Any guesses? If you've been paying attention to the liberal news media and every single liberal web site or blog in existence, then you know what it is - unless you're a liberal. If you're a liberal you will disagree vehemently with what I'm about to say, so if you're a liberal and are reading this I suggest to you that you stop reading my blog right now and go find something else to occupy your time. ("Occupy"...get it?)
This word is used whenever the liberal left or the liberal news media want to criticize something, some idea, or someone from the conservative right, and they have no solid objection or proof of their point other than the fact that they just don't like it. Instead of tossing out facts and statistics to support their objection - which would at least make folks like me pay a little bit of attention and take them seriously even if for just a bit - they instead throw this word out there. After all, if you use this word which used to describe a large portion of our country about fifty years ago, it must be true now in this day and age, right? After all, nothing in this world ever changes, right? At least not for the good where this word is concerned. And after all, if you object to the use of this word as a description then you must be one of "those," right? Because after all, only "one of those" would object to the use of this word to describe just about anything the liberals don't like.
At least, that's what the liberals are hoping you'll think and give them the reaction they're hoping for.
The truth is, the only people who will give them the reaction they want are other liberals. Everyone else in the civilized world realizes just how wrong and stupid it is to throw this word around as often as the liberals do, and everyone else with any common sense will immediately recognize that the only reason the word is being used is because the liberal using it has no facts or anything of substance to voice as an objection instead.
Know what the word is yet? Sure you do. The word is "RACIST."
"RACIST" has become the "catch-all" word for anything and everything the liberals don't like and can't find any logical, mature, sane reason to oppose. For example: stats that have attempted to pass a law requiring identification in order to be able to vote have all seen these actions branded by the liberal left as "racist." The liberals say that this law directly targets "minorities" - meaning black people - who don't have driver's license or state IDs. While it's true that you don't need to have a driver's license if you don't drive, that doesn't mean that you can't be required to get a state ID card in order to vote. BUT, the liberals will say, poor blacks who don't have a car and don't drive don't have a way to get down to the DMV to get a card, so for this reason the law is "racist."
Well, ever hear of something called a BUS? And I'm sure that those "poor blacks" have at least one friend who DOES drive and would be happy to take them down to the DMV. It's like this, people: if you care enough to vote, then you'll find a way to get your happy ass down to the DMV and get yourself a state identification card.
Another example is the wall that Donald Trump says he wants to build on the US/Mexican border. The liberals just LOOOOOVE calling this idea "racist," when nothing is further from the truth. If we had an illegal immigration problem with Canada, then Trump would be talking about building a wall on our northern border - and since most Canadians are caucasian, well, there you go. Race and/or nationality has nothing to do with it. The FACT is that we DO have an illegal immigration problem, the problem is people from Mexico and not Canada, so that's where the wall will go. Simple as that, and racism has nothing to do with it. The liberals just don't have anything else to throw at that idea other than the fact that they don't like it, so they throw the "racist" term at it just like they do everything else.
Yet another example took place just yesterday when "Slick Willy" Clinton called Trump's election slogan, "Make America Great Again," "racist." Never mind that "Slick Willy" used that exact same slogan when he was Governor of Arkansas and when he was running for President - no, never mind that. Never mind that the slogan itself has nothing at all to do with race - "Slick Willy" had to find SOMETHING bad to say about it, so he used the tired old liberal fall-back of "racist."
"Slick Willy" hasn't had an original idea since he got his pipes cleaned by Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office, but I'll save that for another day.
Just so we're all on the same page, here's the definition of "racism:" "the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."
Would someone please explain to me how a voter ID or a wall can be "racist?"
The bottom line is this: liberals are the most bigoted, uncaring, opinionated, and intolerant group of people it has ever been my displeasure to meet. They say that all they want to do is make the world a better place, yet if you dare disagree with their lopsided and bigoted opinions you can be sure that all they'll want to do from that point on is make YOUR world a living hell.
There are those that say liberalism is the best thing to ever happen to the world; I say it's the worst scourge our world has ever had to endure.
