnel.  So I pulled out my flashlight and started looking around the inside of the hummer, and it only took me about five minutes to find it.  It was on the floor of the driver's compartment, right under the brake pedal.  I picked it up, looked at it for a minute, then put it in my pocket.  Then we saddled up and went back to work.

Just another day in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Every time I think I need it, I pull that piece of shrapnel out of my memory box and look at it, and it reminds me of just how close to death I came that night so long ago.  And it never fails to remind me that every day is a gift from God, and that I should make the best use of it that I can.

Every day is a gift.  That's why they call it "the present."

But you've heard me say this before, haven't you?

So let me ask you again:  what will you do with your gift today?

Deo Vindice


Saturday, October 9, 2021

Your First Kiss


All of us have significant events that take place in our lives, and they all affect and shape us in different ways.  But no matter what it is, no matter how it shapes us or affects us, the one thing I'm pretty sure we all remember is our first kiss.

Do you remember your first kiss?  I do, almost like it was yesterday.

It was 1969, I was 12 years old, and summer vacation was in full swing.  Back in those days my family was living in Highland Springs, Virginia, and we only had one stereo set in the house.  The stereo was located in my sister's room (my two sisters shared a room for the entire time they lived at home), so whenever I wanted to listen to the stereo I had to ask them if it was okay or wait until they were both out of the house.  Most of the time I just waited until they were both gone because our dad had said that just because the stereo was in their room didn't mean that I couldn't use it.  (This pissed one of my sisters off to no end, but I won't go into that.)  

So I was sitting on the floor in my sister's room, leaning against the bed listening to a Monkees album on the stereo when one of my sisters came home and brought one of her friends with her.  I'm not real sure why, but my sister's friend came into the room and asked if she could listen to the album with me.  I said yes, and then she climbed onto the bed and lay down on her stomach, propping herself up on her elbows with her head about a foot or so away from mine.

Her name was Lenora Bell, and she was a year older than me; she was as cute as hell redhead, and I kinda had a little crush on her.  I've never been the chatty type around the opposite sex, never knowing quite what to say, and that continues to this day.  Lenora took the lead, talking to me about the group and the album, and to this day I'm not quite sure how it happened but the next thing I knew we were talking about boyfriends, girlfriends, and kissing.  She asked me if I had a girlfriend, and I told her no, that I'd never had a girlfriend.  Then she asked me if I'd ever kissed a girl, and I sheepishly told her no, I had not.

Then she absolutely floored me when she said, "Would you like for me kiss you?"

All I could do was nod, I was that astounded.  She said, "Then come over here!" and motioned me over to a spot in front of her.  I scooted over and sat back on my haunches in front of her, and with a smile on her face she reached out and put her hand on the back of my head.  She pulled my head towards hers and I instinctively closed my eyes as our faces got close.

Then our lips touched, and it was the most electric moment of my young life.  Her lips were soft and warm, and to this day I think this was the best kiss I've ever had in my entire life.  Maybe it was because it was my first kiss, I don't know, but in any event it literally took my breath away.  I guess the kiss lasted four, maybe five seconds, and when it was over my heart was pounding in my chest like a jackhammer.  I sat back on my haunches again and just looked at her; she was smiling and giggled just a bit at my reaction.  Then she got up from the bed and was gone, going into the living room where my sister was doing whatever, I don't know.  I just sat there, trying to process what had just happened.

And that was it.  Lenora and I never kissed again, nor did we ever talk about it.  To be honest I don't recall ever having another conversation with her about anything, much less that kiss.  I would see her in the halls at Highland Springs High School when I entered the 9th grade a few years later, but that was it.

To this day "Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn and Jones Ltd" is my favorite Monkees album, because that's the one that was playing when I had my first kiss.  And I'm pretty sure that Lenora is the reason I have always had an affinity for redheads.

So Lenora, if you're out there and you happen to read this, thank you.

Deo Vindice


Friday, October 8, 2021

Let's Go, Brandon!


I've heard and seen a lot of silly and downright stupid things in my life, but this whole "Let's Go Brandon" thing and Mein Fuhrer's reaction to it takes the cake.

In the first place, nobody except a libtard snowflake who is completely out of touch with reality would think the crowd at the NASCAR race was chanting "Let's Go, Brandon!"  I mean, really, was that ESPN reporter THAT stupid?  The answer is yes, obviously, and I'm sure by now she's regretting starting the whole thing.  Or maybe not, since she was stupid enough to start it to begin with.

