Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Another Day, Another Lie

Just when you think the lies can't get any worse, they do.  The only thing this sorry, incompetent fool of a President can do on a regular basis is lie, and he's getting quite good at it.

Last week it was breaking his promise to eliminate student debt (which anyone with an ounce of common sense knew was a mistake to begin with); this week it's about his much vaunted and bragged about campaign promise to resolve the COVID issue.  This clown told the nation during the debates that he had a plan to handle the pandemic, and if elected he would implement that plan and take care of it.

Well, as we all knew, that was nothing but a lie.  Truth be told, this clown doesn't have a plan at all, and I don't think he ever did.  He got on a televised conference call with all of the state's governors two days ago and told them that the COVID crisis was not going to be solved by the federal government but instead was something that the individual states would have to solve.

Another day, another lie.

At this point I would have to seriously question the judgement of ANYONE who supports this buffoon and who thinks he's doing a good job.  He has the lowest approval rating of any president in our nation's history (even lower than Jimmy "Mr. Peanut" Carter, which I didn't think possible), he has lost the respect of virtually all of our allies and their leaders, and is seen around the world as a clown, a buffoon, and an incompetent old man who is roundly and regularly ridiculed in the foreign press.

And our nation sits on its hands and does nothing about it.  Why, you ask?  Simple.

Because the Demoncrats, the ones who installed this poor excuse of a leader, have control of the Congress.  And as long as they do, we're stuck with this idiot.

2024 can't get here fast enough.

Deo Vindice

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Another Campaign Promise Broken

But then, what else is new?  The Biden Reich has been nothing but one broken promise after another, proving that he would say - or do - anything to get elected.  

And the newest one is that Mein Fuhrer has announced that he won't be eliminating student loan debt as he promised during the campaign last year.  I must say that while I'm not surprised he's breaking yet another promise, I will also say that I'm happy about this one because it'll be one less thing that I have to pay for without reaping any of the benefits.

For the life of me, I cannot understand why anyone with an ounce of common sense would think it's a good idea to either pass off all student debt to the taxpayers, or just wipe the slate clean and eliminate the debt entirely without anyone repaying it.

If you make the taxpayers assume the debt, that's unfair and just plain stupid across the board.  That's like my neighbor going out and buying a new car and having them send the payment invoice to me.  Makes NO sense whatsoever, and it boggles my mind that there are people out there who actually think this is a good idea - the ones with the student debt, that is.  You know, the ones that don't realize THEY will be paying off the debt, too?  Yeah, them.  

Goes to show that you can have a PhD on your wall and still be as stupid as a box of hammers.

Wiping the slate clean and simply eliminating the debt is even more of a bad idea.  That puts colleges on the hook for the money and will immediately create a huge deficit in their budget, and just how do you think they're going to make up for it?  Why, they're going to raise tuition, of course!  Yet another way to make someone else pay for the liberal's mistake.

I'll be the first to say that yes, the price of a college education is way too high - but I'll also be the first to say that I understand why, even though I don't agree with it.  There are ways, I'm sure, to reduce the cost of going to college, and it should be incumbent on the educational institutions to find a way to do it without placing any of the burden on us.

So in this particular instance, I'm not surprised to see that Mein Fuhrer has broken his word yet again, but I'm also glad for my sake that he did.  After all, who knows what this buffoon is gonna do to screw things up tomorrow?

Deo Vindice



Sunday, December 19, 2021

And The Mind Games Continue

That's right, friends and neighbors, the medical term for the common cold is "coronavirus."  This whole pandemic bullshit has been just that for the past two years - bullshit.  It's been a long-planned scheme from Day One meant to do nothing but control the public and get them to do what the ruling elite (also known as the Demoncrats) wants.  

The plan itself is brilliantly simple, and it goes like this:  they first weaponize fear around an invisible threat.  Then they tell you that they are the only ones who have the special equipment to see or measure that invisible threat.  Then they use your fear-induced mind like a yo-yo, to control you and make you dance like a circus monkey, based on threats that never existed in the first place.  And when the fear starts to fade and they start to lose control, they come up with a new variant of the same non-existent threat to regain control.  That tactic works for a while, but after being used several times with the dreaded and predicted disastrous results never materializing, even that tactic loses its effectiveness.