And if we allow the liberals to elect "Billary" Clinton to the White House in November, you can bet your sweet ass it's gonna get worse.
MUCH worse.
Deo Vindice
One man's view of local and world events unfolding around him as seen from middle-class America.
Friday, September 9, 2016
Thursday, June 16, 2016
"No Fly, No Buy" Is a Stupendously BAD Idea
With every mass shooting that takes place in this country, you can always rely on the loonies of the liberal left to jump up on their soap box and shamelessly use the deaths of innocent victims as a platform to promote their stupid liberal ideas on gun control. For the life of me I can't figure out why ANY liberal hasn't figured it out yet that gun control laws simply don't work. If they did, then Chicago would be heaven on Earth instead of the murder capital of the nation.
And out of the plethora of stupid ideas that have popped up in the wake of the Orlando shootings, there's one that is not only horrendously stupid but a stupendously BAD idea as well. That idea is the "No Fly, No Buy" concept currently being touted by the Wicked Bitch of the North, "Billary" Clinton, and her former boss, the Buffoon In Chief, Barry NObama.
Honestly, just the idea that any semi-educated, logical, grown adult would even for a moment contemplate something like this just scares the crap out of me. If this thing goes through it will not only be the worst violation of the Constitution since Lincoln suspended the Writ of Habeus Corpus in 1861, it will signify the beginning of the end of the 2nd Amendment and eventually the entire Bill of Rights. (Think I'm exaggerating? Ask any surviving German Jew who managed to live through the Third Reich.)
The idea is a simple one: if your name is on the "No Fly Terrorist Watch List," then you can't legally purchase a firearm either. The sole reason given for this is that people on this list are (supposedly) either being investigated by the FBI for suspected terrorist activities or have been investigated but no charges filed. Seems simple, right? Well, here's why it's a stupendously bad idea with the reasons being listed from most important to least important.
1. It denies the suspect his/her Constitutional rights. And it does it in two ways: first, it denies the suspect his/her Constitutional right to own a firearm and second, it violates the suspect's Constitutional right to due process. It's illegal to deny someone the right to vote until they've been convicted of a felony in a court of law; it's the same thing with buying a firearm. Until you're convicted of a felony in a court of law, you have the Constitutional right to purchase a firearm. Period.
2. You can be placed on the list without just cause. All it takes to end up on the list is a suspicion of terrorist activities. In many cases this can be the friend of a suspected terrorist being added to the list simply because the friend knew the suspect. Or you can simply have an Arabic name - or, better yet, the same name as a bona fide terrorist. Or you can have a lifestyle that allows you to travel frequently from country to country. It can also be that someone in the government doesn't like you for whatever reason. All it takes is an unfounded, unproven suspicion, and bingo! You're on the list.
3. The "No Fly" list is rife with mistakes. The last time the list was audited it was found that 35% of the names on the list never should have been there in the first place. One of the people who was on the list was the late Senator Ted Kennedy. And with the section in the government regulation that covers the criteria for adding people to the list being 166 pages long, you can see why the list is anything but correct.
4. You won't know you're on the list until you try to buy a firearm and are refused. That's right, friends and neighbors, this is a "secret" watch list, one that the feds don't publish.
5. There is no appeal to your name being on the list. Once you're on the list you're on it until the Feds decide you're not longer a threat. Complain all you want, you're not coming off the list until Uncle Sugar says you are.
This "No Fly, No Buy" idea is, to me, just the latest attempt by gun-grabbing liberals to circumvent the Constitution and your right to keep and bear arms, and they're banking on the sympathetic response of the public to a mass murder to ram it through. But the thing that most people don't realize - and that the liberals hope you don't figure out - is that once they're given the authority to deny you your rights under the Second Amendment, that's the first step towards repealing it.
And call me crazy, but once THAT happens the rest of the Bill of Rights will be right behind it - with the First Amendment covering freedom of speech being the next one to go. After all, once the government has taken away your ability to resist, what's to prevent them from silencing you? With "secret" lists comes "secret" police, you know. (Think 1930's Germany.)
