Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Race-Baiters and Liberals Are At It Again

Okay, let's talk about the incident that happened at Spring Valley High School. If you're a liberal or a racist who doesn't like white folks or police officers, this is where you might want to go read something else. Reason is, I'm gonna be talking some hard truths here which you're not going to like if you fit either of those two categories. Now, having said that, let's get down to it.

First and foremost, as a retired LEO I absolutely will not, under any circumstances, attempt to judge or second-guess the actions of a police officer. Having done the job for 23 years I know what these guys and gals are going through, and they have my full and unbiased support. I don't believe in judging a police officer solely based on the version of the cell phone video released by the news media due to the fact that most of the time there's a hell of a lot more to the video than the news media shows. Namely, the actions that the perpetrator committed to escalate the situation in the first place, or any acts that the cop may have done to try and keep the episode from escalating. The news media cares about ratings, period, and they will do whatever they need to do - including selective editing of video - to get those ratings.

The bad thing is, it appears that I'm in the minority on this one. I know of and respect Sheriff Lott, but I gotta say I think he messed up when he invited the FBI and the obviously-racist NObama DOJ to investigate this one. I'm guessing that he did it to ensure "transparency" and avoid someone like the ACLU or the NAACP from accusing him of a cover up should the internal investigation clear the deputy of any wrong-doing. After all, it isn't justice unless the white guy is convicted, right? (Excuse me while I go throw up in my mouth.) But by getting the NObama DOJ involved in it, he's pretty much sealed the fate of the deputy. If I were the deputy I'd be putting out resumes about now.

But I think the thing that pisses me off the most about this whole thing is the outcry that the liberal news media has fueled due to the cop being white and the student being black. This is one of those situation where race has absolutely nothing to do with the incident itself. The cop didn't call the student a nigger and the student didn't call the cop a cracker, so why bring race into it?

Because that's what makes it news. Additionally, our liberal-corrupted society in this day and age has been conditioned by the liberal news media to look at everything in terms of "black and white," and "how can I be offended by this?" If there's any way certain parts of our society can take a simple incident and turn it into something racial, they will. If there's any way some liberal pussy out there can get offended at something innocent and harmless, they will. And at that point that's all you'll hear about.

So that's not what I'm going to talk about. I'll save my disgust with our liberal-conditioned society and the growing amount of liberal "my pussy hurts" crybabies for another day. Right now let's talk about something that no one seems to want to talk about in the media; namely, what the student did wrong.

First, she and her boyfriend were disrupting the class. How, I'm not sure because the news media didn't say (it's not "news," you know). But I do know from everything I've read about it that the student was asked THREE TIMES by the teacher to leave the class. The student refused, so the teacher went and got the principal, who also asked the student THREE TIMES to leave the class. When she refused again, the principal went and got the School Resource Officer and asked him to remove her from the campus. The SRO then asked the student THREE TIMES to leave the classroom and the campus, and again the student refused.

In case you're not keeping count, that makes a total of NINE TIMES that the student was asked to leave the classroom, and each time the student refused.

At this point anyone with any rational thinking or common sense (God, there's that term again) would ask themselves just what this punk (and I use the term intentionally) was taught by her parents and how she was raised. By the actions of the punk student alone it is a fair and honest statement to say that this girl was not taught any kind of respect for authority of any kind whatsover. This is evident by the fact that she was acting up to the point that she had to be expelled from the class to begin with, and it is only exacerbated by her refusal to leave the school when asked NINE TIMES, three of which were by a police officer who could - and did - arrest her dumb ass.

In my opinion, the punk brought it on herself. And if you want to blame someone, blame the parents who raised this smartass punk kid, not the cop.

But you and I both know that's not the way it's going to go, don't we? No, the liberal news media is going to continue to play up the race card, the NAACP is going to pipe up with their usual line of bullshit, and I'm just waiting for that race-baiting asshole Al Sharpton to chime in. Honestly, I'm surprised we haven't heard from him by now, but I'm sure we will before long.

This wiseass little punk brought what happened to her on herself by her own actions, but to be fair she isn't the only one to blame. No, I'm not talking about the deputy who was just doing his job; I'm talking about the parents who failed to raise this kid into a responsible person who has the requisite respect for authority and who doesn't do shit to get the cops involved anyway.

Now we get to sit back and see how long it takes the racist DOJ to fry this guy. I'm hoping I'm wrong about this, but I kinda doubt it.

Deo Vindice.


Monday, October 26, 2015

Top Ten Reasons NOT To Vote for Billary Clinton

Let's be clear about this: I abhor "Billary" Clinton. She's a liar, a thief, a hypocrite, a narcissist, an elitist, and a general overall bitch. The only good thing I can say about her is that she doesn't have a twin sister.

Oh, wait, she does. Bill. Silly me.

For the life of me I can't see any logical reason why anyone with an ounce of common sense would even consider for a fraction of a second actually casting a vote for this woman. I can think of only one other person who is more unqualified to be President of the United States, and the liberals already elected that clown - TWICE. But the scary thing is that people - grown adults who are supposed to be mature and have some common sense - are actually considering voting for her, and for the stupidest of reasons. (I used to like Katy Perry until I saw her singing for and playing palsy-walsy with the Wicked Bitch of the North on TV yesterday.) And the number one stupid reason that people will vote for her is because she's a woman. That qualifies you to be President of the United States just about as much as being black does, and we all see how good THAT has worked out, don't we?

So here they are, friends and neighbors, my Top Ten Reasons NOT To Vote for Billary Clinton.

#1. She's a liar. According to her, she was under sniper fire when she landed in Bosnia when she was Secretary of State. News footage of the event show her being presented with a bouquet of flowers by a local girl when she got to the foot of the ramp. She also claimed that Chelsea was jogging around the World Trade Center at the time of the attack on 9/11. Billary later admitted that Chelsea was safe and snug in her bed in her own Manhattan apartment watching the attack on TV. She also claims to have been "instrumental" in the Northern Ireland Peace Process, although the actual participants can't recall ever seeing her in the country, much less at the table when the deal was being brokered. And then there's that video she claims she didn't know about that she at first blamed the Benghazi attacks on, the one that her very own e-mails have now proven that she knew about and told her staff to use that as the cause of the attack. I could go on, but you get the idea.

#2. She's a thief. When she and her twin sister left the White House at the end of Bill's presidency, they took a crapload of furniture with them - furniture that belonged to the United States of America since it was in the house when they got there, and that they never paid for it. I'm still trying to figure out why they weren't charged with a crime.

#3. She's a hypocrite. She voted for the Iraq war when she was a senator and then claimed she "voted for it before I was against it" when she ran for the Democratic nomination in 2008. She also wants to strip Americans of their firearms while she herself huddles behind the protection of an armed security detail - paid for with the taxes of those very same Americans.

#4. She's a narcissist. Nobody, but nobody, loves Billary Clinton as much as Billary Clinton.

#5. She's an elitist. She'll never admit to this, but she firmly believes that society should be ruled by a select, elite few - namely, herself and the other high-ranking Democrats who all think they know what is better for us than we do. Of course, all of the rules they'll pass won't apply to them because they'll give themselves an exclusion just like they did for NObamacare.

#6. She has no real leadership experience. She was First Lady of the United States. Big deal. She got that title just because she was married to the President, so that's no real accomplishment. And as FLOTUS she had no real, official, decision-making duties. The one thing she did try to do failed miserably; namely, her attempts to get the first version of NObamacare off the ground. (Bet that one still stings, too.) As Senator from New York she has exactly ZERO legislation with her name on it as the author. Personally, I'm still trying to figure out how she got elected to that office to begin with. And as for her term as Secretary of State, well, I have one word for you: BENGHAZI.

#7. She's anti-Second Amendment. She's one of those overtly stupid people who seem to think that disarming yourself in the face of danger will keep you safe. Yeah, I can't figure that one out, either. And she makes all of these statements from behind the security of an ARMED security detail.

#8. She considers Americans who don't share her point of view or opinions as "the enemy." She made this statement during the Democratic Presidential Debate last week, and this statement brought a rather stinging rebuke from, of all people, the Vice President of the United States Joe Biden. When he made a statement about deciding not to run for the Democratic nomination, he made the statement that the Republicans were not "the enemy" but rather, were "opponents." That's about the only thing the Court Jester has said in the past 7 years that I agree with, but in this case he's spot-on.

#9. She's pro-choice. Which, in my book, makes her pro-murder.