And that's when the control tactic switches from intimidation through fear to intimidation through deprivation.  They tell you that they can't legally make you do anything (like wear a stupid mask or get a vaccination), but what they can do is deprive you of the things you want and need to force you to give in and do what they want.  That's where we're at now, and the city of New York is leading the way.  You can't even eat in a restaurant there now unless you carry and show your vaccination record with you.

Does that tactic sound familiar?  "Papers, please!"  Where have we heard that one before?  (And for all of you who were born after 1990 when they stopped teaching this in school, the answer is Nazi Germany.)

They never intended to give our country back to us.  Their plan all along has been to slowly erode our rights by forcing us to give them up willingly in order to survive, eventually shaping the country into something that they can permanently control after having subjugated the people.  Of course, this will also include us giving up our Second Amendment rights.  

And if you think that's BS, then just look at what the Demoncrat Governor of California just did - he introduced legislation to increase funding for the police to "combat crime," but a part of that legislation includes money for a massive weapons buyback program.  It's only a matter of time before the Demoncrats in Congress and their puppet President do the same thing.

This is not the same country I grew up in and defended with my life for 23 years, and it's not the country I plan to spend the rest of my life in.  Sooner or later all nefarious subjugation plans like this one fall apart, and this one will do the same.  I'm just sitting here patiently waiting for that day to arrive.

And I'm guessing it's gonna arrive on the second Tuesday of November, 2024 when Donald J. Trump is re-elected President of the United States.

Time will tell.  I just hope we can hang on until then.

Deo Vindice


Wednesday, December 15, 2021

It's Time for a New Constitutional Amendment


This one is so basic, so simple, and so "common sense" (a term which I hate using but can't pass up the chance to throw it back in the libtard's faces) that it nearly defies description.

Okay, well, it does defy description because anyone with an ounce of intelligence should understand it.  And the fact that there are people in this country who actually believe that non-American citizens should be allowed to vote in American elections at any level simply astounds me.

Yes, there are other countries that allow non-citizens to vote, with the UK and New Zealand being two of them.  In the UK you can't vote in General elections unless you're a citizen but you can vote in local elections, and it's pretty much the same way in New Zealand where you have to be a "resident" (meaning you live there permanently and are in the country LEGALLY) in order to vote.

But to be honest, I truly don't care how other countries do it because it doesn't have ANY impact on MY country.  And I am rock-solid in my belief that if you are NOT an American citizen, you absolutely should NOT be allowed to vote in ANY American election regardless of the level of said election.  If you want to vote in MY country, then you need to be an AMERICAN CITIZEN - a LEGAL American citizen.  I don't care how long you've been here or how you got here (unless you're an illegal immigrant in which case you should be deported, but that's another topic for another time), if you're here ILLEGALLY then it's time for you to LEAVE.

There's only ONE reason that the libtards are pushing this whole 'non-citizen vote' thing - they're targeting the same people who they are fighting to let stay in this country even though they're here ILLEGALLY, and they know that if they do this for the ILLEGALS then the ILLEGALS will vote Demoncratic.

It's time for a new Constitutional Amendment, and that amendment should state in very clear terms that in order to vote in any American election you must be a LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZEN.  Of course, the Demoncrats, libtards and snowflakes will never go for it, and unless it comes up for a vote when the Republicans hold the majority in both houses of Congress AND the sitting President is a Republican, it will never happen.

But then again, you never know.  Stranger things have happened.

Hope springs eternal.

Deo Vindice

Thursday, December 9, 2021

"The Man in the High Castle"


I'm currently binge-watching a "made for Amazon Prime" movie called "The Man in the High Castle," and I must say it's one of the most fascinating things I've ever seen - and I'm only 2/3 of the way through Season 2 out of 4 seasons!

The show is about life in America after the Axis Powers won WWII. The Japanese control everything west of the Rockies and the German Reich controls everything to the east, with the Rockies themselves being declared a Neutral Zone. The Japanese-controlled area is called the "Japanese Pacific States," while the German-controlled area is called the "Greater Nazi Reich."

This show is so fascinating in so many ways! It's an adaptation from the book of the same name, and all I can say is whoever brought this book to life went out of their way to make it as authentic as possible, especially in the ways that the two parts of a conquered America differ from each other.