Think that can't happen here? Up until about a year ago, neither did I. But with everything that has happened in our country, with all of the stupid shit the liberals have come up with and with the rapid deterioration of public morals, decency, and standards, neither did I. But now I'm not so sure. After all, I never thought I'd live in an America where the friggin' President of the United friggin' States said it was perfectly OK for a man to enter a woman's bathroom.
All I know is I'm gonna renew my membership in the NRA, I'm gonna continue to carry my pistol(s) with me everywhere I go, and I may even go buy one or two more. And I think it's about time I bought myself an AR15.
There's a storm coming, and I intend to be ready for it.
How about you?
Deo Vindice.
And out of the plethora of stupid ideas that have popped up in the wake of the Orlando shootings, there's one that is not only horrendously stupid but a stupendously BAD idea as well. That idea is the "No Fly, No Buy" concept currently being touted by the Wicked Bitch of the North, "Billary" Clinton, and her former boss, the Buffoon In Chief, Barry NObama.
Honestly, just the idea that any semi-educated, logical, grown adult would even for a moment contemplate something like this just scares the crap out of me. If this thing goes through it will not only be the worst violation of the Constitution since Lincoln suspended the Writ of Habeus Corpus in 1861, it will signify the beginning of the end of the 2nd Amendment and eventually the entire Bill of Rights. (Think I'm exaggerating? Ask any surviving German Jew who managed to live through the Third Reich.)
The idea is a simple one: if your name is on the "No Fly Terrorist Watch List," then you can't legally purchase a firearm either. The sole reason given for this is that people on this list are (supposedly) either being investigated by the FBI for suspected terrorist activities or have been investigated but no charges filed. Seems simple, right? Well, here's why it's a stupendously bad idea with the reasons being listed from most important to least important.
1. It denies the suspect his/her Constitutional rights. And it does it in two ways: first, it denies the suspect his/her Constitutional right to own a firearm and second, it violates the suspect's Constitutional right to due process. It's illegal to deny someone the right to vote until they've been convicted of a felony in a court of law; it's the same thing with buying a firearm. Until you're convicted of a felony in a court of law, you have the Constitutional right to purchase a firearm. Period.
2. You can be placed on the list without just cause. All it takes to end up on the list is a suspicion of terrorist activities. In many cases this can be the friend of a suspected terrorist being added to the list simply because the friend knew the suspect. Or you can simply have an Arabic name - or, better yet, the same name as a bona fide terrorist. Or you can have a lifestyle that allows you to travel frequently from country to country. It can also be that someone in the government doesn't like you for whatever reason. All it takes is an unfounded, unproven suspicion, and bingo! You're on the list.
3. The "No Fly" list is rife with mistakes. The last time the list was audited it was found that 35% of the names on the list never should have been there in the first place. One of the people who was on the list was the late Senator Ted Kennedy. And with the section in the government regulation that covers the criteria for adding people to the list being 166 pages long, you can see why the list is anything but correct.
4. You won't know you're on the list until you try to buy a firearm and are refused. That's right, friends and neighbors, this is a "secret" watch list, one that the feds don't publish.
5. There is no appeal to your name being on the list. Once you're on the list you're on it until the Feds decide you're not longer a threat. Complain all you want, you're not coming off the list until Uncle Sugar says you are.
This "No Fly, No Buy" idea is, to me, just the latest attempt by gun-grabbing liberals to circumvent the Constitution and your right to keep and bear arms, and they're banking on the sympathetic response of the public to a mass murder to ram it through. But the thing that most people don't realize - and that the liberals hope you don't figure out - is that once they're given the authority to deny you your rights under the Second Amendment, that's the first step towards repealing it.
And call me crazy, but once THAT happens the rest of the Bill of Rights will be right behind it - with the First Amendment covering freedom of speech being the next one to go. After all, once the government has taken away your ability to resist, what's to prevent them from silencing you? With "secret" lists comes "secret" police, you know. (Think 1930's Germany.)