#10. She's power-hungry and thinks she can do no wrong. If you need proof that she's power-hungry, all you have to do is listen to the Democratic debate. And if you need proof that she thinks she can do no wrong, just listen to her testimony at the hearings about her illegal use of a second server for her e-mail while Sec'ty of State and at the first hearing on Benghazi when she shouted, "At this point, what difference does it make?" I'm sure it makes a hell of a lot of difference to the parents and loved one of the four Americans she let die. But of course, she doesn't see it that way.

And there you have it, fellow Conservatives, the Top Ten Reasons NOT To Vote for Billary Clinton. The only bad thing is that right now, unless something really drastic happens, it looks like she just may have enough liberal lemmings, morons, and idiots that will vote for her to win the nomination. But to be honest, I can't think of who would be worse as President - her or that socialist idiot Bernie Sanders.

More on that assclown later.

But I have to admit, I think it would be kinda fun to watch Donald Trump and her go at it during the General Election. Trump is a street fighter and Billary is an alley cat, so the ensuing fight would be epic to say the least!

Time will tell.

Deo Vindice.


Saturday, October 10, 2015

The Second Amendment - A Closer Look

One of the things we as a people have the sometimes annoying tendency to do is over-examine things. We as a species have the unnerving habit of over-complicating things, and the Second Amendment sticks out in my mind as the #1 thing we have over-complicated by way of over-examining it. We have taken something so simple in its wording and meaning and have examined the crap out of it to the point where we have, in some circles of belief, changed the definition of it to the point where in those circles it no longer means what the Founding Fathers intended it to mean.

To reverse this and see for ourselves just what the Second Amendment really means, you have to use and understand the language of the time in which it was written. This is where we of the 21st century go wrong, just as we did in the 20th century.

So let's take a step back in time, put on our tri-corner hats and take another, fresh look at the Second Amendment, shall we?

"A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

That's the whole amendment as written; now let's break it up into pieces.

"A well-regulated milita:" A militia was (and is) a group of civilians who band together and operate as a military group. This group has no ties to any established government and is not under the control of any such government. They are loosely organized and are, for the most part, armed with privately owned weapons and use privately owned equipment. "Well regulated" in the 18th century meant "adequately drilled," or "adequately trained" in the use of those weapons. Considering that most of the colonists in the 18th century had to hunt to survive, it goes without saying that they had their own weapons and were fairly proficient in their use.

"Being necessary to the security of a free state:" Here's where we of this day and age really go wrong. "Being necessary" simply meant then, as it does now, that you had to have it. It's required, period. The part where we go wrong is the "free state" part. Back when the Second Amendment was written they weren't referring to a state as in a piece of land, for the simple reason that there were no states at that time. The word "state" refers to a state of being, that state being free.

"The right of the people to keep and bear arms:" The big thing that the British tried to do that really pissed the colonists off was when they tried to confiscate the powder, cap, balls, and muskets of the militas. Back in the 18th century most communities had an armory in which the arms and ammunition for the militia was stored when not being used. The British knew that in order to resist the people had to have arms, so they attempted to confiscate the arms and ammunition from every armory in every major town and city in every colony. So this part of the amendment simply states that the people, the individual citizens, have the right to own and keep their firearms, and that they have the right to carry (or bear) them as they see fit.

"Shall not be infringed." Do I really need to explain this? This specific part of the amendment is what fuels my belief that ANY gun control law OF ANY TYPE is unconstitutional. "Shall not be infringed" means just that - no government or person has the right to tell me in any way, shape, or form that I can't own and carry a firearm, period.

The liberal left and the Democrats will tell you that the word "militia" means the National Guard, but that's bullshit. You have to remember what the 18th century definition of the word means; if you do that, then you know that the liberals and Democrats are full of crap. They'll also tell you that the phrase "the people" refers to the individual states as an organized entity and not the individual citizens. Again, that's crap to anyone with an ounce of intelligence. If that's the case, they why does that phrase mean the individual citizens in the other nine amendments? The Supreme Court of the United States recently handed down a decision affirming what we of normal intelligence already knew, that the phrase "the people" did in fact refer to the individual citizen and not the state as an entity. This, of course, made the gun-grabbers VERY unhappy, but that's life.

When all else fails, the liberals and Democrats will pop up with the word "need," as in "Why would anyone NEED an M-16" or "Why would anyone NEED a .50 caliber rifle?" That's always a prelude into the old "common sense" thing which I wrote about yesterday, and I, for one, never fall for it. My stock reply is always that nowhere in the Second Amendment does the word "need" appear, nor does it refer to the "need" of the people. It specifically states the RIGHT of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, and that's that.

Boy, does that really piss them off.

If you're a supporter of the Second Amendment as I am, then you'd better keep your eyes open because the Buffoon In Chief is about to try his hand at denying us our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms in a way that will allow him to circumvent Congress. He's considering an Executive Order along those lines, and the only reason he's doing it now is because he's coming up on the final year of his final term, is not eligible for re-election, and therefore has nothing to lose.

We, on the other hand, stand to lose everything. Repeal the Second Amendment and the others will fall as well. After all, do you really thing that the Founding Fathers organized the Bill of Rights in its current order by chance? Or do you think as I do that they placed them in order of importance from one to ten?

Keep your eyes open, patriots, it's about to get ugly.

Deo Vindice.


Friday, October 9, 2015

"Common Sense" Gun Laws

So let's set the record straight right off the bat: There's NO SUCH THING as "common sense gun laws." Actually, if you want to get right down to it, IMHO four words that can't be used together in the same sentence are "common sense" and "gun laws."

Why is that, you ask? Well, it's simple and it goes like this - what may be "common sense" to you may not be "common sense" to me or someone else. The one thing "they" say is that "common sense sometimes isn't so common." When it comes to the topic of gun control and gun laws, common sense goes right out the friggin' window.

But just for the hell of it, let's use that "common sense" thing that the liberals and gun-grabbers speak of so highly and so often and turn it against gun control laws, shall we?

If you look at the statistics concerning "gun violence" and mass shootings - and I mean the statistics released by the FBI and not The Brady Bunch or any outlet of the liberal news media such as the New York Times - you'll notice a couple of things right off the bat. First and foremost is that the cities that have the most legally registered guns and concealed weapons permits also have the lowest violent crime rate. I remember several years ago when Florida became the first state in the nation to pass a "must issue" concealed weapons permit law, Dan Rather went into a prison and interviewed seven inmates who were all in prison for armed robbery or other such violent crimes. When asked about the dropping of crime in relation to the rising of CWPs being issued, one of the prisoners stated aloud, and the rest agreed with him, that "no one wants to get shot, not even us." For that reason, the con said, he would steer clear of an area where there was a better than average chance that he would get shot by one of his victims. In this instance, "common sense" dictates that an armed populace is a safe populace.

The next thing you'll notice is that cities and states that have the most stringent gun control laws also have the highest violent crime rate. Take Chicago, for example, the hometown of the Buffoon In Chief and his former Court Jester, Emmanuel Rahm. Chicago has the strictest gun control laws in the nation, and what does it have to show for it? The highest murder rate in the nation, that's what. Yet Rahm and NObama and all of the other liberal Democrats continue to cry for more gun control laws, saying that the laws we have in place aren't good enough. (I'll get to that in a minute.) In the mean time the body count in Chicago continues to rise, as does the body count in the city with the second most stringent laws in the nation - Washington, D.C. In this instance, "common sense" dictates that an unarmed populace is not a safe populace but rather is just a bunch of victims waiting to be victimized.

The third thing you'll notice is that most of the firearms used to commit violent crimes are stolen. "Common sense" in this instance dictates that background checks don't work since criminals tend to be criminals and steal the guns they need in order to act like, well, criminals.

If you step outside of the FBI stats for a bit and take a look at current events, you'll notice several things about the mass shooting that have taken place in the past few years, especially in the past few months. Let's talk about the most recent ones first.

There have been three mass shootings that I know of in which the firearm(s) used was/were purchased legally by the person doing the shooting. This is possible because in each of these instances the shooter was nuts, and the one thing that you can't determine by a background check is the sanity level of the applicant. Of course, the liberal answer to that is to enact a new law which requires a sanity hearing to determine sanity before purchasing the weapon, but this idea is so ludicrous and so stupid that it barely warrants attention. In any event, that one will lead you right into the "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" thing, something I firmly believe in. In any event, "common sense" would once again dictate that background checks don't work.

And speaking of things that don't work, if you look at the last 15 or so mass shootings that have taken place you'll discover that with one exception they've all taken place in a "Gun Free Zone." Need some examples? Okay, how's this: Columbine, Aurora Colorado, Virginia Tech, the Washington Navy Yard, Fort Hood (twice), Chattanooga Tennessee, Sandy Hook, Umpaqua Community College in Oregon, Charleston South Carolina, Red Lake High School in Red Lake, Minnesota, all took place in GUN FREE ZONES. Actually, a report issued by the Brietbart news agency reveals that since 2009 a whopping 92% of mass shootings that have taken place in America have taken place in a GUN FREE ZONE. So in this instance, "common sense" would dictate that "gun free zones" don't work. (Wanna read it for yourself? Here ya go: )

Now let's talk about the continual cry from the liberals and Democrats for more gun control laws.

