Got a lot running through my mind this morning, so rather than try to pin one down to talk about at length I'll just hit all of them. Ready or not, here we go!
So two new reports, one by the US Bureau of Justice Statistics and the other by the Pew Research Center, have both shown that murders and violent crimes involving handguns have dropped as much as 49% in the past ten years. Gee, I wonder why that is? Of course, the liberals, Democrats, gun-grabbers and other such assorted morons will tell you that the drop is the result of stricter gun control laws, but that's not the truth. The truth is that there have been no new federal gun laws enacted during that time period; in actuality, the exact opposite is true. The "Brady Bill" was allowed to expire in 1994, one year after the start of the time period measured. Strange, isn't it, how violence with guns began to drop the year the "Brady Bill" expired? Imagine that. Also, there would have been no mass shootings in that time period as well, which means that since Colorado, Virginia Tech, and Newtown all happened during this time period the gun-grabbers are wrong. On the other hand, the pro-Second Amendment folks like myself will tell you that the drop in gun violence is because more people - more law-abiding citizens, that is - are armed now than they were before. Criminals prefer their victims unarmed, you know.
For all of you NObamabots out there, you'd better grab two great big handfulls of your own ass and hang on, because your idol and hero is about to get his own ass handed to him. The Benghazi hearings are about to begin, and I don't think it's going to turn out well for both the Buffoon In Chief and his former Secretary of State, "Billary" Clinton. Both of them sat on their asses and did nothing while Americans were killed, and then lied about it. Now the karma bus is about to make a stop, and it isn't gonna be pretty.
I see that a whole bunch of celebrities have made a video in which they proclaim, "Demand a plan." Of course, it's a gun control video, since you rarely hear any celebrity making a stand for the Second Amendment - that's just not good for their careers, you know, since Hollywood and TV Land are both run by liberal morons. But there's a second version of this video around, one that shows just what hypocritical whores these celebrities really are. The second video is interspersed with clips of these same celebrities shooting the crap out of people in the movies they've been in, all while "demanding a plan" on gun control. I's okay for you to get rich using guns, but you'll still stand up and say how bad they are if someone pays you to do it. I got it. Here's a plan for you: shut the fuck up and act, okay? Just because you're a celebrity doesn't mean you're a genius.
After much thought, careful deliberation and detailed field study, I have come to the conclusion that people drive like my ass. It's gotten so bad on the major highways now that I hate having to drive any distance at all. That rectangular sign on the side of the road with the numbers on it is called a "speed limit" sign, and that's how fast you're supposed to go, okay? And here's a clue for you: if I'm in the process of passing a slower car and you come zipping up behind me like your ass is on fire and then tailgate me so close that I can't see your headlights, that is NOT gonna make me move over. I'm gonna do one of two things: I'm either gonna stay right where I am and make you go around me, or if I'm in just the right mood I'm gonna stomp on the brakes and see how good your reflexes are. Either way, tailgating me ain't the answer. Try it and find out.
Why is it that the Trayvon Martin case, where a Hispanic guy shoots a black guy who was attacking him, gets national media attention while six black people stomp a pregnant white girl nearly to death IN THE SAME TOWN and nobody hears anything about it? Can you say, "RACISM?" That knife cuts both ways, you know.
Oh, you didn't know that? Stupid liberal.
I still think the Grateful Dead is one of the most under-appreciated bands in the history of rock and roll.
Yeah, I know my yard is full of weeds, and as soon as it stops raining and the temperature warms up to where it's supposed to be in May I'll take care of it.
Three guys hold three girls hostage in their house for TEN YEARS and nobody notices, not even when one of the guys shows up with a kid that wasn't there before. How in the hell is that possible?
Last but not least, for all you current and former military cops out there, if you haven't heard about LEOSA - the Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act - you need to read up on it. Congress has granted us the legal right to carry a concealed weapon NATION WIDE, and the DoD is putting the finishing touches on the regulations to accompany it. Good news indeed for all of us who put bad guys away and couldn't defend ourselves from them off-duty because the military doesn't let off-duty cops carry guns.
And that's it for now. Works beckons, damn it.
Molon Labe!