Think that can't happen here? Up until about a year ago, neither did I. But with everything that has happened in our country, with all of the stupid shit the liberals have come up with and with the rapid deterioration of public morals, decency, and standards, neither did I. But now I'm not so sure. After all, I never thought I'd live in an America where the friggin' President of the United friggin' States said it was perfectly OK for a man to enter a woman's bathroom.
All I know is I'm gonna renew my membership in the NRA, I'm gonna continue to carry my pistol(s) with me everywhere I go, and I may even go buy one or two more. And I think it's about time I bought myself an AR15.
There's a storm coming, and I intend to be ready for it.
How about you?
Deo Vindice.
Monday, May 30, 2016
Loved Ones Lost - Memorial Day 2016
It's a little after 4PM on the afternoon of Memorial Day 2016, and I've just finished showering and getting dressed after a hard day at work. I work in retail, and I've spent the day watching thousands of people come in my store, do their shopping, get their bargains on the great Memorial Day sales prices, and then leave - most of them without giving a moment's thought to just what this day is really all about.
The people in our country today have come to look on Memorial Day as just another day to go to the beach, or have a cookout in the back yard, or go to the local store to take advantage of the great sales going on. They've come to treat this day as just another holiday, just another day that they don't have to work (for some folks, anyway) and can enjoy their day off doing whatever it is they want to do.
Meanwhile, there are hundreds of thousands of people in our country who won't be celebrating anything today. They'll be spending the day remembering the loved ones they lost, the ones who died in service to our country, the ones whose faces they'll never see again except in pictures or home movies; the ones whose arms they'll never feel around them again except in their dreams, the ones whose voices they'll never hear again except in home videos or saved voicemail messages. They'll look at those pictures again, remembering their loved ones; they'll look at the home movies or the videos of the loved ones lost, remembering everything about that person down to the last detail, and then some of them will go to the resting place of their loved one to visit with them for just a little while. They'll stand at the grave site, read the marker that they've read a thousand times before, and they'll talk to the loved one lying beneath it as if that person were standing right in front of them. They'll reach out and touch the cold stone, run their fingers over it and rub it as if they were rubbing the cheek of the loved one lost it represents; then they'll slowly bend down, kiss the stone gently, maybe smile a tearful smile one last time, and then they'll go home. Home to a house full of memories of the loved one lost, the loved one they think of every single day of the year, the one that they honor on this most special of days.
And then they'll cry. Quietly, alone or with another loved one, but they'll cry because they miss their loved one lost.
We as a nation have lost sight of what's important about this day, and many others like it. We still have loved ones in harm's way, and we're still losing them every single day. We as a nation care more about people who have never given a moment's thought to serving our nation instead of devoting our time, efforts, and money to those who have put on the uniform, risked it all, and in many cases sacrificed it all. To those men and women, and to the loved ones they left behind, we owe a great deal. We owe more than we could ever repay, because we owe them our freedom.
We as a nation owe them everything. And we as a nation are failing them.
My words are spent; I've nothing else to say, for I think I've said all that needs to be said. Right now I'm going to go get my Bible, kneel before my God and say a prayer of thanks to Him for the brave men and women who gave their lives so that we can be free. I'm going to ask Him to be with and comfort the families of the loved ones lost, and I'm going to thank Him for bringing me home from the Gulf War whole and in one piece. Lastly, I'm going to ask Him to watch over and protect the men and women who are currently serving our nation in our Armed Forces, and bring them home to their families and loved ones - especially my son, Master Sergeant Raymond E. Craig III, currently assigned to the 51st Security Forces Squadron, Osan Air Base, Korea.
Will you do the same?
Deo Vindice.
The people in our country today have come to look on Memorial Day as just another day to go to the beach, or have a cookout in the back yard, or go to the local store to take advantage of the great sales going on. They've come to treat this day as just another holiday, just another day that they don't have to work (for some folks, anyway) and can enjoy their day off doing whatever it is they want to do.