It's like this: in our nation as of this moment there are more than TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND gun control laws on the books, yet gun violence continues to be a problem. "Common sense" tells me two things: first, we have more than enough laws already on the books to do the job, and second, the Federal government is doing a lousy job of enforcing them. Since the "Brady Bill" became law in 1993 the Federal government's prosecution rate of those people who were denied a permit to purchase a firearm due to a background check is less than one percent. "Common sense" dictates that you don't need more laws if you're not using the ones you already have on the books, but you can't tell a liberal that, can you?

Here's the whole thing about the liberals using the phrase "common sense" when speaking about gun laws - it's a ploy, a plot to play on your sensibilities as an adult. After all, no self-respecting adult would want to be accused of not having "common sense," now would they? No, they wouldn't, so the liberals and Democrats use this ploy to their advantage even though any amount of "common sense" would tell you that it's all a lie and a plot to begin with.

No, I prefer to work on facts, and the facts tell you plain and simple that gun control, background checks, and "gun free zones" don't work.

Anyone with any amount of common sense can see that.

Deo Vindice.


Friday, September 11, 2015

The Day The World Changed Forever

There are three dates in modern history that people always remember exactly where they were and exactly what they were doing when these significant events took place. The first is December 7, 1941, the day Japanese naval and air forces attacked the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii and plunged the nation into World War II. The second is November 22, 1963, the day President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, ending the era in our nation known as "Camelot." And the third is September 11, 2001, the day radical Muslim terrorists hijacked four civilian airliners filled with innocent Americans and crashed them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, with the last crashing in a field in Pennsylvania after the passengers attacked the hijackers.

This one event, this one heinous, unbelievably evil event, changed our world forever.

On Tuesday, September 11, 2001 I was working as the Assistant Security Director for Macy*s in the Garden State Plaza, Paramus, New Jersey. At 8:46AM I was walking through the store with a member of the Macy*s Evaluation Team who was there inspecting the security program for our store. We had just finished testing the EAS system at the 2nd floor mall level entrance when my wife, Gina, called me on the phone. She told me that she had just heard that an aircraft, a civilian passenger liner, had crashed into one of the towers at the World Trade Center. I excused myself from the evaluator and went down to the employee's lounge to watch the live broadcast on TV. I had been to New York City many times with Gina and was familiar with the World Trade Center and the beauty of the Twin Towers, so I was fairly stunned at the picture I saw - one of the towers burning, a long plume of smoke stretching out over the Hudson River as the building burned. At 9:03AM I was just asking myself how in the world something like this could have happened as I was staring at the screen when suddenly a second airliner appeared from the left side of the screen and slammed directly into the second tower. The room was instantly filled with anguished cries of dismay and surprise from the associates who were there, and I found myself standing there with my mouth open.

I knew instantly that this was no accident. We were under attack, and had no idea by who or why.

Then my phone rang again; it was Gina, who was breathless and near tears as she said, "Did you see it? Another plane crashed into the other tower!"

"I saw it, baby," I replied in a very quiet voice, my eyes still glued to the TV screen in the lounge. "And this is no accident. We're under attack, I'm sure of it." Thirty four minutes later all doubts held by anyone as to whether or not this was a deliberate attack vanished when a third airliner struck the Pentagon. Sixteen minutes later a fourth airliner went down in Pennsylvania, with the target later being discovered to have been Washington, DC.

At 9:59AM the South Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed, with the North Tower collapsing at 10:28AM. 2,996 people, including 343 NYC firefighters and 72 NYC and Transit Authority police officers, died.

And at that moment in time, our world changed forever.

I don't remember much of the rest of the day. I do remember going back down to the employee lounge every chance I got to look at the TV and see what else was going on, and by the end of the day I was almost in tears. How anyone could commit such a despicable atrocity on innocent people simply astounded me.

Later that night I got a call from my immediate supervisor, the Director of Security for the store, who informed me that the Vice President for Security of Macy*s feared that more terrorist attacks would be coming and that the Herald Square Macy*s would be a likely target as it was the flagship store for the chain and was the world headquarters for Macy*s. The VP had directed that every Security unit in every store in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut send their Assistant Directors to the Herald Square store to augment security there starting the next day. This meant a 2 hour car trip to the NY Waterways Ferry Terminal in Hoboken for me, followed by a ferry ride across the Hudson and a bus ride to the store - all told, about a 3 hour trip one way. But I understood why it needed to be done, so the next day I got up extra early, put on my suit, got in the car, and headed out to New York City and the Herald Square Store.

After arriving at the terminal and purchasing my ticket, I went to the end of the building that faced the river and the docks where the ferries came and went. That wall of the terminal was glass from floor to ceiling, wall to wall, and always gave a spectacular view of New York City with the Twin Towers sitting on the right side of the landscape, near the end of the island. As I walked up to the glass wall and looked out at the city across the river, I looked to the right and saw not the two majestic towers standing proudly in the New York City skyline, but a thick, heavy, and huge plume of smoke rising from where the towers had stood the day before. You could smell the smoke in the air coming across the parking lot, but to see it up close and personal was something entirely different.

I stood there for several long moments, looking at that plume of dark smoke rising into the sky, and thought just how terrible this whole thing had been. I tried to imagine what the people trapped in those towers had gone through - by now we had all seen the footage of people jumping and falling to their deaths rather than being burned alive - and my mind just couldn't grasp it. I said a quick, silent prayer for those lost and missing as the ferry pulled up to the dock, then got on board and went into the city.

The next day when I got to the ferry terminal and went to the back wall to look out at the city again, I noticed three or four flyers that had been taped to the glass. All of them had someone's picture on them, and they each said something like, "MISSING" or "HAVE YOU SEEN ME?" with the last known location being one of the two towers.

That day there were three or four. The next day there were ten times that many. By the end of the week you couldn't see out of the glass.

I stood there that day, looking at the faces of the thousands of people who were gone from this world in an instant, and suddenly the depth of the tragedy hit me. Each picture was an innocent life lost, and each picture meant there was at least one other person in this world who was looking for them, hoping against hope that they would be found, grieving already for the loved one they knew in their heart they had already lost.

I stood there in my green suit, dressed to the nines, briefcase in hand, staring at that wall of faces, and cried like a baby. And I wasn't the only one, either.

My first instinct was to go home and be with my wife, just be with her and revel in the fact that I was here, I was alive, and I was with her. Nearly three thousand people had gone to bed Monday night on September 10th thinking that the following day would be just another Tuesday, just another day at work, when it turned out to be anything but. I wanted to go home and be with my wife and tell her that I loved her, just because I could.

But she was at work, I had a job to do, and that's not the way I was. My military background kicked in about this time, so I wiped my face and eyes, picked up my briefcase from where I had dropped it on the floor, got on the ferry and went to do what I had to do.

But you better believe the first thing I did when I got home that night was hold Gina and tell her I love her.

Not a year goes by that I don't think of that wall and all those faces staring back at me from eternity. Every year on this day I think of where I was and what I was doing the day the world changed forever, and every year on this day I thank God that I'm still here.

And every year I find myself tearing up at the thought of all those lives so tragically snuffed out, and for the innocence our nation lost that day.

This year is no different.

Do me a favor, please; if not for me, for yourself. After you're done reading this, go find the one person in the world who you love the most and who makes your life worth living, and tell them you love them.

And if you won't do it for me or for yourself, then do it for the 2,996 people who can't.

Deo Vindice.


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Things I Don't Understand

Been kicking around what I was going to do the first solo "TIDU" blog entry for the past week or so, but when I saw the headlines today it suddenly became a no-brainer. And to be honest, I should have figured this one out a long time ago.

NO, it's not going to be about The Buffoon In Chief. I've written enough about that incompetent clown already, don't you think? But there is one person, one political figure, that I don't think I've written about more than once, if ever. And I have no idea why I haven't written about this person more because this person is most certainly deserving of any and all amounts of criticism that I could ever throw in that direction.

And so here it is, friends and neighbors, without any further ado, my first solo topic for "Things I Don't Understand."


