Thursday, June 16, 2016

"No Fly, No Buy" Is a Stupendously BAD Idea

With every mass shooting that takes place in this country, you can always rely on the loonies of the liberal left to jump up on their soap box and shamelessly use the deaths of innocent victims as a platform to promote their stupid liberal ideas on gun control. For the life of me I can't figure out why ANY liberal hasn't figured it out yet that gun control laws simply don't work. If they did, then Chicago would be heaven on Earth instead of the murder capital of the nation.

And out of the plethora of stupid ideas that have popped up in the wake of the Orlando shootings, there's one that is not only horrendously stupid but a stupendously BAD idea as well. That idea is the "No Fly, No Buy" concept currently being touted by the Wicked Bitch of the North, "Billary" Clinton, and her former boss, the Buffoon In Chief, Barry NObama.

Honestly, just the idea that any semi-educated, logical, grown adult would even for a moment contemplate something like this just scares the crap out of me. If this thing goes through it will not only be the worst violation of the Constitution since Lincoln suspended the Writ of Habeus Corpus in 1861, it will signify the beginning of the end of the 2nd Amendment and eventually the entire Bill of Rights. (Think I'm exaggerating? Ask any surviving German Jew who managed to live through the Third Reich.)

The idea is a simple one: if your name is on the "No Fly Terrorist Watch List," then you can't legally purchase a firearm either. The sole reason given for this is that people on this list are (supposedly) either being investigated by the FBI for suspected terrorist activities or have been investigated but no charges filed. Seems simple, right? Well, here's why it's a stupendously bad idea with the reasons being listed from most important to least important.

1. It denies the suspect his/her Constitutional rights. And it does it in two ways: first, it denies the suspect his/her Constitutional right to own a firearm and second, it violates the suspect's Constitutional right to due process. It's illegal to deny someone the right to vote until they've been convicted of a felony in a court of law; it's the same thing with buying a firearm. Until you're convicted of a felony in a court of law, you have the Constitutional right to purchase a firearm. Period.

2. You can be placed on the list without just cause. All it takes to end up on the list is a suspicion of terrorist activities. In many cases this can be the friend of a suspected terrorist being added to the list simply because the friend knew the suspect. Or you can simply have an Arabic name - or, better yet, the same name as a bona fide terrorist. Or you can have a lifestyle that allows you to travel frequently from country to country. It can also be that someone in the government doesn't like you for whatever reason. All it takes is an unfounded, unproven suspicion, and bingo! You're on the list.

3. The "No Fly" list is rife with mistakes. The last time the list was audited it was found that 35% of the names on the list never should have been there in the first place. One of the people who was on the list was the late Senator Ted Kennedy. And with the section in the government regulation that covers the criteria for adding people to the list being 166 pages long, you can see why the list is anything but correct.

4. You won't know you're on the list until you try to buy a firearm and are refused. That's right, friends and neighbors, this is a "secret" watch list, one that the feds don't publish.

5. There is no appeal to your name being on the list. Once you're on the list you're on it until the Feds decide you're not longer a threat. Complain all you want, you're not coming off the list until Uncle Sugar says you are.

This "No Fly, No Buy" idea is, to me, just the latest attempt by gun-grabbing liberals to circumvent the Constitution and your right to keep and bear arms, and they're banking on the sympathetic response of the public to a mass murder to ram it through. But the thing that most people don't realize - and that the liberals hope you don't figure out - is that once they're given the authority to deny you your rights under the Second Amendment, that's the first step towards repealing it.

And call me crazy, but once THAT happens the rest of the Bill of Rights will be right behind it - with the First Amendment covering freedom of speech being the next one to go. After all, once the government has taken away your ability to resist, what's to prevent them from silencing you? With "secret" lists comes "secret" police, you know. (Think 1930's Germany.)

Think that can't happen here? Up until about a year ago, neither did I. But with everything that has happened in our country, with all of the stupid shit the liberals have come up with and with the rapid deterioration of public morals, decency, and standards, neither did I. But now I'm not so sure. After all, I never thought I'd live in an America where the friggin' President of the United friggin' States said it was perfectly OK for a man to enter a woman's bathroom.

All I know is I'm gonna renew my membership in the NRA, I'm gonna continue to carry my pistol(s) with me everywhere I go, and I may even go buy one or two more. And I think it's about time I bought myself an AR15.

There's a storm coming, and I intend to be ready for it.

How about you?

Deo Vindice.