Meanwhile, there are hundreds of thousands of people in our country who won't be celebrating anything today. They'll be spending the day remembering the loved ones they lost, the ones who died in service to our country, the ones whose faces they'll never see again except in pictures or home movies; the ones whose arms they'll never feel around them again except in their dreams, the ones whose voices they'll never hear again except in home videos or saved voicemail messages. They'll look at those pictures again, remembering their loved ones; they'll look at the home movies or the videos of the loved ones lost, remembering everything about that person down to the last detail, and then some of them will go to the resting place of their loved one to visit with them for just a little while. They'll stand at the grave site, read the marker that they've read a thousand times before, and they'll talk to the loved one lying beneath it as if that person were standing right in front of them. They'll reach out and touch the cold stone, run their fingers over it and rub it as if they were rubbing the cheek of the loved one lost it represents; then they'll slowly bend down, kiss the stone gently, maybe smile a tearful smile one last time, and then they'll go home. Home to a house full of memories of the loved one lost, the loved one they think of every single day of the year, the one that they honor on this most special of days.
And then they'll cry. Quietly, alone or with another loved one, but they'll cry because they miss their loved one lost.
We as a nation have lost sight of what's important about this day, and many others like it. We still have loved ones in harm's way, and we're still losing them every single day. We as a nation care more about people who have never given a moment's thought to serving our nation instead of devoting our time, efforts, and money to those who have put on the uniform, risked it all, and in many cases sacrificed it all. To those men and women, and to the loved ones they left behind, we owe a great deal. We owe more than we could ever repay, because we owe them our freedom.
We as a nation owe them everything. And we as a nation are failing them.
My words are spent; I've nothing else to say, for I think I've said all that needs to be said. Right now I'm going to go get my Bible, kneel before my God and say a prayer of thanks to Him for the brave men and women who gave their lives so that we can be free. I'm going to ask Him to be with and comfort the families of the loved ones lost, and I'm going to thank Him for bringing me home from the Gulf War whole and in one piece. Lastly, I'm going to ask Him to watch over and protect the men and women who are currently serving our nation in our Armed Forces, and bring them home to their families and loved ones - especially my son, Master Sergeant Raymond E. Craig III, currently assigned to the 51st Security Forces Squadron, Osan Air Base, Korea.
Will you do the same?
Deo Vindice.
Thursday, March 10, 2016
The Demise of "Playboy"
When I heard last month that "Playboy" magazine was going to do away with nude centerfolds - or nudity of any kind, for that matter - I could hardly believe it. I don't think there's a single heterosexual male alive today that has not let his eyes wander over the graceful curves of the beautiful women so artfully and tactfully displayed in the pages of "Playboy", and I daresay that for most of us this was the very first time we ever saw the naked female form. It sure was for me, anyway. My father had a subscription to the magazine in the 1960's, and I used to sneak into my parent's room to look at the magazine when no one else was home. Personally, I think the '60s and early '70s were the best times for the magazine as the sexual revolution was in full swing, and Hef was doing his best to push the envelope with the pictures displayed in his magazine. The magazine almost died in the artsy-fartsy years of the '80s, and it had recovered by the '90s when I had my own subscription.
The only magazine that could ever really compete with "Playboy" was, of course, "Penthouse." Personally, I never cared for "Penthouse" all that much because what "Playboy" was to class, "Penthouse" was to raunch. Bob Guccionne was, in my humble opinion, a self-centered sexist peddler of smut who treated his models and centerfolds like pieces of meat. If you wanted smut, you bought "Penthouse;" if you wanted class, you bought "Playboy."
And that, I think, is the whole thing that set "Playboy" apart from every other men's magazine that was ever published or is being published now. "Playboy" had class, and I mean oodles of it. People who told you that they bought the magazine to read the articles weren't kidding - they had some first-class articles in the magazine about dress, cars, dining etiquette, not to mention they were the first ones to publish several authors who were unknown at the time but are now famous thanks to the magazine.