The thing in the news today that centered my attention on "Billary" Clinton, also known as "The Wicked Bitch of the North," was her apology about using a second e-mail server, a private one, while she was Secretary of State. Never mind the fact that she wasn't supposed to do that, was prohibited by law from doing that, sent classified "TOP SECRET" information on that unsecured server which could have compromised national security, and then she had the server erased when she got caught. Never mind all that, especially the part about endangering national security. No, everything is just peachy-keen in Liberal Land today because the reigning Queen of All I Survey has said she made a mistake, and she's sorry.

She's SORRY. Man, THAT is the understatement of the year!

And here's the part I don't understand - people have just rolled over and forgiven her! "Oh, it's okay, no big deal, she compromised top secret information and endangered national security not to mention violating every oath of office she ever took, it's okay - SHE SAID SHE WAS SORRY."

The propensity for liberals and Democrats to just roll over and forgive those in their party for the most drastic and heinous of mistakes just never ceases to amaze me.

And the thing that really pisses me off is that if this was a Republican candidate who had done this, the liberal news media would be screaming for his/her head on a stick from the highest rooftops. But since it was The Annointed One it's just okay, you know? No big deal.

And meanwhile in Massachusetts, the capital of Liberal Land, an all-female choir has released a YouTube video in which they are singing an old religious hymnal about waking up with Jesus on their minds, except for one thing: they kicked out Jesus and substituted Hillary instead.

This just astounds me. How can anyone with an ounce of common sense and ANY kind of religious upbringing at all dare to remove Jesus from a hymn and substitute this bitch - or ANY politician, for that matter - in His place? The audacity of the liberals who drink the Kool-Aid served daily by this woman just astounds the living shit out of me.

And for the life of me, I can't figure out why people support her! I mean, really, just what the hell has she done to garner this kind of blind devotion and obligations? What has she done that has benefited the nation? Someone please name me one, just ONE, thing she got accomplished while she was Secretary of State. Just ONE, that's all I ask.

So just what DID she do while she was SoS? Well, there's this:

She lied about being "under sniper fire" on a visit to Bosnia. And then when she was called on it, she said she "misspoke." I just love how liberals make up words and terms to fit their agendas, don't you? Like "assault rifle," and "misspoke," things like that.

As we now know, she set up and used a private e-mail server and transmitted classified information over the unsecure server, breaking all kinds of federal laws about transmission of classified information and putting national security at risk.

She sat on her hands while good people were killed in Benghazi, and then when she was questioned about it she had the gall and the audacity to say, "AT THIS POINT, WHAT DOES IT MATTER?" I'm quite sure it matters a hell of a lot to the families and loved ones of the four Americans she let die. And then when the scandal first broke, she tried placing the blame on someone else and then outright lied about what she originally said.

She supported a United Nations bill that would pretty much nullify the Second Amendment, choosing to support the concept of a foreign nation over supporting the liberties and freedoms guaranteed us by the Constitution of the United States. If I'd been sitting in the White House on that day I'd have fired the bitch and then had her arrested and charged with treason. But that's just me.

But let's talk about the most latest things, shall we? Billary said today that she "made a mistake" when she decided to break Federal law and set up a private e-mail server over which she transmitted hundreds - HUNDREDS - of classified documents in an unsecured system.

Anyone who deals with classified information knows that this is much more than just "making a mistake." This is Handling of Classified Information 101, something I dealt with when I was in the Air Force. My point is this: if "Billary" made this simple and drastic of a mistake as Secretary of State, what mistake is she going to make as President? If we can't trust her to protect classified information, the handling of which is very clearly laid out in all kinds of Government regulations and laws, then how in the living hell can we trust her not to royally screw things up as President?

She's a liar, she's devoid of any and all morals, she's an egomaniac, she has NO sense of honor or decency, and people actually sing hymns about her and want to elect her President?

Are you friggin' kidding me? Really, are people THAT friggin' stupid? Apparently so.

It is my learned opinion that our current President is the absolute worst President in the history of our nation, a fact which I'm sure Jimmy Carter is just freakin' elated about. But trust me, friends and neighbors, if THIS bitch gets elected to the White House, she's gonna make Barry Sotero look like an amateur. And the really scary thing is that there's a very real chance this may happen. Just as people voted for NObama for the sole reason he's black, people will vote for "Billary" for the sole reason that she's a woman. After all, isn't it time we had a woman president? Like the gender of the candidate is a viable reason for supporting him/her and casting your vote that way. At least, to the liberals it is.

Excuse me while I go puke.

Deo Vindice.


Thursday, September 3, 2015

An Empty September

It's September already - where the heck did the summer get to? - and this September feels so empty to me.

Why is that, you may ask? Well, it's very simple. For the first time in seven years - seven glorious, wonderful years - I don't have the next season of "Sons of Anarchy" to look forward to.

Call that silly if you want to, but to me SOA is more than just a television series. True, it was in my humble opinion the single best television series in the history of television, but to me it was also more than that. We moved to South Carolina in August of 2006, and the first year or so was pretty much settling in and trying to find our places in the grand scheme of things. About the time all of that started to come together, along came this new television series about a 1% motorcycle club (I refuse to use the word 'gang' because MCs are not 'gangs') called "Sons of Anarchy." Being a biker myself (although certainly not a 1%er) I took an immediate interest in it, and by the third episode of the new series I knew that FX was really onto something. The show was tough, gritty, funny, interesting, captivating, sad, violent, and happy all at the same time. It had a stellar cast and was written by a man who is nothing short of a genius, and I was instantly hooked. It was the most realistic show about a 1% MC that I had ever seen, and the more I watched it the more I loved it. And the more I loved it the more it became a part of my new life in South Carolina.

When the third (or maybe the fourth) season began, someone did an interview with the creator and writer/producer of the show, Kurt Sutter, and in that interview they asked him how long the show would last. He said in that interview that he really couldn't see it going any further than seven seasons, because by that time they would have pretty much done all that could be done. Sutter is also a student of the liberal arts and anyone who has any amount of schooling immediately recognized that SOA was modeled after "Hamlet." (And knowing that, by the way, meant that for 5 of those 7 years I knew that the show was going to end with the main character's death, which it did. Bummer.)

The main thing I loved about the show was the realism and the accuracy. They didn't do quite as much riding as I would have wanted them to do in the show, but knowing how tough it is to film action shots like that I understand why. Anyhow, Sutter said that he had researched the show for 18 months before writing it, spending time with three different 1% MCs to learn about The Life and how things were in an "outlaw" MC, and it showed. When he was asked about the graphic violence and the accuracy of what was portrayed on the show, if it was realistic or not, he said that it absolutely was and that FX wouldn't let him put everything he wanted on the air because it was TOO violent and graphic. By the time his research was over Sutter had such a deep understanding and deep respect for the clubs that he did a couple of things. First, when it came time to design the club's colors he made sure that no MC in existence used the color scheme that he wanted to use. There is no club out there that uses royal blue on white for their colors, so that's the color scheme that Sutter chose. Second, he had such a deep respect for what patched members had to go through as prospects to earn the right to wear the three-piece patch colors of their MC that he refused to allow FX to license anything that depicted all three pieces of the SOA's colors. You can buy a ton of stuff with the top rocker that says "SONS OF ANARCHY" and the grim reaper center patch, but you won't find ANY officially licensed product out there that displays the bottom rocker that says "CALIFORNIA" on it. Anything you see with all three patches is an unlicensed ripoff, and believe me there's a ton of it out there.

But aside from the show being an accurate, truthful, gritty depiction of life in an outlaw MC, it was the characters and the plot that made the show such a hit. As I said, the main basis of the show followed "Hamlet," but the twists and turns of the show as the seasons went on showed just what a creative genius writer Sutter truly is. That, and you never knew who was gonna die next. The premier of the third season showed one of the main characters, Deputy Chief Hale, getting run over and killed by a van being driven by a rival MC. This took me and a bunch of other people totally by surprise, almost as much as when the wife of one of the main characters was accidentally killed by an SOA member in Season 1.

Like I said, you never knew just who was gonna go next, although you were pretty sure that the main character, Jax, was gonna come to a violent and deadly end. And boy, did he. (No, I won't elaborate in case you haven't seen the series and plan on watching it after reading this.)

My wife, bless her heart, started the tradition of giving me the previous season's episodes on DVD for Christmas each year, and I'd spend the off months waiting for September and the season to start again by watching the previous year's season on DVD. And this past November after the show had completed its run I started watching the entire show again from beginning to end, catching the final season on Amazon Fire since the DVD wasn't out yet.

All told I've seen the entire series - all 7 seasons of it - a total of three times. And I plan on watching it again this month, kinda to help fight the withdrawals.