But what really astounds and stupefies me is Mein Fuhrer's reaction to it all.  He visited Michigan a couple of days ago, and while he was giving his speech to a huge crowd of about a dozen people, he made a remark about how popular he was.  He said that "81 million people voted for me," and then he said that "with the exception of a few signs I saw on the way in" that everyone fuckin' loved him.  

Never mind that ALL of the DOZENS of signs he saw along his motorcade route were ALL anti-Biden; never mind that the crowd was chanting "FUCK JOE BIDEN!" every inch of the way.  No, never mind all that - 81 million people voted for him, so he MUST be the most popular President ever, right?

Well, that's not what all of the polls are saying.  Even the polls that are run and controlled by liberals are showing that he's the most unpopular President in our history with the lowest approval rate this early in a term ever, and that the approval rate is dropping with each passing day.

Never mind all that.  Never mind the truth.  "Creepy Joe" is living in a fantasy world, and he has no intentions of leaving it.

In the mean time we are stuck with an incompetent, doddering old fool as the leader of the free world, the leader of what was the most powerful nation on the planet, all thanks to the Demoncrats who stole the election and installed this buffoon in the White House.

Yes, stole the election.  You will NEVER convince me that the election wasn't stolen.  NEVER.  So don't try.

I'm just going to sit tight and wait for the 2024 elections, hoping and praying that our country can hold out until Trump is elected once more.

And in the mean time, I'm going to continue to gear up and then going to to practice.  Practice, practice, practice.

Deo Vindice


Thursday, October 7, 2021

Fake White House For A Fake President


So last week the Biden Reich released a photograph of Mein Fuhrer getting his COVID booster shot, and of course the libtard news media fell all over it, giving it as wide a publication as possible.  Their intent, as was the intent of the Biden Reich, was to mislead the public into thinking that if Mein Fuhrer could get the jab, so could you - and that you should.  This photo of him getting the jab in the White House should be the proof of that.

Only this whole thing is FAKE.  The photo was staged, and it wasn't in the White House - it was in a SET constructed in an administration building across the street from the White House, and this photo is proof.  Hell, we don't even know if the woman giving Mein Fuhrer his shot was even a real nurse, nor do we know what was in the syringe.  It could have been nothing more than a saline solution for all we know.  Considering the facts that this whole thing was staged on a set combined with the recent news articles and pictures of the Demoncrats saying they don't wear the mask unless a Republican is around, and they only put them on before they step in front of the cameras, why should we believe ANYTHING that the Biden Reich says?  Even his Minister of Propaganda, Jen Psaki, is having a hard time explaining what's going on.  

So the question is this:  can we trust this administration and the sitting President on ANYTHING?

My answer is NO.  Biden has done absolutely nothing to instill any kind of confidence in him or his administration since the moment he took office.  The very first thing he did was rescind 57 Executive Orders that Trump had issued, killing the pipeline and the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of jobs that went along with it, making us dependent on foreign oil once again which immediately - and I mean THAT DAY - raised gasoline prices back up to NObama-era levels, drove inflation through the roof and increased unemployment.  And now he's threatened to withhold medical care for veterans - VETERANS, mind you - that haven't gotten the jab, plus he's threatened to have the DOJ go after parents who oppose school boards that want to teach the racist CRT agenda in schools.  This last one, by the way, breaks yet another campaign promise that Mein Fuhrer made, that being he wouldn't politicize the DOJ during his reign.  He's broke several campaign promises in the past 9 months, and this is just the latest one.

The fact is, we have a fake President.  Nothing about this man is real, except his dementia and incompetence.  He's a puppet, a tool of the Demoncratic party who is really in charge, and together these clowns have done more damage to our country in the past 9 months than any sitting President has ever done combined.  He is the new holder of the title "WORST PRESIDENT EVER," and I don't think it's going to get any better.

So in the mean time I'm continuing to gear up, keeping my ear to the ground and praying that what I think is gonna happen won't happen.

Deo Vindice


Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Something's Rotten In Denmark - or Facebook, Rather


So I was relaxing last night after getting home from work, looking at some videos on Tik Tok when I saw one that really - and I mean REALLY - got my attention.  And when I finished watching it I said to myself, "Why in the hell didn't that occur to me before now?"

The video was a woman pointing out the FACT that the day before a whistleblower was going to testify and give evidence against Facebook on how it manipulated its information in favor of the libtards and restricting information about conservatives prior to the last election and then changed it back after the election was over, everything that Herr Zuckerberg owns and controls went totally dark on a global scale.

