One man's view of local and world events unfolding around him as seen from middle-class America.
Thursday, September 30, 2021
So It's Not Just Me
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
The Tyrant In The Oval Office
Deo Vindice
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
More Libtard Nonsense
Sunday, September 26, 2021
History Is Repeating Itself
Friday, September 24, 2021
Another Reason Not To Live In Australia
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Gunfight Rules Explained
Over the past week or so I've been publishing "Today's Gunfight Rule" on my Facebook page. I wish I could take credit for all of them but I can't, as a large part of them come from Clint Smith, the owner/operator of the Thunder Ranch tactical/self defense weapons training school in Oregon. Clint is a legend in the tactical/defensive gunfighting world, and deservedly so. This is one smart man, and if you want an example of that then just check out his videos on YouTube.
In any event, I thought it might be a good idea to go over the rules I posted as a couple of them aren't real clear to those who are not trained in the handling of weapons. So here are all of "Ray's Gunfight Rules" at one time with explanations as I feel necessary.
A. NEVER BRING A KNIFE TO A GUNFIGHT. Do I really need to explain this?
B. AVOID A GUNFIGHT IF POSSIBLE. IF NOT, SHOOT TO WIN, NOT WOUND. This isn't "Call of Duty" and the other guy isn't shooting to wound you, he's shooting to kill you. Don't let him.
C. KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ‘COVER’ AND ‘CONCEALMENT.’ 'Cover' protects you from getting shot; 'concealment' only prevents you from being seen. Bushes are NOT 'cover.'
If you’re not going to shoot, then don’t draw. Self-explanatory.
E. SHOOT UNTIL THE THREAT IS ELIMINATED. IF YOU HAVE TO RELOAD, THEN RELOAD AND KEEP SHOOTING. 'Eliminated' means that the bad guy isn't shooting back anymore.
THING AS TOO MUCH AMMO. I've never heard anyone who was involved in a gunfight complain that they had too much ammo.
POINT, THE OTHER GUY WINS. That's why there's no such thing as too much ammo.
H. SHOOT FROM AROUND YOUR COVER, NOT OVER IT. The bad guys will be expecting you to pop up over your cover and shoot because that's how they do it in the movies, and they'll be ready for it. This ain't the movies, and shooting over your cover is a good way to catch a bullet in the face. Catch them by surprise and ruin their day by shooting around your cover instead of over it.
THE SECOND BAD GUY. Most bad guys are cowards at heart, and cowards never travel alone.
SHOOTING STOPS, LOUDLY CALL OUT “CALL AN AMBULANCE!” If you end up in court after shooting your assailant (which you will when the dead bad guy's family sues you for 'Wrongful Death') this statement will be placed into evidence. This is your proof that you did not intend to kill the bad guy and just may prevent you from being convicted of murder.
TRAINED ON THE TARGET UNTIL THE POLICE ARRIVE, EVEN IF HE’S NOT MOVING. Never assume that the bad guy is dead just because he's down and is not moving. Ever heard of body armor?
L. As soon as the
police arrive, put your weapon down and raise your hands. Do not move unless told to do so. You don't want to be the next one to get shot.
MY LIFE (This justifies your use of deadly force)
ARRESTED (This identifies who the bad guy is)
c. I WANT TO SPEAK WITH MY ATTORNEy (This prevents the cops from questioning you further)
N. After making the
preceding statements, shut the fuck up!
Repeat ‘c’ if you are asked any further questions. The cops are there to investigate the incident, and they will write down and report anything and everything that anyone says, especially you. I can't tell you how many times I've had someone talk themselves into getting arrested.
O. Make no written statements until you have consulted an attorney. SIGN nothing. "Nothing" means just that - NOTHING.
And there you have it - "Ray's Gunfight Rules" with explanations all in the same place.
Stay safe, keep calm, and carry concealed.
Deo Vindice
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Our Biggest Threat
I wish I couldn't say this and be correct, but unfortunately I can't. I truly and honestly believe that the single biggest threat to our Constitutional Republic is the Demoncratic party. I've felt this way for several years now, and the events of the past 7 months have proven me correct. Just take a look at what's taking place in our country right now, all thanks to the libtards and the Demoncratic party:
We have a President who is senile and can't form a sentence on his own. He doesn't hold press conferences and answer questions because his controllers are afraid of what he'll say without a script.
Our nation has lost all respect in the eyes of our allies. They know we have a senile old fool for a President, and they no longer consider us an asset. But more importantly, our enemies no longer consider us a threat. They no longer fear us, and that is going to have some dire consequences in the not-too-distant future.
Inflation is out of control.
Gas prices are out of control. Once upon a time I was the first one to say that the President has no control over gas prices, but I don't believe that anymore. When "Creepy Joe" stopped all work on the pipeline and started importing oil from Russia (something Trump put a stop to), we once again became dependent on foreign oil and the prices jumped accordingly.