Then there was the music, the soundtrack for the show. Absolutely fantastic to say the least, with Katy Segal recording songs for quite a bit of it. (She was one of the Harlettes, the backup singers for Bette Midler in the '80's, you know, and has one hell of a voice.) Whoever designed the background music and decided on which song to feature for a specific, important event in the show is a pure genius. More than once I was brought to tears because of what was being shown and the music accompanying it, because the music just seemed so perfect. Go check out YouTube if you want some examples. Have a tissue handy.

But like the old saying goes, all good things must come to an end. So now it's September and no "Sons of Anarchy" to look forward to. That show became such a part of my new life here in South Carolina that it's kinda just thrown my whole psyche off-track if you know what I mean. Oh, I'll get over it, but Tuesdays are gonna be kinda empty now as far as TV goes, know what I mean?

Thank God for DVDs.

Deo Vindice.


Friday, August 28, 2015

Mass Hypocrisy At Its Very Finest

Sometimes, the more I live in this country the more disgusted I am and the more I wonder just what the hell our nation is coming to. Wonder what I'm talking about? Well, here it is.

On June 17 of this year a mentally ill white man shot and killed nine unarmed black people while they were in church. The nation immediately went crazy, with protests breaking out in the streets and mobs of enraged black citizens rioting, looting, and burning things down while being goaded into action by the liberal news media and race baiters like Al Sharpton. The next day the liberal news media made things even worse when they published photographs of the crazy white asshole, one of which showed him holding a Confederate flag. The nation immediately went nuts, and a full-blown case of "Anti-Confederate Everything" broke out, once again fueled by the liberal news media and the race baiters up North. Never mind that they also showed pictures of the same crazy white man holding a burning American flag; this one was totally ignored by the liberal media, with only the one featuring the Confederate flag garnering any attention at all. Suddenly it was open season on anything and everything Confederate in the worst case of mass idiocy I've ever seen. No one wanted to blame the white guy pulling the trigger; they wanted to blame an inanimate object, namely the Confederate flag. It took nearly two full months for this crap to die down.

Earlier this week a mentally ill homosexual black man shot and killed two unarmed white people from ambush, and it seems like no one could care less. No mobs in the streets, no seeking vengeance on the rainbow flag that homosexuals have adopted as their banner, and no statements of outrage and calls to action by Al Sharpton. (Apparently, only black lives matter. Us white folks can all go to hell.) No demonstrations, no rioting, no looting, and nothing's burning down anywhere. The liberal news media is focusing on the man who pulled the trigger (for a change), quickly labeling him as "mentally ill" as if to provide a plausible, acceptable reason for his unspeakable actions. The fact that this man was a racist is garnering little attention from anyone save Fox News, and the fact that he was an admitted homosexual has gotten even less public exposure. And literally no one is called this a "hate crime" or a "racially motivated" crime, which it most clearly is by any definition of those terms.

The mass hypocrisy involved with this latest incident simply staggers my mind. A white person kills a black person and the nation goes insane; a black person kills a white person and not a damned thing happens. This is a pattern that is being repeated over and over again, and both the liberal news media and the Buffoon In Chief along with his administration are just making it worse. For example:

A black thug is killed by a Hispanic citizen in a clear case of self-defense, and the first black President of the United States makes a sympathetic statement concerning the dead thug on national TV. He also sends a note of condolence to the family of the dead thug while totally ignoring the real victim - namely, the Hispanic who was defending himself.

An innocent white passer-by is attacked and killed by a black youth in a revenge killing in the name of the aforementioned dead black thug - a fact proclaimed by the killer at the time of the killing - and both the news media and the White House totally ignore it.

A black thug who has just committed a strong arm robbery attacks the police officer who stopped him for questioning, and the police officer kills him in what the Grand Jury of that state found to be a clear-cut case of self defense. The black people in the town go nuts, rioting and looting and burning things to the ground for nearly a week. It gets so bad that the Governor calls in the National Guard to restore order. The President sends not one, not two, but THREE representatives to the black thug's funeral, once again sending a clear message to the white citizens of this nation.

Shortly afterwards another innocent white passer-by is attacked and killed in another case of "revenge" killing by a black punk, and it barely makes the news.

Like I said, mass hypocrisy at its very finest.

I don't know about anyone else, but the message that I'm getting out of all of this is simple: it's open season on white male Christian heterosexuals, with an extra point bonus if you're from the South and are wearing anything with a Confederate flag on it.

I would imagine at this point there may be a few readers out there who are saying to themselves, "Man, this guy is really a racist!" when actually nothing could be further from the truth. I simply call 'em as I see 'em, and the facts of recent events bear this out. Everything that I have written about here has actually happened; the only difference is that I'm not afraid to say what the liberal news media won't for fear of "offending" anyone - meaning black people, atheists, homosexuals, illegal immigrants, etc. I voice my opinions and feelings here in this blog, and if you don't like what I'm writing then my solution to you is a simple one - don't read it.

It's like this, folks - if a white guy does something that's incredibly wrong and I have an opinion on it, I'm gonna write about it and put out here just exactly how I feel. If a black guy does something that's incredibly wrong and I have an opinion on it, I'm gonna write about it and put out here just exactly how I feel. If I see something that smacks of "political correctness" or people tip-toeing around the fact that the violator or bad guy is black or Asian or an illegal immigrant or an atheist, I'm gonna say something about it.

Right is right and wrong is wrong, and the irrefutable fact is that the shooting in Virginia has not garnered the same reactions as the shooting in Charleston because a) the shooter is a black homosexual, and b) the liberal news media is afraid to touch those facts for fear of "offending" blacks and homosexual.

And if the truth offends you, then that's YOUR issue and not mine.

Oh, and did I mention that the crazy black homosexual purchased his pistol legally? Yep, he filled out the application and went through the background check and everything, and yet he still killed people with a gun. Kinda proves yet again that background checks don't work because you can't detect crazy, doesn't it?

But that's another entry for another day.

In the mean time be careful, friends and neighbors, because it's a dangerous world out there and it's getting worse by the day. If you have a CWP I strongly suggest you exercise it, and if you don't have one I strongly suggest you get one.

Deo Vindice.


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Random Thoughts on a Wednesday Afternoon

I was trying to decided whether to do another "Random Thoughts" post or a "Things I Don't Understand" post, but in the end I had so much running through my mind that the "Random Thoughts" format seemed to be best. So, without further ado, here it is.

So yet another lunatic with a gun has killed two people in Virginia, on live TV this time no less. And, as they usually do, the shooter killed himself before the police could catch up with him. Somehow I have a hard time deciding which is more cowardly, shooting unarmed people from ambush or killing yourself before you have to stand trial. Either way, we all have to prepare ourselves for the inevitable outcry from the liberal news media and the loonies in the liberal left who will once again be calling for the banning of all guns. To me, this is the epitome of stupidity and lunacy in its highest form. You would think that anyone with an ounce of intelligence would realize that banning the tool of the crime is in no fuckin' way going to prevent the crime from happening again. In Britain, for instance, private ownership of firearms is outlawed "for the public's safety," yet violent crime in that nation continues to climb. And on top of that the newest wrinkle in that nation is for people to arm themselves with knives and go on a killing spree. And now, to really make you shake your head in amazement, the Kool-Aid drinking liberals in that country are calling for a "voluntary turn-in" and an eventual ban on - you guessed it - knives. If you want proof positive that gun control doesn't work and that banning a tool instead of holding people accountable doesn't work, look no further than jolly old England.

On the flip side of the coin, the police chief in - of all places - Detroit has called on the people of the city to arm themselves and fight back against violent crime. This man of intelligence realizes a couple of key things that most liberals in this country choose to ignore; first, the police are WAAAAAAY outnumbered and need help; second, the only way to protect yourself is to arm yourself, not throw away your arms and hope that the bad guys do the same because trust me on this, they won't. Of course the liberal left just hates this guy for stating the obvious, and the folks like me on the conservative right love him. The liberals are way too busy slamming the police for all of that alleged "police brutality" going on involving violent thugs like Michael Brown.

And speaking of that, what a nice way to observe the first anniversary of the death of a punk-assed thug killed while attempting to kill a police officer than to riot, burn things down, and start shooting at police. Way to go, Ferguson, you really showed the nation what kind of a class act you really are. Low class, that is, VERY low class.

Meanwhile, in the great stinkhole known as Washington DC the presidential campaign hopes of Billary Clinton continue to unravel as the story of her misuse of e-mail and release of classified material through an unauthorized and insecure e-mail server while she was Secretary of State unfolds. One cannot help but wonder just how fast the NObama administration would have been all over this one had it been a Republican candidate; but no, since this is the great and powerful Billary Clinton, heir apparent to the Clinton Presidential Regime and The Great Savior of Woman and Mankind, everyone in the jester's court is decidedly quiet. In the mean time the mindless minions who think she's the greatest thing since sliced bread are greedily drinking the Kool-Aid she's serving by telling them that it's all nothing but a Republican campaign to discredit her. It just boggles my mind how people will believe that this woman has any integrity at all and can be trusted to any degree. I have never in my entire life seen anyone who I trust less than her, and I can think of no bigger travesty and disaster waiting to happen than for her to be elected President. And the really scary thing is that people are just stupid enough to believe her and vote for her regardless of the facts staring them in the face.

