Unless you're dead or on another planet, I'm quite sure you've heard all about the incident in Florida last week in which a Hispanic man named George Zimmerman shot and killed a black teenager named Trayvon Martin. Since you already know all of the "facts" as presented by the liberal media, I won't bore you with them or waste my time repeating them. Instead, I'd rather use my time productively and inform you of things you may not have heard about because the information has either just come to light, or the liberal media is avoiding it like the plague because it makes them look like what they are - a bunch of whining, crying, racist fools.
Let's start off with what has come to be one of the most (in)famous pictures or composite of pictures to see the light of day this decade, that composite being the side-by-side comparison of Zimmerman wearing County Jail orange from a mug shot taken 5 years ago, displayed next to a fresh-faced Martin wearing a green "Hollister" t-shirt and looking as pure and innocent as a baby - which was the whole point.
But now, here's another composite picture that tells a completely different story:
What you see in THIS picture is Zimmerman as he appears today, side by side with a picture of the apparently not-so-innocent Martin dressed like a "gangsta thug" and flipping the bird with both fingers - and smiling as he's doing it.
Kinda makes you think, huh? I wonder why the media didn't print THIS picture instead, or why they haven't printed it as of now? I think we all know the answers to that...
Now let's talk about the incident itself. Everyone was all set to crucify Zimmerman for allegedly shooting this "innocent young black boy" for no reason, and things got even worse when the Asshole Twins, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, two of the biggest racists in the entire nation, got involved and went down to Florida to spew their racist brand of one-sided "justice." And to be honest, from the moment I first heard about this I had a feeling that maybe Zimmerman did something wrong, but that he definitely should have been investigated and, IF the investigation proved he committed a crime, he should be arrested, charged, and put on trial. But only AFTER the incident was investigated.
But in the mean time the rallies began nation-wide, thanks to the fanning of the flames by the liberal media and the Asshole Twins, and all you saw on TV were crowds of mostly black citizens prancing down the street chanting, "No justice, no peace" at the top of their lungs. And by "justice," of course, they mean they want Zimmerman arrested and put in jail whether the investigation and the FACTS prove he did anything wrong or not. Anything else wouldn't be what they call "justice" and would just lead to more protests, lending theoretical support to the incorrect and one-sided notion that a black man can't get justice in "white America."
Which, of course, is total bullshit. But I digress.
I also have to admit that it looked very bad for Zimmerman from the first, especially since he'd been told by a dispatcher NOT to follow Martin, but he did anyway. Not a smart idea, but the dispatcher did NOT have the legal authority to command Zimmerman to stop, and he was under NO legal obligation to do so. And after the incident happened the first thing Zimmerman said was he did it in self-defense, something that is easy enough to say but very hard to disprove when only two people saw what happened and one of them is now dead. In that case you cannot DISPROVE the self-defense theory, so the LAW commands that you must accept it as FACT. Like it or not, that's what the law says - and it's all about the law and whether or not Zimmerman committed a crime.
And speaking of laws being unjustly under fire and unjustly criticized, the "Stand Your Ground" law in Florida which has been the basis of nearly all of the "Castle Doctrine" laws passed nationwide recently does NOT give Zimmerman the right to confront and shoot anyone, much less Trayvon Martin. The law states that if you are threatened by another person who instigates the attack, you may defend yourself and use deadly force to do so and are under NO obligation to attempt to flee first - you can "stand your ground" and defend yourself. Had Zimmerman initiated the confrontation, he would have been in direct violation of the law and subject to arrest and prosecution for murder.
So for several days it looked like maybe that's what he did, and I, for one, would have loved to see him swing for it - if that's what he did. Unfortunately there was no evidence to PROVE that he did, only his side of the story which was unsubstantiated.
Until today.
Now a witness has come forward and says that saw the confrontation, and that he saw George Zimmerman lying on his back on the ground with Trayvon Martin on top of him beating the hell out of him. He also said he heard Zimmerman calling for help, and that at that point the witness proceeded to his apartment and called 911, reporting the incident. Then he heard a shot, and when he looked out of his window he saw Martin on the ground with Zimmerman apparently trying to render first aid.