The series takes place in 1962, and from what I've learned from the episodes I've watched so far is that the war ended in 1947 when the Germans dropped an atomic bomb on Washington DC. FDR was never President, having been assassinated when he was a candidate in 1932, and I've yet to learn who was elected President in his absence. Most of the world is under either German or Japanese control, with Nazi Germany controlling most of the West and Japan controlling most of the East and all of the Pacific. Several areas of the world are Neutral Zones such as China and parts of South America, but the rest is under either Nazi or Japanese control.

By 1962 both parts of the conquered America have been shaped and transformed into what their conquerors envision, but the differences between the two are stark indeed. The Greater Nazi Reich is neat, clean, and very well-organized to the extreme, while the Japanese Pacific States are cluttered, dirty, and unorganized in typical Asian fashion. Most of the signage in the JPS is in Japanese, while the signage in the GNR are all in English. The technology is also vastly different; at the time of WWII Germany was the world's leader in technology of all kinds, especially in automobiles and aircraft, while Japan was pretty much lagging behind the rest of the world. This is apparent in the show as the Germans who travel from Germany to the GNR do so on the German designed (and conquered-French built) Concorde jets, while the Japanese are forced to travel by steamship since they don't have jet aircraft capable of making the trip. The Japanese are, of course, jealous of German technological advances, and the Germans look down their noses at the Japanese and are looking for any reason at all to start a war with them so they can take over the entire country.

But the one thing about this series that strikes me the most is the historically accurate lessons it teaches about just how brutal, inhumane, and unbelievably cruel both the Japanese Empire and the Nazi Reich was. If any of today's generation, which for the most part hasn't been taught a damned thing about World War II, want an accurate glimpse of what that era of our world's history was like, then this is the show they need to watch.

And they should be prepared to be shocked, disgusted, and nauseated at what they're gonna see. I know I was.

Still looking forward to the rest of the show.

Deo Vindice

Thursday, December 2, 2021

A Nation In Shambles


This one picture pretty much sums it all up.  As much as the libtards and Demoncrats refuse to admit it, Donald J. Trump was one of the best Presidents this nation has had in the past 100 years, and the statistics prove it.

Trump is the ONLY President to ever fulfill every single one of his campaign promises.  Mein Fuhrer, on the other hand, has broken just about every one of his.  The only promises he's kept are the one that would have hurt America and the people, like shutting down the Keystone pipeline on the very first day of his Reich.  

The effects of the Biden Reich on the country are fast approaching "devastation" status.  NOTHING is better since he took office - absolutely NOTHING.  

Inflation is the WORST in the history of the nation.  Gas prices have skyrocketed, with gas where I live in SC being a full dollar more than they were in January, and more than a dollar higher than they were a year ago at this time.  

We were energy independent before Mein Fuhrer took over, and now we're buying more than 7 MILLION barrels of oil from Russia EVERY MONTH in order to keep the lights on.  

Small businesses by the thousands have failed since Mein Fuhrer shut everything down during the pandemic, driving unemployment up.

Our Southern border is out of control, with MILLIONS of illegal immigrants being allowed to enter the country.  

We as a nation are the laughing stock in the eyes of the world.  If you want to get an idea of just how bad we look in the eyes of the world, I suggest you watch either BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) or the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation).  Watch just about ANY of the foreign news networks, actually, and you'll see pretty much the same thing on all of them - Biden is regarded as a bumbling, incompetent old fool, and we as a nation are clowns for electing him.

As a nation, we are failing fast.  We are on a downward slide towards first socialism and then communism, and it's time to bring back the only man who can fix it.

It's time to bring back Donald J. Trump.  Too bad we have to wait 3 years to do it.  God knows what shape the country will be in by then.

Deo Vindice


Saturday, November 27, 2021

Hypocrite In Chief

"Creepy Joe" Biden is a hypocrite, and here's why:


And now, a little more than a year later, Mein Fuhrer has done the exact same thing that he decried Donald Trump for doing - he imposed travel restrictions on African nations.

My question is this:  why is it "racist" and "xenophobic" when Trump does it, but it's perfectly okay when Mein Fuhrer does it?  

The answer is simple;  "Creepy Joe" Biden is a HYPOCRITE, plain and simple.  He's a typical politician who will do or say anything that will get him elected, and once in office he'll turn around and do the exact opposite - or in this case the very thing he decried his opposition for.