And over in the Republican camp the old school Republicans are having a fit over the brash new kid on the block. All of the politicians in the camp are lining up to take their turn badmouthing Donald Trump, and in doing so all they're doing is proving that they really are just what we think they are - a bunch of gutless politically correct career politicians who will say and do anything to get elected. And that's why I won't vote for any of them.

But Trump, on the other hand, is his own worst enemy. I like his stands on things and admire his balls in speaking his mind, but someone needs to sit the boy down really soon and teach him how to work an audience. He needs to be schooled in the art of saying what's on your mind without alienating half of the people listening; after all, it's not WHAT you say but HOW you say it. I can tell you to go to hell in a way that will have you looking forward to the trip; Trump hasn't learned how to do this yet, and he needs to learn it - FAST. My fear is that in the 15 months until the Republican primary Trump will self-destruct, and that will leave us to choose from one of the professional politicians remaining. I also have a fear that Trump will survive until then, run in the primary and lose, and then run as an independent. This will take just enough votes away from the Republican candidate to just about ensure a Democratic victory in the general election, and I wouldn't at all be surprised if that puts Billary Clinton in the White House. (Remember, you have legions of people who will vote for her just because she's a woman, just as they voted for NObama because he was black.) Right now the Democrats are sitting back and enjoying the show in the Republican camp while the NObama administration ignores the crimes being committed by its heir apparent, Billary Clinton; the Republicans need to get their act together NOW if they want to save this great nation of ours. The absolute WORST thing that could ever happen to this country is for Billary Clinton to get elected. If you think NObama was bad, just wait until this bitch gets in the Oval Office.

Speaking of lunacy in its highest form, am I the only one who thinks that letting Iran provide its own inspectors for the nuclear treaty inspection team is an insanely BAD idea? Like, they'd NEVER lie to us or falsify an inspection report, right? The only thing that's worse than this is accepting it as a good idea, and of course The Buffoon In Chief and his band of merry idiots just love the idea. One more reason why I can't wait until this incompetent moron is the FORMER President.

On a positive note, I woke up this morning with everything still working, a wife who loves me, three dogs who think I'm the best thing on two legs (next to my wife, of course), a family who loves me, a truck that runs and a job that pays my bills, so life is good! With all its trials, tribulations, aggravations, tragedy and drama, this world of ours is still a pretty fantastic place to be and I thank The Great Architect of the Universe (or The Big Biker as I like to call him) for allowing me to stay here for another day. As the old song "Signs" by "The Five Man Electrical Band" goes, "Thank you, Lord, for thinkin' 'bout me, I'm alive and doin' fine!"

Deo Vindice.


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Yes, I'm Voting for Trump - And Here's Why

A Facebook friend of mine asked the question this morning, "Are you going to vote for Donald Trump, and if so, why?" A reasonable question which I've been dying to ask all day - but I have this silly little thing that I have to do called WORK, so I'm just now getting to it since I'm finished working for the day and have a few hours before I go out to my Masonic Lodge for Friends and Family.

So here you go, Charity, here's my answer to your question. And a good question it is, by the way.

Yes, I'm going to vote for Donald Trump. The reasons are many, so here they are.

1. First and foremost, he's NOT a politician. He holds no political allegiance to anyone, his lifestyle is NOT dependent upon his getting re-elected, which leaves him free to say and do as he pleases without having to worry about being out of a job just because he said something that hurt someone else's delicate feelings. We need someone in the White House who will say what needs to be said when it needs to be said, and damn hurting feelings. We need someone who isn't afraid to call a spade a spade and tell it like it is, and Trump certainly is capable of that. Sure, he's gonna need some coaching and be taught how to tone it down just a bit if he wants to be successful, but what President doesn't? But in the long run he's got the balls to call someone out if it needs to be done and say what needs to be said, and after almost 8 years of the liberal/socialist/Democratic bullshit that's been coming out of the great stinkhole known as Washington DC, this is just what we need.

2. He's a successful businessman, having become a billionaire several times over. Sure, he's filed bankruptcy twice, but he got right back up after learning from his mistake and got right back into the game. No one in this life is perfect and even the best of us have money troubles every now and then, but in the end this man knows finances, he knows money, and he knows how to be successful. He's proven it time and time again.

3. He realizes that illegal immigration and the crime that goes along with it are a HUGE problem, and he has a solution for it - one which I support wholeheartedly. Yes, I believe in building a wall between our nation and Mexico; yes, I believe in taking our troops out of foreign lands where they're neither wanted nor needed and posting them along our borders, letting them protect OUR nation for a change instead of some God-forsaken desert wasteland that even the people who were born in that country don't like. Yes, I believe in securing our borders to keep our people safe at any cost and by any means. If that pisses off the Mexicans, then screw 'em. Last time I looked it's OUR country anyway.

4. He has a solution for the millions of illegal immigrants already here - it's called DEPORTATION. I support this line of thinking for many reasons, the first being that illegal immigrants are CRIMINALS simply by being here illegally, and that they do NOT deserve to be here. You want to immigrate to the United States, fine - follow the law and do it the right way. Hop the fence and the only thing you should get is a bus ride back to the border. Illegal immigrants are a HUGE drain on our social and economic programs - they pay no taxes, take jobs that Americans need, put their kids in our schools to be educated for free (because they're not paying taxes, remember), and flood our hospitals for free medical care. All of these are benefits of American CITIZENS, not illegals. And please don't sing me that sad old liberal song about the damage to the job market that losing millions of illegals would cause - we have more than enough Americans out of work to fill those jobs two or three times over.

5. He wants to do away with the "Anchor Baby" clause that allows illegal immigrants to remain in the United States by simply having a child here. While I disagree that the child shouldn't be denied American citizenship, I also disagree that the parents get to stay here and suck off the government tit just because their kid was born here. The kid goes with them, period, WITH its American citizenship. If the parents want to take the child back to the land of its birth, then do it the right way - the LEGAL way, so you can stay here with your kid and give it the life you wanted it to have by hopping the fence anyway.

6. He knows what's financially wrong with this country and has the experience as a successful businessman to fix it.

7. And finally, he's NOT "politically correct." Anyone who knows me knows how much I absolutely DESPISE both the term and the actions. Trump is the furthest thing from being politically correct that I've ever seen, and that's one of the reasons I'll vote for him.

And there you have it. From what I'm hearing on the news and seeing in the polls, there's a whole lot of folks out there who feel the same way I do. The Republican primary is gonna be very interesting to say the least!

Deo Vindice.


Friday, August 7, 2015

A Short Message to Steve Fennell

Yo, Steve,

I deleted your comment because it had absolutely nothing to do with my blog or the topics contained within. If I want to be preached at I'll go to church.

And just so you'll know, I'll delete any additional comments you may choose to make if they are as irrelevant and unwanted as the last one.

So to quote the movie "Tombstone:"

"Well, bye."

Deo Vindice


Thursday, August 6, 2015

To Trump or Not To Trump, That Is The Question

I've been paying pretty close attention to the field of Republican presidential candidates for the past few months, and up until recently I was pretty disappointed with what I saw. There are a couple of folks I'd really love to see run, but so far they haven't made any overtures about it at all, leaving me and a whole lot of other people kinda disappointed. The nation is at a point in its history that it needs a strong, experienced leader to pull it out of the tailspin it's in and restore it to the status it once enjoyed with the rest of the world, but so far no one has stepped forward that would lead me to believe he or she would be the one. Overall, the Republican party is so disorganized and splintered with so many candidates in the running that this alone will almost certainly ensure a Democratic victory in November 2016.

And then Donald Trump stepped forward and announced his candidacy, and suddenly everything changed.

Now, I have to say from the start that I've never been a huge Donald Trump fan. I've always thought he was an egotistical, self-centered, overbearing, pompous ass, and to a large degree he truly is. But he's a smart man, smart enough to become a billionaire several times and several times over, and he's got enough balls to say what he means without mincing words. And the thing is, unlike most politicians he means what he says. He also has leadership and management experience, something that the Buffoon In Chief is sadly lacking.