In the '60s there were the Playboy Clubs, and when I tell you those were some classy establishments you can take that to the bank. Memberships weren't easy to come by and they were pricey, which meant they were exclusive. When you obtained your membership you were given a key to the Playboy Club you had joined, and I mean it was a real key to the front door of the club. It was square and had a black background with the Playboy bunny on it, and you actually had to use it to get inside. The physical key was later replaced with a plastic membership card, but when the whole thing got started the key looked like this:

And if you showed up in anything less than a tuxedo, guess what - the manager asked you to leave, key or no key. That standard was later eased to a suit and tie, but the point was still there - only true gentlemen with class were allowed inside the hallowed and fabled halls of the Playboy Club!
The women who worked there were also a class act, despite what Gloria Steinem has to say about it. They treated the club members with respect, and that's what they expected in return. The standing rule of the club was you acted like a gentleman at all times, and you kept your paws off of the bunnies. Lay so much as a finger on them and you were out the door on your ass, and your key was taken from you before they tossed you. And no, you didn't get your membership fee back.
Unfortunately, since those days our society has lost a great deal of its class and dignity thanks to those liberals out there who are so intent on being able to do whatever they want whenever they want and however they want, and the Playboy Clubs are now a thing of the past. The last three company-opened Playboy Clubs, the flagship clubs in Chicago, New York and Los Angeles Playboy, all closed on June 1st 1986. The last U.S. Playboy Club (franchise), in Lansing, closed on July 31st 1988. The last official Playboy Club, in Manila, closed during 1991. Just like that, the Bunny was gone.
I have a feeling that the recent "no nudity" change in the magazine is going to sound the death knell for the magazine as well. Without the classy and respectful display of the nude female form, "Playboy" magazine will be no different than any other magazine out there. It won't be long before the last edition of the magazine is announced, and I have a feeling that's going to happen this year.
And that, friends and neighbors, will be the end of an era and for some of us, the official end to their youth.
The only magazine that could ever really compete with "Playboy" was, of course, "Penthouse." Personally, I never cared for "Penthouse" all that much because what "Playboy" was to class, "Penthouse" was to raunch. Bob Guccionne was, in my humble opinion, a self-centered sexist peddler of smut who treated his models and centerfolds like pieces of meat. If you wanted smut, you bought "Penthouse;" if you wanted class, you bought "Playboy."
And that, I think, is the whole thing that set "Playboy" apart from every other men's magazine that was ever published or is being published now. "Playboy" had class, and I mean oodles of it. People who told you that they bought the magazine to read the articles weren't kidding - they had some first-class articles in the magazine about dress, cars, dining etiquette, not to mention they were the first ones to publish several authors who were unknown at the time but are now famous thanks to the magazine.
In the '60s there were the Playboy Clubs, and when I tell you those were some classy establishments you can take that to the bank. Memberships weren't easy to come by and they were pricey, which meant they were exclusive. When you obtained your membership you were given a key to the Playboy Club you had joined, and I mean it was a real key to the front door of the club. It was square and had a black background with the Playboy bunny on it, and you actually had to use it to get inside. The physical key was later replaced with a plastic membership card, but when the whole thing got started the key looked like this:

And if you showed up in anything less than a tuxedo, guess what - the manager asked you to leave, key or no key. That standard was later eased to a suit and tie, but the point was still there - only true gentlemen with class were allowed inside the hallowed and fabled halls of the Playboy Club!
The women who worked there were also a class act, despite what Gloria Steinem has to say about it. They treated the club members with respect, and that's what they expected in return. The standing rule of the club was you acted like a gentleman at all times, and you kept your paws off of the bunnies. Lay so much as a finger on them and you were out the door on your ass, and your key was taken from you before they tossed you. And no, you didn't get your membership fee back.
Unfortunately, since those days our society has lost a great deal of its class and dignity thanks to those liberals out there who are so intent on being able to do whatever they want whenever they want and however they want, and the Playboy Clubs are now a thing of the past. The last three company-opened Playboy Clubs, the flagship clubs in Chicago, New York and Los Angeles Playboy, all closed on June 1st 1986. The last U.S. Playboy Club (franchise), in Lansing, closed on July 31st 1988. The last official Playboy Club, in Manila, closed during 1991. Just like that, the Bunny was gone.