So which is he - senile and stupid, or just a hypocrite?

Either way, we as a nation are well and truly fucked as long as the Demoncrats remain in power.

I have never been so disgusted with a President in my entire life.  I thought NObama was bad, but THIS clown takes the cake.  

Deo Vindice



Monday, November 22, 2021

The Day America Died

(This famous photo was taken at the moment the first shot hit Kennedy in the neck.  His face is obscured by the car's rear-view mirror, but you can see both of his hands at his neck and Jackie's gloved hand reaching out in support.  Two of the Secret Service agents are looking back in the direction where the shot came from while a third and the two Dallas police motorcycle officers are looking at Kennedy.)

Today marks the 58th Anniversary of the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, an event that has been shrouded in more mystery, unanswered questions, speculation, innuendo, rumors, and conspiracy theories than any other event in American history.

I prefer to think of it as The Day America Died.

JFK was a bright, shining star in American politics, the youngest President ever to take office, and was well on the way to making America the superpower that it is today (or was before January 26th of this year, anyway).  He was a member of the New England Elite, coming from a family that was rich in both monetary means and political power.  His father was a member of Congress, he himself had served in Congress, and his brother Robert was appointed Attorney General and would later run for President (and be assassinated himself).  He and his brother were on a mission to build up America and free it from the powerful grip of organized crime, and needless to say they made many powerful domestic enemies along the way both on and off of Capitol Hill.

Some believe that it was these powerful domestic enemies that were behind the assassination, while some believe that it was Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone.  Some think there was more than one shooter, and some think that Oswald was the only one shooting.  The sad thing is we'll never know, because the US Government sealed hundreds of thousands of pages of information on the assassination, originally locking it away for 50 years after which all of the people named in the documents would be dead.  But in 1992 the US Congress passed a law which required some of the documents to be released and the rest to be gathered and stored out of public view, stating that only the President of the United States could order their release.  Several Presidents have done just that since then, releasing some of the documents, but they have also delayed the full release of ALL documents for "reasons of national security."  

Except for Mein Fuhrer, who said that the delay was caused by the "COVID 19 pandemic."  (What a fuckin' clown.)

When I was in Korea in 1989 I went to the base library and checked out two books, those books being "The Warren Commission Report" and "Three Days In Dallas."  I read both of them and came to two conclusions:  first, the Warren Commission Report is a fairy tale at best, and the members of the commission were obviously trying frantically to cover something up.  And second, there was more than one active shooter, with the fatal shot being fired from the grassy knoll.

I have also seen the Zapruder film in its entirety, and in my mind this provides the irrefutable evidence that the fatal shot did indeed come from the grassy knoll - which means there were at least two shooters.


All I know is that on that fateful November day in Dallas a great man was killed, and the course of our country was forever changed - and not for the better.  I often sit back and wonder just how different this country would be if JFK had not been assassinated.  He surely would have run for a second term, and I'm quite sure he would have won.  The events in Viet Nam would absolutely have turned out differently as JFK was a military man and understood how warfare needed to be conducted.  I don't think he would have let the politicians run the war the way LBJ did, but we'll never know.  

Things were going so well for Kennedy and his Administration that his time in office was referred to as "Camelot," the magical kingdom glorified in the hit musical of the time, and things in the United States were going just as well as were things in the fictional Camelot.

Then someone killed the King, and America died along with him.

Rest in peace, Jack.  You are loved, remembered, and missed.

Deo Vindice


Saturday, November 20, 2021

Justice In Kenosha

Justice has prevailed in Kenosha, and liberal heads are exploding all over the country.  This young man never should have been charged in the first place, and I'm very glad to see that the jury saw through the sham prosecution and found Kyle not guilty on all charges.

The liberal heads are especially exploding all over the internet, and against my better judgement I broke a self-imposed cardinal rule yesterday and had it proven to me why I made up the rule in the first place.  The rule I broke was to NEVER get involved in a political discussion with a liberal.  The reason for this is that without fail, every single political discussion I've ever had has ended up with the liberal slinging insults and name-calling.  The conversation I was involved in on Facebook yesterday was no different, but I must say that I was disappointed that the very first comment the liberal made contained name-calling.  Usually it takes several exchanges and some facts being presented by a conservative for this to happen, but this particular liberal chose to start calling names in the very first thing he said.  

