One man's view of local and world events unfolding around him as seen from middle-class America.
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Another Day, Another Lie
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Another Campaign Promise Broken
And the newest one is that Mein Fuhrer has announced that he won't be eliminating student loan debt as he promised during the campaign last year. I must say that while I'm not surprised he's breaking yet another promise, I will also say that I'm happy about this one because it'll be one less thing that I have to pay for without reaping any of the benefits.
For the life of me, I cannot understand why anyone with an ounce of common sense would think it's a good idea to either pass off all student debt to the taxpayers, or just wipe the slate clean and eliminate the debt entirely without anyone repaying it.
If you make the taxpayers assume the debt, that's unfair and just plain stupid across the board. That's like my neighbor going out and buying a new car and having them send the payment invoice to me. Makes NO sense whatsoever, and it boggles my mind that there are people out there who actually think this is a good idea - the ones with the student debt, that is. You know, the ones that don't realize THEY will be paying off the debt, too? Yeah, them.
Goes to show that you can have a PhD on your wall and still be as stupid as a box of hammers.
Wiping the slate clean and simply eliminating the debt is even more of a bad idea. That puts colleges on the hook for the money and will immediately create a huge deficit in their budget, and just how do you think they're going to make up for it? Why, they're going to raise tuition, of course! Yet another way to make someone else pay for the liberal's mistake.
I'll be the first to say that yes, the price of a college education is way too high - but I'll also be the first to say that I understand why, even though I don't agree with it. There are ways, I'm sure, to reduce the cost of going to college, and it should be incumbent on the educational institutions to find a way to do it without placing any of the burden on us.
So in this particular instance, I'm not surprised to see that Mein Fuhrer has broken his word yet again, but I'm also glad for my sake that he did. After all, who knows what this buffoon is gonna do to screw things up tomorrow?
Deo Vindice
Sunday, December 19, 2021
And The Mind Games Continue
The plan itself is brilliantly simple, and it goes like this: they first weaponize fear around an invisible threat. Then they tell you that they are the only ones who have the special equipment to see or measure that invisible threat. Then they use your fear-induced mind like a yo-yo, to control you and make you dance like a circus monkey, based on threats that never existed in the first place. And when the fear starts to fade and they start to lose control, they come up with a new variant of the same non-existent threat to regain control. That tactic works for a while, but after being used several times with the dreaded and predicted disastrous results never materializing, even that tactic loses its effectiveness.
And that's when the control tactic switches from intimidation through fear to intimidation through deprivation. They tell you that they can't legally make you do anything (like wear a stupid mask or get a vaccination), but what they can do is deprive you of the things you want and need to force you to give in and do what they want. That's where we're at now, and the city of New York is leading the way. You can't even eat in a restaurant there now unless you carry and show your vaccination record with you.
Does that tactic sound familiar? "Papers, please!" Where have we heard that one before? (And for all of you who were born after 1990 when they stopped teaching this in school, the answer is Nazi Germany.)
They never intended to give our country back to us. Their plan all along has been to slowly erode our rights by forcing us to give them up willingly in order to survive, eventually shaping the country into something that they can permanently control after having subjugated the people. Of course, this will also include us giving up our Second Amendment rights.
And if you think that's BS, then just look at what the Demoncrat Governor of California just did - he introduced legislation to increase funding for the police to "combat crime," but a part of that legislation includes money for a massive weapons buyback program. It's only a matter of time before the Demoncrats in Congress and their puppet President do the same thing.
This is not the same country I grew up in and defended with my life for 23 years, and it's not the country I plan to spend the rest of my life in. Sooner or later all nefarious subjugation plans like this one fall apart, and this one will do the same. I'm just sitting here patiently waiting for that day to arrive.
And I'm guessing it's gonna arrive on the second Tuesday of November, 2024 when Donald J. Trump is re-elected President of the United States.
Time will tell. I just hope we can hang on until then.