I have a feeling that the recent "no nudity" change in the magazine is going to sound the death knell for the magazine as well. Without the classy and respectful display of the nude female form, "Playboy" magazine will be no different than any other magazine out there. It won't be long before the last edition of the magazine is announced, and I have a feeling that's going to happen this year.
And that, friends and neighbors, will be the end of an era and for some of us, the official end to their youth.
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Why People Hate Donald Trump
Let's get this out there first and foremost: I am a supporter of Donald Trump for President of the United States. I voted for him in the South Carolina primary and I fully intend to vote for him should - or rather, when - he wins the Republican nomination. I think he's the best hope for our country to be great again, and he's got my support 100%.
This blog entry will serve a dual purpose in that it will outline both why people in both parties hate Trump, and why I support him. I realize that both liberals - ESPECIALLY liberals - and some conservatives will not like what I have to say, but that's just too bad. Don't like what I say, then don't read my blog. Simple as that.
Ready? Heeeeere we go!
1. He's not a career politician. Which means that, should he lose the primary or the general election, he's got nothing to lose. In his interview with "Baba Wawa" several months ago she asked him what he would do if he lost the election. His reply: "Go back to work!" He's not running for office because it's his profession, he's running for office because he thinks he can do a better job of running the nation than the other folks out there. Since he's not a career politician his paycheck doesn't depend on his getting elected, and this, friends and neighbors, is the lynchpin of his campaign and the main reason I like him. It's the one single thing that drives the message of his campaign, and it drives the majority of the reasons that people - especially liberals - don't like him. (P.S. - I can't stand "Baba Wawa" so I refuse to use her name here and give her publicity of ANY type.)
2. He has the cajones to say what he means in plain language. Again, since he's not a career politician who isn't worried about destroying his career by offending people with what he says, he says what's on his mind in plain language so that anyone can understand it, and he doesn't worry about "offending" the delicate sensibilities of the vast majority of pussies out there who now inhabit our nation. He speaks the truth with the bark off of it, and that pisses people off. The truth has a way of doing that.
3. He's rich and successful. Man, the liberals just HATE this! Trump has made himself a billionaire several times over, and that just pisses off the liberals to no end! The first thing one of them will say is, "Yeah, he's rich, but he's been bankrupt four times!" True enough, but he's made himself a billionaire five times. I don't know of many people who are 100% successful in their careers and never make a mistake or two along the way. Anyone who thinks that Trump or any other candidate out there is perfect -especially "Billary" Clinton - is fooling themselves.
4. He's financing his campaign with his own money. One of the Republican candidates whined a little while back that Trump had an unfair advantage because he was able to fly to several different cities in several different states in one day to give campaign speeches while he was relegated to travelling from city to city in a bus and couldn't cover more than two cities in one state in a day. Well, all I can say is this: become a billionaire, buy your own jet, and do the same thing yourself if you don't like Trump doing it. In the mean time, the number you can call is 1-800-WAAAAAA.
5. He's HUGELY popular. This one really pisses off politicians of both parties, and for the same reason: he's speaking the truth, the truth that the vast majority of conservative Americans (and a surprising number of liberal Americans as well) know and agree with, and he's speaking it loud, clear, and in plain language. In short, he's saying what most Americans are afraid of saying out of fear of being slapped with some kind of liberal label.
At this point the people of this nation need to come to the realization that the "Trump Train" is on a roll to the Republican nomination, and there's very little that anyone can do to stop it. The old school GOP needs to realize that the new guy is a winner, the people are standing behind him, and that they need to get on board the train to make the party and the nation successful again. Instead of wasting time trying to figure out how to keep Trump from getting the Republican nomination, the "old guard" of the GOP needs to get their heads together and come up with a way to bring the party together around Trump and defeat the most likely person he'll be running against - namely, "Billary" Clinton. (There's no way Sanders can win unless "Billary" is indicted over that whole e-mail thing, and with a Democrat President and DOJ I just don't see that happening.) Regardless of who Trump will be running against, the GOP would be better served if they rallied around him instead of rallying against him.