Sad.  Very sad.

I could devote the next two hours to typing out how I feel about this, why the liberals are wrong, why the trial was a sham, why he never should have been charged, etc etc, but I won't.  I don't need to.  And I don't need to for one reason - NOT GUILTY ON ALL CHARGES.

What I'm thinking now is something that Candace Owens brought up, that being what happens now?  What happens to Kyle Rittenhouse, the young man who has forever had his life changed thanks to the actions of the liberal left?  What does he do now?

What I sincerely hope he does is exactly what Candace said.  I hope he gets a lawyer, a really good one like the guy who defended the kid in DC two years ago, and devotes the rest of his life to suing every single liberal news network and every single liberal - including the current President of the United States - for the way they slandered and defamed him during this sham trial.  The precedent has already been set, so he'll win.  I sincerely hope he does this, and I hope he starts with MSNBC.

The left needs to pay attention to all of this very closely because there's a message here.  From the start, when the whole thing with Kyle started, there has been a message that I think the liberals are intentionally ignoring.  

The message is this:  we're fed up.  We're fed up with all of the liberal bullshit, we're fed up with the demonstrations that turn into riots.  We're fed up with liberals rioting, looting, burning and destroying property when they don't get their way.  We're fed up with the liberals destroying our country, and we're now starting to fight back.

And when we show up to fight back, we're showing up armed.  

You've been warned, liberals.

Deo Vindice



Tuesday, November 16, 2021

What I Believe: Kyle Rittenhouse

So if you haven't figured it out yet (the opening meme is a BIG clue), I'm 100% behind Kyle Rittenhouse.  I think he's a patriot, a hero, and one hell of a gutsy guy which is the exact opposite of what the libtard "news" media is portraying him and wants you to think.

I also think that the trial is a farce and a travesty of American justice.  I'm more than thrilled that the case is going VERY badly for the prosecution, and laughed my ass off when their own witness - one of the thugs that Kyle shot - admitted during his testimony that HE was armed, and that HE had pointed his gun at Kyle who then shot his dumb ass.  

Let's take a look at some pictures of the actual event and let THEM tell the story, shall we?

This is Kyle walking up on the scene.  Note that he's wearing a hat; this is important.  In the trial the prosecution wants you to think that Kyle, who doesn't live in the area, went there for the sole purpose of finding someone to shoot - why else would he arrive armed?  Well, it's like this:  Kyle can go wherever the hell he wants for whatever reason he wants because he has that right.  And if the protestors can show up from out of state to protest, then why can't Kyle show up to oppose them?  They showed up with the intent to pillage and destroy, and Kyle showed up prepared to stop them.  The protestors showed up to break the law; Kyle showed up to stop them from destroying property.  

This is Kyle being kicked IN THE FACE by one of the "peaceful" protestors.  There's another picture out there which shows the "peaceful" protestor kicking him a second time which is much more clear than this one, but I couldn't get it to download.  There's also a picture of this "peaceful" protestor being shot a moment later but I won't show that one.  Go find it yourself.

Here's Kyle after being struck in the face with a skateboard, and another "peaceful" protestor trying to take his AR from him.  He pays for it a few moments later - with his life.  Let's be clear about this:  HE attacked KYLE while Kyle was on the ground, which makes HIM at fault.  

And here's the guy who single handedly killed the prosecution's case.  He was approaching Kyle when he was spotted, and he raises his hands up as Kyle brings his weapon up.  Take a close look at the "peaceful" protestor's right hand.  See what's in it?  Uh huh, it's a pistol.  So Kyle wasn't the only one to show up armed, was he?

Here's the "peaceful" protestor moments after having been shot by Kyle after, according to his own testimony in court, he pointed his pistol at Kyle and moved towards him.  You can clearly see the pistol in his right hand.

Now think about that for a moment.  Here's a guy who has a pistol in his hand and who has another guy pointing a rifle at him which means the other guy clearly has the drop on him and all of the advantage on his side, yet instead of putting the pistol down what does he do?  He POINTS IT AT THE OTHER GUY AND WALKS TOWARD HIM.  What the hell did he think would happen?

Now, remember the hat Kyle was wearing?  Did you notice how it disappeared during the fracas?  That's because it was knocked off of his head when he was attacked by the "peaceful" protestors.