And then "The Donald" goes and opens his big mouth, saying something that, while true in the large sense, is said with such candor and honesty that it immediately pisses off every liberal and Democrat in the country. And to be honest, when he first made his now-infamous remark about illegal Hispanic immigrants it took me by surprise as well; but then I thought about it a bit, getting past my first gut reaction of "WTF?" and realized something that more and more people have come to realize in the weeks since.

He's right. And the more time passes, the more people realize the same thing - he's right, and he had the balls to say up front and in plain language what every other politician knows in their hearts to be true but won't say because they don't want to lose re-election.

In short, Donald Trump had the balls to speak the plain, unvarnished, unpolitically correct truth. And I admire the hell out of him for that.

Since then I've been paying close attention to what he's been saying about what's wrong with the country and what he'd do to fix it. And the more I listen the more I like what I'm hearing.

Take paying taxes, for example. Trump has openly admitted in the media that he tries to pay "as little taxes as possible," and not because he's cheap. Far from it. He said he feels that way because he sees how the Federal government led by NObama and his band of merry idiots are wasting our tax dollars, so he wants as little of his money to be pissed away as possible. And when you get right down to it, don't we all truly feel that way? I know I do. So he's come up with a tax plan that is so simple that it's brilliant, and it goes like this:

a) If you make less than $30,000 a year you pay 1% in federal taxes.
b) If you make $30000 to $100,000 a year you pay 5% in federal taxes.
c) If you make $100,000 to $1,000,000 a year you pay 10% in federal taxes.
d) If you make more than $1,000,000 a year or more you pay 15% in federal taxes.

What this will basically do is totally eliminate the tax code as we know it, enabling us to file our taxes basically on a form the size of a post card. No more special exemptions, deductions, etc. And the big thing is that it will increase your paycheck by a whopping 40%, since that's how much the average American pays in taxes under the current tax code.

Now I don't know about you, but I sure would love to see my paycheck increase by 40%! This would mean that the millions of hard-working Americans who are paying taxes and supporting those who choose not to work but to instead suckle from the federal government tit would be able to stop living "paycheck to paycheck" and start enjoying life for a change. For those who barely have enough - or who don't have enough - to pay bills each payday and still have enough left for food and gas so they can get to work, those days of stress and worry would be gone.

Of course, the liberals and Democrats are 100% against this idea, because that would mean the "cash cow" from which they draw the money to pay for the federal give-away programs would be gone which means all of the programs would be gone, and they would in turn not get re-elected by those aforementioned tit-suckers who rely on these free programs instead of working for a living. And that, friends and neighbors, means that the liberals and Democrats would lose power in Washington, and my God we just can't have that, now can we?

Trump also feels the same way about securing our borders as I do - namely, secure them. No free ride for illegals, send them back where they came from and take active steps to ensure that our borders are secure in every sense of the word. This is something that the liberals and Democrats won't do, either, for the same reason previously stated - they'd lose re-election and be out of a job. But mostly, they'd lose power, and Democrats just can't stand to NOT be in control and have The Power.

But the main thing about Trump that impresses me is he's not afraid to say what needs to be said, and he doesn't care who he pisses off. With him you're going to get the truth in plain, unvarnished language, and if you can't handle it then that's your problem. He has the intelligence, experience, and balls to lead our nation as it needs and deserves to be led, and all we have to do now is give him the chance to do it.

One of the things I've never had any interest in watching are political debates of any kind, because for the most part all it is is politicians saying what they need to say in order to get elected, all the while knowing that they're lying out of their asses and have no intention of backing up what they say. But with Donald Trump in the running and planning on taking part in the upcoming Republican debates, I may just sit down and watch it to see how badly he mauls the competition. His popularity has been on the rise in the past few weeks in spite of his comments about illegal immigrants, and I have a feeling that after these debates are over he's going to be the #1 Republican contender.

So to answer the question, "To Trump or Not To Trump," my answer is simple:


Deo Vindice


Friday, July 31, 2015

Things I Can't Figure Out

After giving this some thought, I figured I'd try out a new format for a change - something along the lines of the "Random Thoughts" thing I do, only dedicated to one topic. Just for kicks - and because it sounded like a good idea to me and that's what counts - I decided to call it "Things I Can't Figure Out."

Needless to say, I've got a lot of topics that I can write about, and more pop up each and every day. Actually, anytime I go a long period of time between posts - say, like the past 10 days - it's because there's so much going through my head that I have a hard time figuring out just what to write about. And then the challenge becomes finding the time, because between my Masonic Lodge, the Shrine, the Widows Sons, and trying to get as much saddle time on my Road King as I can I'm pretty busy these days.

But I've got the time today, and to start this whole thing off I figured I'd start out by writing about a big one - THE big one, actually. So without further ado, here's the first "Things I Can't Figure Out."


I really can't figure out the American people these days. I mean, I remember a time when the American people were hard-working, honest, tough, inspired folks whom the rest of the world looked up to. We were up to the task of facing and handling any adversity with dedication and grit, not letting anything get us down. Just look at what the American people did in World War II, for example. The American people scrimped and saved, sacrificed more than anyone in this age can imagine, threw their time, efforts and money into the war effort, and ended up giving the American armed forces the men and material they needed to defeat the most evil regime in the history of the world (up until that time, that is). And they did it without complaining, without whining, and most of all without being asked. They VOLUNTEERED.

Today's American people are a vastly different breed, and I daresay that it's not for the better. The American people as a whole today are pretty much living the motto of "It's all about me!" We have become a self-centered, selfish, lazy, easily offended, distracted bunch of whiners and complainers who would rather demand things that they don't deserve than go out and earn them. Today's generation of young Americans have been taught that they don't have to work for anything - all they have to do is complain about it and it'll be given to them in much the same way that a whining, crying baby will be given a bottle or a pacifier just to get the little ankle biter to shut up. The American people have been taught that what THEY want and what THEY think is ALWAYS right, especially if they're OFFENDED. And thanks to the liberal news media, I don't see this particularly disgusting trait getting any better any time soon.

The American people's priorities these days are badly screwed up, so badly that it almost defies description and belief. We have become a people that will take a tragedy of innocent people being killed by one lone lunatic and blame it not on the lunatic himself but on a flag that he was photographed holding. Talk show hosts get on national TV and get all teary-eyed because a dentist kills a popular and loved lion in a game preserve where the lion was supposed to be protected to the point where the dentist is now in hiding because he fears for his life. In the mean time a woman, a HUMAN BEING, was killed by an illegal immigrant who was supposed to be deported but wasn't thanks to our liberal government, and no one bats an eye. No teary eyed monologues, no death threats to the illegal immigrant, no Twitter campaigns, no celebrities tweeting out information about the immigrant (screw you, Mia Farrow), nothing. Guess a human life isn't as important as a lion's life, huh?

We have become a people that will cry out in outrage and anger at the very idea of deporting illegal immigrants because they broke the law by even being here instead of putting them on a bus or on a boat and sending them back where they came from, demanding instead that these "undocumented aliens" (which is THE BIGGEST bullshit term in the entire history of bullshit terms) be provided with FREE housing and health care. In the mean time we have legions of homeless veterans who'd give their lives for a warm place to sleep at night; we have droves of veterans who fought for their country and now can't get the health care they earned with their blood and sweat because our liberal President and his band of merry idiots can't figure out how to run the Veteran's Administration, and we lose 27 of these veterans to suicide EVERY DAY for the same reason - yet no one says a thing. The liberal news media won't run the story for whatever bullshit reason they choose to stand by.

We have become a people who expect to be paid maximum wage for minimal work, giving no thought at all to the fact that an income such as that should be EARNED and not AWARDED. Never mind the negative impact that such wages will bring, the havoc that it will wreak on a society - just ask Spokane, Washington about that.

We have become a people who expected to be rewarded just for showing up. And we have become a people that will become "offended" by almost any damned thing, all the while believing that being "offended" makes you RIGHT.

We have become a people who have turned our backs on our country, our Constitution, and our God - all in the name of "liberalism" and "political correctness."

The good news is that not everyone in our nation is like this. Actually, I think there are more people out there like me than there are of the kind which I've just described - it's just that you never hear about us from the liberal news media because, well, we don't fit their agenda. But thanks to that very same liberal news media, the image that I've just described is how the rest of the world sees us - and they're laughing at us.

But things will change - at least, I hope they will. Sooner or later there's gonna be a second American Revolution, and then the "Three Percenters" and other folks like me are gonna take our nation back and make it strong again. Our nation will once again be admired by the rest of the world, a nation that will be trusted by our allies and feared by our enemies. We will once again be the true leader of the free world, and both the nation and our world will be better off for it.