Also released today was Zimmerman's statement to the police in which he said that he had stopped following Martin because he had lost sight of him, and had returned to his car when Martin approached him from behind and confronted him, asking him "what's your problem?" When Zimmerman said he didn't have a problem Martin said, "Well, you do now!" and then punched him in the face. Martin then knocked Zimmerman to the ground, got on top of him, and began beating the back of Zimmerman's head against the ground. At some point Zimmerman got to his legally-carried, licensed firearm and shot Martin in self-defense.
And what's more, the police investigation corroborates Zimmerman's story, stating that the PHYSICAL EVIDENCE backs it up 100%. (And if you know me, you know I'm all about physical evidence.)
What "physical evidence," you may ask? Well, first there's the grass stains on the back of Zimmerman's shirt, then there's the soft tissue injuries to the back of his head, and finally there's his broken nose. THAT physical evidence.
So now it sure does sound like Martin was, in fact, the aggressor and that Zimmerman did, in fact, shoot in self-defense. Once Zimmerman lost sight of Martin and headed back to his truck, anything that happened after that was initiated when MARTIN confronted HIM, and that makes MARTIN the aggressor. It also means that Zimmerman was in full compliance with Florida law when he shot Martin in self-defense.
The "no justice, no peace" crowd and the Asshole Twins are NOT gonna like this.
So now there's a grand jury scheduled for April 10, and if the grand jury indicts Zimmerman I have a feeling that the state is gonna have a very hard time convicting him, no matter how many protesters and/or family members show up to make a scene in court. Facts are facts, and in this case the facts are all on Zimmerman's side. One way or the other, if the grand jury fails to indict or if Zimmerman is tried and acquitted, you can expect to see more demonstrations because those "no justice, no peace" folks didn't get their way.
When this whole thing started out, my first opinion was that the whole thing was tragic that a young man - note I did NOT say a young "black" man, because to me race is NOT a factor - was seemingly shot and killed for no good reason, and I thought that the shooter had most likely done something wrong and should be investigated at the very minimum. And if he was charged and convicted, he should be put in jail or on Death Row. But now that a few days have gone by and more information has come to light, I feel completely different about it. Was Zimmerman over-enthusiastic and did he make a bad decision? Absolutely. He never should have gotten out of his car; he should have called 911, reported the suspicious kid in the hoodie, and let the cops take care of it. After all, that's what a Neighborhood Watch does - they watch and report, but take NO ACTION. So at worst, Zimmerman is guilty of poor judgement.
But was Trayvon Martin the innocent victim, or was he the aggressor? Well, as much as the liberal media would have that 5 year old photo of Zimmerman in County Orange inflame your opinion of him in the negative way, that picture of the seemingly-innocent Trayvon Martin all dressed up like some kind of "gangsta" punk-assed street rat has made me change MY opinion of him. I now think it's highly likely that HE was the aggressor, that HE initiated the contact with Zimmerman, that HE assaulted Zimmerman, and unfortunately, HE paid for HIS bad decision with his life.
But it sure looks like he asked for it.
And I'm sorry, I refuse to feel sorry for the family for one reason: they're now looking for a way to make money off of their son's death. And how do I know this? Simple - the mother has applied for a trademark for the phrase "I am Trayvon" and "Justice for Trayvon." And the ONLY reason you need trademark protection is if you're planning on marketing a product and don't want someone else ripping it off.
In closing, I have only two questions to ask, both of which I already know the answer to. And they are:
After it's proven that Zimmerman was, in fact, acting in self defense and Martin was the aggressor who initiated the attack, will the Asshole Twins make as much of a ruckus about Zimmerman's innocence and wrongful persecution as they are now?
And lastly, if Martin had been white, would this have even made the national news at all?