Kyle was there because he's an American who, like a hell of a lot of us, are sick and tired of seeing libtard protestors riot, burn, loot, and destroy property and get away with it.  He exercised his Constitutional rights, took actions to protect the lives and property of others, and was attacked for it TWICE.  Anything and everything he did after that point was SELF DEFENSE.


Kyle Rittenhouse is an American patriot and, in my eyes, an American hero.


Deo Vindice


Saturday, November 13, 2021

It's Never THEIR Fault


This pretty much sums it up.  Whenever the Demoncrats lose an election or something they're involved in doesn't go their way, this is always the excuse they use for one simple reason:  they refuse to realize that they screwed up and that they're WRONG about just about everything.  Instead, they'll pull out their baseball bat and beat the living hell out of a horse that the rest of American has realized is long since dead.

November 2022 is gonna be really interesting.

Deo Vindice


Tuesday, November 9, 2021

It's Time For A Change


Never in all of my 64 years on this planet have I seen a President of the United States who was as big a buffoon, a joke, and a total disgrace as "Creepy Joe" Biden.  This clown is the laughing stock of the world, and not only is the rest of the world laughing at him they're also laughing at us because we elected him.  Yeah, I know the election was rigged and this moron was installed by the Demoncratic party, but until that's proven both in a court of law and in the court of public opinion, we elected the moron and that's all anyone will see.

His administration has been the clown act of the circus from Day One, and he's the head clown.  First he shits his pants while visiting the Pope, which I'm sure His Eminence really appreciated.  Then he falls asleep during the G26 summit, making a fool of himself in front of the leaders of the rest of the world.  Then he rips a long, loud fart right in front of  Camilla Harris, the Duchess of Cornwall while at the same summit.  

What's next, Joe?  You gonna take a leak in the Doulton Fountain?

If ever there was a man wo was unfit in every way to hold office, this buffoon is it.  Yeah, I realize that if we remove Mein Fuhrer from office we're gonna have a slut sitting in the Oval Office, but lemme ask you this - could she possibly be any worse than what we're stuck with now?  If you want to compare notes on the two, the worst thing Kamala "I'm A Slut" Harris has done is to laugh like the Demoncratic jackass she is whenever she's asked a question she can't answer - which so far has been all of them.  That, and she's pretty much been MIA for the past 7 months, which I think is due to her knowing that Biden is a total fool and she's trying to distance herself from him so when he's removed from office she can come in as 'clean' as possible.  It's going to come down to choosing the lesser of two evils, and that's about it.

All I know is I can't wait for November 2024 when we put DONALD J. TRUMP back in the White House.  In the mean time, it's past time for Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer or somebody in Congress to stand up and invoke the 25th Amendment and get this disgrace out of office.

Or does he have to take a leak in Doulton Fountain first?

Deo Vindice


Friday, November 5, 2021

My Love/Hate Relationship with YouTube

I admit it, I have a love/hate relationship with YouTube.  There are times when I absolutely love it, think it's the best thing since sliced bread, and that the person who conceived it was a genius and a Godsend.

But there are other times when I absolutely hate it, think it's the biggest abomination since the cell phone (more on that in a later blog), and that the person who conceived it is a total idiot and should be drawn and quartered.

So here's what I think about YouTube, the reasons why I love it and the reasons why I hate it.

Reasons Why I Love It

1.  You can find out how to do just about anything.  Need to change the oil in your car or bike?  There's a video for that.  Need to know how to housetrain an iguana?  There's a video for that.  Chances are, there's a video for just about anything you need to know on YouTube, and I'll admit that it's saved my butt more than once.

2.  It's a wealth of knowledge about anything and everything.  Want to know more about the pyramids?  There's a video for that.  Want to know the history of a person, place or thing?  There's a video for that.  And a great deal of these videos are published by reputable organizations such as The History Channel, for one.

3.  It's free.  All of this information and knowledge in video form is absolutely free.

4.  It's available anytime, anywhere, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Either on your home computer or your cell phone, YouTube is there for you - all you have to do is click on the link and open it up, and you're in business.

Reasons Why I Hate It

1.  You're flooded with too much information on a topic when you search for it.  At that point the challenge becomes sorting through all of those videos to find the one that applies to your specific vehicle or specific task, and then you have to decide which of the videos are put out by people who know WTF they're doing (professionals) and which of them are put out by backyard/garage/shadetree mechanics/experts who think they know it all but really don't know shit.