I love my country with all my heart, and there's no other place in the entire world where I'd rather live. I consider myself a patriot in every sense of the word because I love and support my country over anything else, including the government that is ruining it. As a wise man once said, "Patriotism means being loyal to your country, not your government," and I believe that. I also believe what Thomas Jefferson said when he penned the line, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

That time is coming. And when it does I'll be standing there on the front lines.

Will you be standing next to me?

Deo Vindice.


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Leading From Behind - NObama In Action

I'm so disgusted with the President that words nearly fail me. Never in my life have I seen a sitting President who shows such obvious scorn, disregard and dislike for the members of the United States Armed Forces as NObama. I lived through the Jimmy Carter years and was active duty Air Force during this time period, and up until now I thought it was bad then. In retrospect that was nothing; all Carter did was kill the B-1 program and deny us pay raises for 3 of the 4 years of his presidency. He also almost caused a massive walkout by all active duty military personnel when the budget was nearly not approved in 1977; that would have been a violation of every enlistment contract for every enlisted member of every branch of the Armed Forces, and the base legal office had already put out the word that we could walk off the job at midnight of the day the budget was due without fear of repercussion because the Federal government would have been in violation of the contract. I'm glad to say, however, that never happened because the budget was approved - without a pay raise, as usual.

But I digress.

My opinion of who the worst President we've ever had changed not soon after The Buffoon In Chief took office. He told a bunch of lies during his campaign, making promises that I knew damned well he had no intention of keeping (such as, "My administration will be the most transparent ever!"), and his slogan of "Change we can believe in!" still makes me wanna vomit to this day. And ever since he took office it's been one disaster after another, one embarrassment after another, one lie after another, and one disgrace after another.

The latest took place this past week after the shootings in Chattanooga, Tennessee in which four Marines and one Navy sailor were killed by one of NObama's fellow Muslims. It took nearly a week and a public outcry by the American people for The Great Pretender to finally order all American flags flown at half staff, and that only took place at 2PM today. Any other president, even "Slick Willy" Clinton, would have ordered that to take place immediately. I dare say that order should have been the first words out of the President's mouth; after all, the President is the Commander In Chief of our nation's armed forces, right? So it only seems natural that the first thing the Commander In Chief would do upon hearing the news would be to order the flags flown at half staff, right?

Not in NObamaland. No, the Buffoon In Chief waited FIVE DAYS before giving the order, and even then only because of the public outcry.

This is, to me, a clear and concise example of the disdain and disregard that this President has for the men and women who put their lives on the line to protect his sorry ass 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. I speak both as an American citizen and a United States Air Force retiree when I say that this man is a total disgrace to the office of the President, to the nation, and to the human race as a whole. There is absolutely NO excuse for not lowering the flags the moment he heard the news, and you know damned good and well that he had droves of people in his own administration calling him up and telling him, "Yo, Barry, you really need to lower the flags!" I'm sure his military advisors did it; I'm sure John McCain did it; I'm sure the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff did it, and I'm sure the Secretary of State did it.

Okay, well, maybe not on that last one. But I'm damned sure the rest of them did.

In any event, the actions of the Buffoon In Chief have once again brought shame and embarrassment to the nation in the eyes of the world. Never in the history of our nation has a sitting President shown such utter contempt for the members of the Armed Forces. He is a total disgrace, and I rue the day that he took office. I only pray that the next President is a Republican who is elected for his/her qualifications and not the color of his/her skin or his/her sex. We need a leader, a REAL leader, not a ruler like the Buffoon In Chief.

And we need it NOW. I only wish this was an impeachable offense.

I need a beer.

Deo Vindice.


Sunday, July 19, 2015

Random Thoughts on a Sunday Evening

Got a lot going through my mind right now, so as usual I figured the best way to get 'em all out is to just do a "Random Thoughts" post. So here it is, in no specific order.

Thanks to Nikki Haley, it's now open season on any white man who displays a Confederate flag in South Carolina. I'm referring to the video that's making the rounds of a gang - and I use that word intentionally - of black men who attack and beat a white man who was holding a Confederate flag in Columbia yesterday. Of course, the liberal news media has given this ZERO coverage, which doesn't surprise me at all. And I'm not holding my breath waiting for Haley to order an investigation, or for the DOJ to investigate this as a "hate crime," because we all know that only white people can be racists, and only attacks on blacks by whites are true hate crimes. Which is, of course, total bullshit. Thanks again, Nikki.

And speaking of things the liberal news media won't cover, did you hear about the "new" Black Panther party rally at the State House in Columbia yesterday? You know, the one that was taking place at the same time the KKK was having their rally on the other side of the State House grounds? No? But you heard about and saw footage of the Klan rally, didn't you? What you missed on the other side of the State House was the leader of the Black Panther party leading the chants of "Black Power" and "Death To All Whites." Amazing, isn't it, how a white person can say something off the wall and immediately be labeled a racist by idiots such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, but when a black man gets up and leads a chant of "Death To All Whites" no one says a damned thing. But then again, we all know that only white men can be racists, right? At least, in the South Carolina and United States of 2015, that is. Which is, of course, total bullshit once again.

The ignorance of the American people both black and white in regards to the real causes of the War Between the States continues to make itself seen. Of course, considering that all of the text books being used to teach US history are written in the North and published in the North, why should I be surprised? Someone once said that "the winner gets to write the history books," and that sure as hell is proving itself to be true these days. And for those of you who think you truly know the history of what exactly caused the war, here are some questions for you. If you know the answers, fantastic; if not, you need to do some research because what you've been taught so far is Yankee bullshit. Ready? Here they are: 1) What was the Missouri Compromise of 1858? 2) How would the Missouri Compromise affect the balance of power in Congress, and what effect would that have? 3) What were the "Tariffs Of Abomination?" 4) When Lincoln issued the call for 75,000 volunteers after the firing on Fort Sumter, what specific reason did he state for needing the troops?

Meanwhile in Tennessee, 4 Marines and 1 Navy sailor are gunned down by an Islamist terrorist, and the Buffoon In Chief has yet to order the United States flag to be lowered to half staff. To me, this just demonstrates once again the total disdain that this disgrace of a leader has for the men and women who put their lives on the line every day to protect the nation he's supposed to be leading. NObama is a total disgrace of a President, and I'm counting the days until he's out of the White House and out of power. This is what happens when you elect by demographics instead of qualifications.

And speaking of electing by demographics, I find it utterly astonishing that people will actually admit that they will vote for "Billary" Clinton just because "it's time we had a woman president!" To me, this is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. The nation elected a black man President just because of the color of his skin, and the past 7 years have proven to be nothing but one disaster after another due to the total lack of experience and capabilities of NObama and the band of merry idiots he picked for his administration. Now the nation is poised to do the exact same thing with Clinton, and this is even more astounding due to the plethora of bad crap that's come out about her in the past couple of months. She's proven time and time again that she has ZERO honor, ZERO integrity, ZERO capabilities, and ZERO experience. The lies she's been caught in alone would be enough for any sane, rational person to realize that she has ZERO business leading anything more significant than a Girl Scout troop, but people are seriously gonna vote for her just because she's a woman. I can think of only one other way that you can squander your vote in a more repulsive way, and that's already been done. Twice.

Which brings me to Donald Trump. I've never really been a big fan of his because I always thought he was a pompous, egotistical ass, but you have to admit that he's also one smart son of a bitch. After all, you don't get to be a millionaire several times over by being the village idiot, do you? And he's also not afraid to call a spade a spade and speak what's on his mind regardless of who's tender feelings get hurt. I've admired him for this even though I didn't really care for him, and up until yesterday I was all for voting for him just because he'd get shit done and all of the nations who are laughing at us now thanks to the Buffoon In Chief would all be going, "OH, SHIT!" if he got elected. But then he had to go and make that statement about John McCain and then refuse to apologize for it, so now I'm thinking about whether or not to throw my vote his way in November of 2016. I've got plenty of time to think about it, so we'll see what happens.

A couple of things to end on a positive note: I participated in a very enjoyable ride today with members of my Masonic Rider's Association, the Wayfarers Chapter of the Widows Sons. We rode from Pontiac to McBee, SC for a meet and greet with the officers of the Grand Chapter of the SC Widows Sons. We had to run from the rain on the way back, but all in all it was a great time regardless of the threat of rain and the heat.

Lastly, one of my best friends got married yesterday and I was honored to have been one of his groomsmen. I met Dan Hill when he was hired into Loss Prevention with Lowe's and got to know him when I was appointed as one of his trainers, and we've been fast friends ever since. He met a woman named Cheryl Tedford while working with Lowe's, and yesterday they tied the knot. I'm very happy for the both of them, and I wish them nothing but love and laughter for the rest of their lives. Congrats, you two!

And that's it. Y'all take care, and pray for our great nation.

Deo Vindice.