Our nation is no longer energy independent. When Donald Trump was in office, our nation was energy independent. We didn't import oil from Russia or anyone else, and the prices dropped accordingly. Under the Biden administration we are once again importing foreign oil and we are no longer energy independent.
There is a virtual flood of illegal immigrants coming into the country via our Southern border. And the person "Creepy Joe" put in charge of handling the border crisis, Kamala "The Ho" Harris, has only visited the border once and has done nothing to stop the influx of illegals entering our country.
The party of "My body, my choice" has now become the party of "My way or the highway" in their insistence that everyone get the jab. Hypocrisy at its very best.
Unemployment is up. Businesses are closing at a record rate, all thanks to the never-ending mask mandates and restrictions put in place by the Biden administration.
Mask mandates continue to strangle our society, regardless of the science that has shown that masks don't work. Everyone has to wear a mask - unless you're a member of Congress, a member of the Biden administration, or a celebrity. More libtard hypocrisy.
And the really sad thing is that I don't see it getting any better any time soon. The reality is that I see it getting much worse before it even starts to get better.
Once upon a time I was the first one to stand up and say that all of these "doomsday preppers" and militia members and folks who were preparing to fight the federal government were nothing but crackpots, nutjobs, and conspiracy theorists gone wild. But not anymore. I now firmly believe that two things are happening: the Federal government is getting ready to once again use force to impose its will on an unwilling populace, and the unwilling populace is making preparations to resist with equal force.
And I'm one of them. For the first time in my life I feel it's time to start gearing up and get ready for the coming fight, and I'm doing just that. I'm well on the way towards completing my personal tactical defense setup; all I lack is a couple of items for my first aid kit, two pistol magazines, and ammunition for my 9mm Beretta and my PSA AR-15. Everything else is set and ready to go.
I hope I'm wrong about what's coming, I really do. As for what's going on with our country and the band of irrational, treasonous idiots running it - well, I just don't know. I know that sooner or later things will get sorted out and we'll get our country back on track again; the only question is how long will that take.
And how much blood will have to be shed to make it happen.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson in a letter to William Stephens Smith, the son-in-law of John Quincy Adams.
Here's a link to the complete letter: The tree of liberty... (Quotation) | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello
Pray for our nation and our people.
Deo Vindice
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Asshole Of The Decade
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Demoncratic Hypocrisy At Its Very Worst
If you want to know why I don't trust, believe, or follow ANYTHING that ANY Demoncratic "leader" tells me, here it is. These people preach MASK, MASK, MASK all day every day, shutting down businesses, parks, restaurants, and basically the whole country and ruin the economy, then they turn right around and ignore the very rules that they put out for the rest of us.
Need another example? Here it is: the latest "madate" by Mein Fuhrer Biden that everyone has to get vaccinated or they can't come to work applies to everyone except members of Congress and his Administration. Truth be told, EVERY Executive Order that Mein Fuhrer has put out in regards to restrictions or requirements of any kind has exempted members of Congress and his Administration.
And I don't want to hear any shit from you libtards out there that "Trump did the same thing!" because Trump isn't President anymore - "Creepy Joe" Biden is. One of these days you snowflakes are gonna realize that you can't blame anything on Trump anymore, but I'm not holding my breath.
If you thought I had no confidence in the NObama Presidency and administration, all I can say is that pales in comparison to my feelings about Mein Fuhrer and his band of merry morons and idiots. I have never in my life seen a sitting President do as much damage to our nation in every possible way as has taken place since January 26th when this senile, doddering old fool was sworn in. The economy is in tatters, inflation is out of control, the price of gas has skyrocketed, illegal immigrants are flooding into our country and placing more of a burden on our already-overloaded support system, terrorists now own and control all of Afghanistan, and our nation is once again regarded with disgust, distrust, and loathing by our allies and enemies alike.
It is my personal opinion that Mein Fuhrer should be impeached at once; either that, or be removed from office via the 25th Amendment because I firmly believe that he is mentally unstable and incapable of carrying out the duties of his office. I also believe that as Commander In Chief of our Armed Forces, he should be arrested, brought up on charges of Treason, and courts-martialed for his abandoning of Afghanistan. Unfortunately, neither the Uniform Code of Military Justice or the Constitution of the United States allows us to do this, so I'll settle for either impeachment or removal via the 25th Amendment.
The only question now is just how much more damage can this clown do before he's removed?
I shudder to think of what's ahead. Let me put it this way: I'm gearing up in preparation for the day when the patriots in this nation stand up and say, 'ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!' I never, NEVER thought the day would come when I would even so much as consider doing it, but that day is here.
God save us and our nation.