2.  It's a wealth of misinformation, disinformation, and plain bad advice.  YouTube is a haven for every half-assed, self-taught, self-professed "expert" on everything under the sun, and YouTube gives them a medium to engage in their pious self promotion.  And most of the time that "expert advice" they're giving you is nothing more than their opinion, which most of the time is based on everything but facts.  And you know what they say about opinions, right?

3.  It's not free.  Sure, YouTube is free - to a point.  NOTHING in this world is absolutely free, and the price you pay for having access to YouTube is advertising.  They stick an ad in every-fuckin'-thing they put on there, no matter what.  Before you see the two minute add on how to make anything, you're going to be forced to watch a 3 minute ad on something you never heard of or don't care about.  And then, if the video is long enough, they're going to shove another ad into it - or two, or three, or four depending on the length of the video.  The only good thing about this particular gripe is that they give you the option of skipping the ad, but you have to sit through 30 seconds of it first.  And the only way you're going to get away from this and not have to watch ads EVER is to subscribe.  That's called "extortion," and I don't play that game.  Ever.

4.  You can't get away from it, no matter where you are.  Aside from being full of good, relevant videos that will entertain you and/or make your life easier, it's also filled with inane, immature, childish and downright stupid shit that would annoy Ghandi to the point where he'd be ready to rip your throat out.  And thanks to the marvel of the cellular phone, you can now be subjected to endless repeats of "Jackass" or "Family Guy" outtakes 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, no matter where you are.  And of course, the moron watching the video isn't using ear buds and he has the volume cranked up to 100% so everyone in the county can hear it.

And there you have it.  So, the question is, do I like YouTube or not?  Well, overall, yes.  I will say that I personally have had more good experiences with it than bad, but on the flip side I will also say that when I have a bad experience with it, the experience is twice as bad as a good one has ever been.

Will I continue to use it?  Sure.  If I don't like it, I can just turn it off.

And that's the only "free" thing about it.

Deo Vindice


Thursday, November 4, 2021

And So It Begins

The people of Virginia have spoken, and the Demoncrats and libtards are losing their collective minds.  

In Tuesday's elections the people of the Commonwealth of Virginia effectively said "NO!" to the bullshit that the Demoncrats have been pulling for the past four years or so while they were under the tyrannical rule of a Demoncratic governor.  Not only did they elect a Republican governor, they also elected a black Lieutenant Governor and a Latino Attorney General.  And the Lt Governor, by the way, is a staunch 2nd Amendment supporter who was endorsed by the NRA.  

And of course, instead of admitting that they fucked up and were beaten legitimately, the Demoncrats just have to find something or someone else to blame because we all know it's never their fault when they lose, right?  And this election wasn't any different - they're blaming their loss on racism and 'white privilege.'

Racism and white privilege.  After the voters elected a BLACK Lt. Governor and a LATINO Attorney General.

Sound stupid?  It should, because it is.

This election in Virginia was being portrayed as a barometer to the success or failure of the Brandon Administration, and was going to be used as an indicator of how the 2022 and 2024 elections were going to turn out.  Well, the good people of Virginia have spoken, and they've said that the Brandon Administration SUCKS, and that the Demoncrats are going to lose BIG in both upcoming elections.  

And the election in New Jersey was so close that it gave the Demoncrats the shakes, but even though it appears that the Demoncratic candidate will win it still sends a loud and clear message to the Demoncrats, and that message is that the people of the United States are pissed off and are ready to change things.

The American Revolution got started in Virginia, and it's only fitting that this, the second American Revolution, should start there as well.  The good news is that right now it looks like the revolution will be fought at the ballot box instead of on the battlefield, but if Brandon decides to send his storm troopers out to do stupid shit like confiscate weapons and enforce unconstitutional vaccine mandates, at that point me and a hell of a lot of other American patriots out there are gonna dust off the guns and fix things.

I sincerely hope it doesn't come to that, I really do.  I'd rather kick Demoncrat ass at the polls than on the battlefield, but I'll do what I have to do to protect and defend both my country and the Constitution of the United States against ALL enemies, foreign, domestic, and Demoncratic.

God Bless America.

Deo Vindice