Not just in the United States, mind you, but across the entire globe.  World-fucking-wide.  Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram all went dark for the better part of the day.  And throughout it all, there wasn't a peep heard from Herr Zuckerberg or his minions.  No apology for the outage, no statement about it, no "we're working hard on it" or anything like it.  There was NOTHING, as if someone (a lawyer most likely) had told Zuckerberg that the best thing to do was to keep his mouth shut and say nothing.

So the Zuckerberg Reich was out for most of the day, and I'm 100% sure that during that time period Herr Zuckerberg had his staff dump anything and everything from their servers and files that could be used against them and show that the whistleblower was telling the truth.  And whoever advised him (the lawyer again) to do this picked the perfect time to do it.  They did it BEFORE any court ruling prohibiting such action or demanding the preservation of evidence was issued, so there's literally nothing that anyone can do about the massive information/data dump that was just executed.

And there is absolutely NO doubt in my mind that a data dump is exactly what took place.  Herr Zuckerberg is a libtard snowflake through and through, and he'll do anything to support his fellow libtards and their mission to destroy our country.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, I'm not a fan of Herr Zuckerberg, and I totally hate Facebook.  The ONLY reason I use it is to keep in touch with my Masonic brothers and my MC; if not for that, I'd drop Facebook like the smelly, disgusting turd that it truly is.

Personally, I can't wait to see what happens next.  But whatever happens, you can be sure of one thing:  when the Facebook servers are examined by the authorities, they're not gonna find a damned thing except the markers that showed a massive data dump.  And because said dump took place before any court order prohibiting it was issued, Zuckerberg will get away scot free.

When the Karma bus finally comes for this little asshole (and it will), it's gonna be epic.

Deo Vindice


Monday, October 4, 2021

And The Truth Is...

It may be an inconvenient truth, but it's still the truth nonetheless.

The fact is that no matter what we do, no matter what "preventive" steps we may take, no matter how hard we try, COVID 19 has taken up permanent residence in our world and cannot be eradicated - just like the flu.  The ONLY thing we can do is try to come up with a vaccine that is effective against it without killing the people who take it, and that's something that is going to take time to develop.  And when the final vaccination is created, it needs to be VOLUNTARY just like the flu shot is now. 

In the mean time, there are several things I think we as a race of human beings need to do.  First and foremost, we need to come to terms with what I just said - that COVID 19 is here to stay, and will forever be a part of our lives just like the flu.  Right behind that we need to come to terms with the SCIENTIFIC FACT (and I mean REAL science, not the libtard version) that COVID 19, while much more contagious than the flu, has a HIGHER SURVIVAL RATE than the flu.  

In plain English, you stand a better chance of dying from the flu than you do of dying from COVID 19.

The second thing we need to do is throw every single mask of every single kind or type right in the trash because masks don't work.  Then we need to stop all this "social distancing" bullshit because that doesn't work either.

And the last thing we need to do is the most important of all:  we need to start living our lives just as we did before this whole bullshit pandemic crap got started.  We need to get out of the house, go to parties, socialize, dance again, go to ball games go to the movies, stop all this preventive social distancing and mask wearing nonsense and start living again.

 As I said in my post yesterday, life is short and every day is a gift, so we should take full advantage of every day that God gives us - and I, for one, don't plan on living the rest of my life in fear of something that is less dangerous than the flu.

So just what are you going to do with the rest of your life?  Are you going to use the gift that God gave you and go out there and live, or are you going to continue to waste your time here on Earth by restricting your life and your activities according to the bullshit edicts from the libtards currently in power?

OH, and in case you haven't figured it out yet, it's not about keeping you safe, and it never has been.  It's all about POWER and CONTROL, and maintaining that control over us for as long as possible.

Until November 2024, that is.  That's when things are really gonna change.

Deo Vindice


Sunday, October 3, 2021

My Daily Gift

So I was sitting here at the computer trying to decide what I was going to write about today, with at least three topics coming to mind right away.  And then, without warning, a fourth topic popped into my mind and it immediately became apparent that this is what I was going to write about.  

And here it is.  It's a far cry from what I've posted in the past few weeks since I started blogging again, so prepare yourself.  (The meme should have been a dead giveaway.)

There have been a lot of things that have happened to me in the course of my 64 trips around the sun that have had in impact on my life, but they all pale in comparison to the one thing that has impacted my life the most and made such a significant impact on me and my way of thinking.

That one thing was the passing of my father in March.  This is easily the most significant thing that has ever happened to me, and it has had a profound effect on me, my way of looking at things, and my life in general.