Deo Vindice
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
It's Time for a New Constitutional Amendment
Thursday, December 9, 2021
"The Man in the High Castle"
Thursday, December 2, 2021
A Nation In Shambles
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Hypocrite In Chief
Monday, November 22, 2021
The Day America Died
Today marks the 58th Anniversary of the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, an event that has been shrouded in more mystery, unanswered questions, speculation, innuendo, rumors, and conspiracy theories than any other event in American history.
I prefer to think of it as The Day America Died.
JFK was a bright, shining star in American politics, the youngest President ever to take office, and was well on the way to making America the superpower that it is today (or was before January 26th of this year, anyway). He was a member of the New England Elite, coming from a family that was rich in both monetary means and political power. His father was a member of Congress, he himself had served in Congress, and his brother Robert was appointed Attorney General and would later run for President (and be assassinated himself). He and his brother were on a mission to build up America and free it from the powerful grip of organized crime, and needless to say they made many powerful domestic enemies along the way both on and off of Capitol Hill.
Some believe that it was these powerful domestic enemies that were behind the assassination, while some believe that it was Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone. Some think there was more than one shooter, and some think that Oswald was the only one shooting. The sad thing is we'll never know, because the US Government sealed hundreds of thousands of pages of information on the assassination, originally locking it away for 50 years after which all of the people named in the documents would be dead. But in 1992 the US Congress passed a law which required some of the documents to be released and the rest to be gathered and stored out of public view, stating that only the President of the United States could order their release. Several Presidents have done just that since then, releasing some of the documents, but they have also delayed the full release of ALL documents for "reasons of national security."
Except for Mein Fuhrer, who said that the delay was caused by the "COVID 19 pandemic." (What a fuckin' clown.)
When I was in Korea in 1989 I went to the base library and checked out two books, those books being "The Warren Commission Report" and "Three Days In Dallas." I read both of them and came to two conclusions: first, the Warren Commission Report is a fairy tale at best, and the members of the commission were obviously trying frantically to cover something up. And second, there was more than one active shooter, with the fatal shot being fired from the grassy knoll.
I have also seen the Zapruder film in its entirety, and in my mind this provides the irrefutable evidence that the fatal shot did indeed come from the grassy knoll - which means there were at least two shooters.
All I know is that on that fateful November day in Dallas a great man was killed, and the course of our country was forever changed - and not for the better. I often sit back and wonder just how different this country would be if JFK had not been assassinated. He surely would have run for a second term, and I'm quite sure he would have won. The events in Viet Nam would absolutely have turned out differently as JFK was a military man and understood how warfare needed to be conducted. I don't think he would have let the politicians run the war the way LBJ did, but we'll never know.
Things were going so well for Kennedy and his Administration that his time in office was referred to as "Camelot," the magical kingdom glorified in the hit musical of the time, and things in the United States were going just as well as were things in the fictional Camelot.
Then someone killed the King, and America died along with him.
Rest in peace, Jack. You are loved, remembered, and missed.
Deo Vindice
Saturday, November 20, 2021
Justice In Kenosha
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
What I Believe: Kyle Rittenhouse
So if you haven't figured it out yet (the opening meme is a BIG clue), I'm 100% behind Kyle Rittenhouse. I think he's a patriot, a hero, and one hell of a gutsy guy which is the exact opposite of what the libtard "news" media is portraying him and wants you to think.
I also think that the trial is a farce and a travesty of American justice. I'm more than thrilled that the case is going VERY badly for the prosecution, and laughed my ass off when their own witness - one of the thugs that Kyle shot - admitted during his testimony that HE was armed, and that HE had pointed his gun at Kyle who then shot his dumb ass.
Let's take a look at some pictures of the actual event and let THEM tell the story, shall we?
Saturday, November 13, 2021
It's Never THEIR Fault
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
It's Time For A Change
Or does he have to take a leak in Doulton Fountain first?
Deo Vindice