Any guesses? If you've been paying attention to the liberal news media and every single liberal web site or blog in existence, then you know what it is - unless you're a liberal. If you're a liberal you will disagree vehemently with what I'm about to say, so if you're a liberal and are reading this I suggest to you that you stop reading my blog right now and go find something else to occupy your time. ("Occupy"...get it?)
This word is used whenever the liberal left or the liberal news media want to criticize something, some idea, or someone from the conservative right, and they have no solid objection or proof of their point other than the fact that they just don't like it. Instead of tossing out facts and statistics to support their objection - which would at least make folks like me pay a little bit of attention and take them seriously even if for just a bit - they instead throw this word out there. After all, if you use this word which used to describe a large portion of our country about fifty years ago, it must be true now in this day and age, right? After all, nothing in this world ever changes, right? At least not for the good where this word is concerned. And after all, if you object to the use of this word as a description then you must be one of "those," right? Because after all, only "one of those" would object to the use of this word to describe just about anything the liberals don't like.
At least, that's what the liberals are hoping you'll think and give them the reaction they're hoping for.
The truth is, the only people who will give them the reaction they want are other liberals. Everyone else in the civilized world realizes just how wrong and stupid it is to throw this word around as often as the liberals do, and everyone else with any common sense will immediately recognize that the only reason the word is being used is because the liberal using it has no facts or anything of substance to voice as an objection instead.
Know what the word is yet? Sure you do. The word is "RACIST."
"RACIST" has become the "catch-all" word for anything and everything the liberals don't like and can't find any logical, mature, sane reason to oppose. For example: stats that have attempted to pass a law requiring identification in order to be able to vote have all seen these actions branded by the liberal left as "racist." The liberals say that this law directly targets "minorities" - meaning black people - who don't have driver's license or state IDs. While it's true that you don't need to have a driver's license if you don't drive, that doesn't mean that you can't be required to get a state ID card in order to vote. BUT, the liberals will say, poor blacks who don't have a car and don't drive don't have a way to get down to the DMV to get a card, so for this reason the law is "racist."
Well, ever hear of something called a BUS? And I'm sure that those "poor blacks" have at least one friend who DOES drive and would be happy to take them down to the DMV. It's like this, people: if you care enough to vote, then you'll find a way to get your happy ass down to the DMV and get yourself a state identification card.
Another example is the wall that Donald Trump says he wants to build on the US/Mexican border. The liberals just LOOOOOVE calling this idea "racist," when nothing is further from the truth. If we had an illegal immigration problem with Canada, then Trump would be talking about building a wall on our northern border - and since most Canadians are caucasian, well, there you go. Race and/or nationality has nothing to do with it. The FACT is that we DO have an illegal immigration problem, the problem is people from Mexico and not Canada, so that's where the wall will go. Simple as that, and racism has nothing to do with it. The liberals just don't have anything else to throw at that idea other than the fact that they don't like it, so they throw the "racist" term at it just like they do everything else.
Yet another example took place just yesterday when "Slick Willy" Clinton called Trump's election slogan, "Make America Great Again," "racist." Never mind that "Slick Willy" used that exact same slogan when he was Governor of Arkansas and when he was running for President - no, never mind that. Never mind that the slogan itself has nothing at all to do with race - "Slick Willy" had to find SOMETHING bad to say about it, so he used the tired old liberal fall-back of "racist."
"Slick Willy" hasn't had an original idea since he got his pipes cleaned by Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office, but I'll save that for another day.
Just so we're all on the same page, here's the definition of "racism:" "the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."
Would someone please explain to me how a voter ID or a wall can be "racist?"
The bottom line is this: liberals are the most bigoted, uncaring, opinionated, and intolerant group of people it has ever been my displeasure to meet. They say that all they want to do is make the world a better place, yet if you dare disagree with their lopsided and bigoted opinions you can be sure that all they'll want to do from that point on is make YOUR world a living hell.
There are those that say liberalism is the best thing to ever happen to the world; I say it's the worst scourge our world has ever had to endure.
And if we allow the liberals to elect "Billary" Clinton to the White House in November, you can bet your sweet ass it's gonna get worse.
MUCH worse.
Deo Vindice