But since we're speaking of career politicians who see their livelyhoods in peril, I ain't holding my breath.
I'm just gonna vote for Trump.
Deo Vindice.
This blog entry will serve a dual purpose in that it will outline both why people in both parties hate Trump, and why I support him. I realize that both liberals - ESPECIALLY liberals - and some conservatives will not like what I have to say, but that's just too bad. Don't like what I say, then don't read my blog. Simple as that.
Ready? Heeeeere we go!
1. He's not a career politician. Which means that, should he lose the primary or the general election, he's got nothing to lose. In his interview with "Baba Wawa" several months ago she asked him what he would do if he lost the election. His reply: "Go back to work!" He's not running for office because it's his profession, he's running for office because he thinks he can do a better job of running the nation than the other folks out there. Since he's not a career politician his paycheck doesn't depend on his getting elected, and this, friends and neighbors, is the lynchpin of his campaign and the main reason I like him. It's the one single thing that drives the message of his campaign, and it drives the majority of the reasons that people - especially liberals - don't like him. (P.S. - I can't stand "Baba Wawa" so I refuse to use her name here and give her publicity of ANY type.)
2. He has the cajones to say what he means in plain language. Again, since he's not a career politician who isn't worried about destroying his career by offending people with what he says, he says what's on his mind in plain language so that anyone can understand it, and he doesn't worry about "offending" the delicate sensibilities of the vast majority of pussies out there who now inhabit our nation. He speaks the truth with the bark off of it, and that pisses people off. The truth has a way of doing that.
3. He's rich and successful. Man, the liberals just HATE this! Trump has made himself a billionaire several times over, and that just pisses off the liberals to no end! The first thing one of them will say is, "Yeah, he's rich, but he's been bankrupt four times!" True enough, but he's made himself a billionaire five times. I don't know of many people who are 100% successful in their careers and never make a mistake or two along the way. Anyone who thinks that Trump or any other candidate out there is perfect -especially "Billary" Clinton - is fooling themselves.
4. He's financing his campaign with his own money. One of the Republican candidates whined a little while back that Trump had an unfair advantage because he was able to fly to several different cities in several different states in one day to give campaign speeches while he was relegated to travelling from city to city in a bus and couldn't cover more than two cities in one state in a day. Well, all I can say is this: become a billionaire, buy your own jet, and do the same thing yourself if you don't like Trump doing it. In the mean time, the number you can call is 1-800-WAAAAAA.
5. He's HUGELY popular. This one really pisses off politicians of both parties, and for the same reason: he's speaking the truth, the truth that the vast majority of conservative Americans (and a surprising number of liberal Americans as well) know and agree with, and he's speaking it loud, clear, and in plain language. In short, he's saying what most Americans are afraid of saying out of fear of being slapped with some kind of liberal label.
At this point the people of this nation need to come to the realization that the "Trump Train" is on a roll to the Republican nomination, and there's very little that anyone can do to stop it. The old school GOP needs to realize that the new guy is a winner, the people are standing behind him, and that they need to get on board the train to make the party and the nation successful again. Instead of wasting time trying to figure out how to keep Trump from getting the Republican nomination, the "old guard" of the GOP needs to get their heads together and come up with a way to bring the party together around Trump and defeat the most likely person he'll be running against - namely, "Billary" Clinton. (There's no way Sanders can win unless "Billary" is indicted over that whole e-mail thing, and with a Democrat President and DOJ I just don't see that happening.) Regardless of who Trump will be running against, the GOP would be better served if they rallied around him instead of rallying against him.
But since we're speaking of career politicians who see their livelyhoods in peril, I ain't holding my breath.
I'm just gonna vote for Trump.
Deo Vindice.
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