I consider myself very lucky to have had both of my parents until I was 64 years old.  My father lost his mother when he was 35, and he lost his father seven years later.  (My mother was never close to her mother and her step-father, and their passing was more of a relief than it was a tragedy.  And that's all I have to say about that.)  But I was blessed enough to have my father until I was 64, and my mother is still truckin' right along at 90 years of age, bless her heart.

My father's passing brought my own mortality screaming up at me, stopping right in my face and causing me to think about my life, how I was running it, how I could improve, and how I could make the best of each day.  Since that moment I have come to appreciate life more, and I realize now more than ever that each day we have on this blue ball we call home is a gift from God, and that we should take advantage of that gift and use it as best we can.  And I really do try to do that, I really do.

I brought this blog back to life because I needed a place - a safe place - to vent my frustrations on the events taking place in our country, and so far it's served its purpose very well.  (The Facebook Nazis can't get me here!)  But there's more to this blog than I've shown so far; there's more that I can use it for, and I have done that in the past.  Now it's time to do that again.

There's more to me than just the negative I've posted here so far.  I wake up each morning thankful that I did, knowing that God has given me another day on Earth to do with as I wish, and that I need to make the best of it.  I'm thankful for every moment I have, and I realize that the day is indeed a gift from God.

I'm thankful for my life and the friends I have in it.  I'm especially thankful for my friends who have taken the time and made the effort to get to know me, to move past the stern, brusque exterior mask (because that's what it is, a mask) and get to know the person behind it.  Those people have found that I am a true friend in every sense of the word, and I want them to know that I appreciate what they have done for me and that I'm very thankful for that.

I'm not the asshole some may think I am, and if you took a moment or two to try and get past my mask you'd see that.

But I'm thankful for those of you who have, and I will forever be your friend.  I'll also always be thankful for each and ever day God gives me, and every night before I go to sleep I tell Him so.  I thank Him for the day He gave me and express my hope that He gives me another.  I ask for His protection and blessings for the friends and family in my life, including those with whom my relationship is somewhat less than cordial or friendly.  Then I go to sleep, and I sleep very well.

Like the meme says, every day is a gift, and that's why they call it 'the present.'  I cherish each day on this planet and my friends who share it with me, and I try to make the best of each day.  And today is no different.

So let me ask you:  what will you do with your day today?

Deo Vindice


Saturday, October 2, 2021

The Warning Has Come True

When our nation was founded, there were only two things that the Founding Fathers warned us about.  The first was the creation and maintaining of a 'standing army,' meaning an army that the government would maintain and control.  Many of the Founding Fathers wanted to use the militia concept instead of a standing army out of the fear that said army would one day be used to inflict the will of the government on an unwilling populace.  Here are some quotes on it, and I think you'll be surprised at who said them:

"A standing army is one of the greatest mischiefs that can possibly happen."  James Madison*

"Standing armies are dangerous to liberty."  Alexander Hamilton*

"None but an armed nation can dispense with a standing army."  Thomas Jefferson*

"Always remember that an armed and trained militia is the firmest bulwark of republics - that without standing armies their liberty can never be in danger, nor with large ones safe."  James Madison*

The other thing they warned us about was the kind of government that would forget that they serve the people and not the other way around and would start ruling in a tyrannical manner, forcing their ideas on the populace and acting for their own interests and good instead of the interest and good of the people.

That, friends and neighbors, is exactly the kind of government we have now.  And if you don't think that's true, then let me throw this at you:  just this week Mein Fuhrer ("Creepy Joe") gave the directive that members of the US Armed Forces who refuse to take the jab be DISHONORABLY DISCHARGED from the branch of service they are in.  Never mind what kind of career this person has had or all of the good he/she has done, forget all of that.  If they refuse Mein Fuhrer's vaccine mandate, they're out on their ass.  

So how is this significant, you may ask?  Simple.  Once all of those servicemembers who refuse to kow tow to Mein Fuhrer and obey him without question are gone, what will be left are minions who agree with him and who will do whatever he says without question or hesitation - and that would include a directive to take armed actions against the American people.  

And at THAT point it's going to get bloody, because that's when people like me will put on their old combat boots, break out the home defense gear and the AR15s, and fight back.  

Personally I never thought this day would come, but as more and more time goes by I'm convinced that the tyrannical rule of Mein Fuhrer and his mindless minions are bring us swiftly to that day.  And when (should) that day come, I'll be ready for it.  I put my life on the line for the country I love for 23 years and was willing to die for it, and nothing has changed.  The oath I took to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States has no expiration date, and I plan on keeping that oath.

The only question is, who's with me?

Deo Vindice


*All quotes are from ' Fathers Quotes on Standing Armies and Quartering Troops in the Third Amendment