Deo Vindice
Monday, September 13, 2021
A Stolen Election and An Illegal Presidency
I'm going to start off by stating the obvious: "Creepy Joe" Biden's Presidency is as illegal as the hundreds of thousands of immigrants he is allowing to flood our country through the southern border. Not only does common sense dictate this, so do the facts. So let's take a look at them, shall we?
One thing about the election: it was stolen. It was illegal as hell. The Demoncrats planned and plotted this one for YEARS, and they pulled it off. And it all started with the Demoncratic primaries.
There's NO WAY you're gonna tell me that "Creepy Joe" Biden is the best the Demoncrats had to offer and have me believe it. Nope, not gonna happen. They rigged the election and drove Bernie Sanders - the only real competitor Biden had - off, handing the nomination to "Creepy Joe." And they did this not because Biden is the best they had, but because he was the most controllable. They knew that any other candidate, especially Sanders, would not go along with everything they wanted to do, so they picked Biden - a senile old fool with early onset dementia, the only one they knew they could control without question.
And they did the same thing in the national election. You absolutely will NOT convince me EVER that a man who basically campaigned from his basement, who had less than a hundred people show up at the very few rallies he did hold, and who almost never released any statement during the election got more votes than any candidate in our country's history.
He got those votes for one reason: the Demoncratic party rigged the election, from hacking into the voting machines to submitting fraudulent mail-in ballots. You are NOT gonna convince me EVER that at three o'clock in the morning when there's no one else around but other Demoncrat poll workers that one of the workers produces a box with 143,000 mail-in ballots in it, and every single one of them is for Joe Biden. That is realistically impossible, and everyone knows it. Additionally, there was one state that actually counted more mail-in ballots than they sent out! Impossible, right? Common sense would say so. But the Demoncrats did it and got away with it in no less than three states - and how did they do this?
Simple. The media is controlled by the libtard left and the Demoncratic party. You never heard about it because CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and NBC never told you. And they never told you because they're all libtard leftist "news" outlets controlled by the libtard left. If you control what the public is told you'll control what they believe, and when you control what they believe then you control THEM. Adolf Hitler proved this in the 1930's, and the Demoncratic party is proving it again now.
So where are all of these 81 MILLION Americans who allegedly voted for this senile, doddering old fool who is now sitting in the Oval Office?
They certainly aren't at college football games, that's for sure. There have been at least FOUR instances of the college students at the games chanting 'FUCK JOE BIDEN' during the games.
And they aren't lining the streets when the Presidential motorcade passes by. What you see instead is HUNDREDS of loyal Trump supporters waving Trump flags, shouting 'FUCK JOE BIDEN' and giving the motorcade the middle finger as it passes by.
They're also turning their backs on him, stopping their work to do so as the motorcade passes.
When Trump was President you saw plenty of news stories about anti-Trump people making noise, shouting slogan, and holding up signs. You also saw them burning down building, looting stores, and destroying police cars as well, but they were able to get away with that for the same reason the Demoncrats were able to get away with stealing the election - the news media didn't report it in a negative light, if they reported it at all. And in the stories they did report, once you got a look at the pink haired, nose pierced, Goth makeup wearing, pink vagina hat crowd making all the noise, you quickly discounted anything they may say or do because you realized right away that these people were crazier than a shithouse rat and nuttier than a fruitcake.
But what you see now is vastly different. You see THOUSANDS of college kids shouting 'FUCK JOE BIDEN' at football games. You see HUNDREDS of people giving him the finger as his motorcade passes by, also shouting 'FUCK JOE BIDEN.' You see HUNDREDS of Trump flags being flown all across the nation, a lot of them in tandem with flags that say 'BIDEN SUCKS.' What you see is the largest mass of protests ever witnessed in our nation, even bigger and greater than the protests against Richard Nixon and the Viet Nam war in the '60s and '70s.
And what do you see from these 81 MILLION people who voted for Biden?
Nothing. You don't see a damned thing, and for one reason: THEY DON'T EXIST. THEY NEVER DID.
The election was stolen. It was a fraud, the biggest fraud ever perpetrated in our country and on our people. The Biden Presidency is illegal, and he has quickly proven himself to be totally incapable of performing his duties and has quickly seized the title of worst President this country has ever had, bypassing Barack NObama with ease. I firmly believe that the man is in early onset dementia, and is mentally incapable of holding office.
But before that, I firmly believe that the election was stolen, and that the votes need to be recounted followed by the inauguration of the man who really won the election - Donald J. Trump.
In closing, just let me say this: FUCK JOE BIDEN.
Deo Vindice
Sunday, September 12, 2021
Saturday, September 11, 2021
Never Forget
Twenty years later, the memories are still fresh and the tears still flow whenever I think about this terrible, horrific day. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the loved ones lost.
Never Forget. Never Forgive. NEVER.