One man's view of local and world events unfolding around him as seen from middle-class America.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Sunday, March 11, 2012
The Stupidest Show On Television, Hands Down
In the 55 years I've been walking around on this big blue ball we call home I've seen my fair share of stupid TV programs. First there was "My Mother, The Car" from the 1960s, followed by "The Beverly Hillbillies" and "Gilligan's Island." Yeah, I know, these last two are considered two of the biggest comedy hits in the history of TV, but I always thought they were both stupid as hell. After all, how long do you think it would take to figure out how a doorbell works, and if the Professor could build a radio out of coconuts then how come he couldn't fix the damned boat? But I digress...
Fast forward to 2012, skipping past such other "hits" like "The Simpsons," "American Dad," and my personal favorite for second place "Stupidest Show on TV" which is "Family Guy," and that brings you to our grand-prize winner, the absolute STUPIDEST show on TV, hands down. And the name of the show?
If you haven't seen this miscarriage of modern entertainment and you're in the mood for a good laugh, or you just feel like having justification for calling someone a stupid son of a bitch and a freakin' idiot, then this is the show for you!
The show is about a group of people, two guys and a girl, who spend their time traveling around the county "looking for Bigfoot." The two guys are "Bigfoot Experts" (never mind that they've never actually SEEN one), and the girl is there as a non-believer to add credibility to their "findings." The head "expert" is a tall, fat, dopey, hippie-looking dude with long, frizzy hair that looks like it's never seen a brush or a comb; on top of that he's prone to wearing those mesh-backed trucker's hats with the foam fronts from the 1980s that only make him look like more of an idiot than he actually is. He goes by the nickname of "Bobo" (which should in all reality be "Dodo," because that's what he is) and proudly claims that he's been researching Bigfoot for 25 years. And THAT, dear friends and neighbors, is what makes him an "expert."
Never mind that in the 25 years he's been "researching" Bigfoot he's never seen one, never heard one that he could prove, never found ANY physical evidence save for some suspicious footprints, and never found any bones or the body of a dead one. Never mind all that, he's still an "expert," and if you don't believe that then all you have to do is ask him and he'll tell you.
To this clown, everything is "Squatchy." That's one of his two favorite words, "Squatchy." Every time he says that word it makes me want to rip my ears off and puke, it really does. He goes into a stand of damp, wet forest and immediately declares that "this area is really squatchy!" He finds a portion of forest that's remote and far away from people, and declares that "yeah, this place is really squatchy!"
His other favorite word is "Squatch" or the plural version, "Squatches." In the episode I had the misfortune to see today while I was at home for lunch, Dodo and his other two idiots were walking through a national forest and stumbled across some kind of structure that looked like a teepee, only made out of branches instead of canvas. So what's the first thing Dodo declares? "This is a Squatch hunting blind!" When someone asks him what he thinks a Bigfoot likes to eat, he declares with the certainty of Einstein explaining the Theory of Relativity that "Squatches love bacon!" In another instance in the same episode today, they come across what looked to be a deer carcass or something like that. To the average person it looked like a wolf got to it, but to Dodo that wasn't it...nooo, it wasn't, not by a long shot. "This is a Squatch kill, that's what this is!" he declares. And even worse, in one episode he and his band of merry idiots were next to a lake when Dodo pops up and says, "This is how Squatches fish!"
But my favorite example is when Dodo and his other morons stand out in the woods in the middle of the night, yelling and hollering like a couple of idiots - which they are - explaining that "this is how a Squatch calls its mate!" and hoping for a reply. When they actually do hear some kind of cry in what may or may not be an actual reply - which has only happened once that I know of - they immediately declare "that's a Squatch answering us!" without having any idea at all of what is making the noise or of where it is. It could be another idiot, a local yokel this time, out in the woods doing the same thing they are, but they immediately classify it as a real, genuine Bigfoot!
I only have one question for Dodo, one very simple, logical question: HOW DO YOU KNOW? JUST HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW? Having never seen one, found any remains, found any physical evidence, never seen anything even remotely close to actual, indisputable evidence, just how the freaking hell do you know how a Bigfoot fishes? How do you know how it hunts, how it kills, and how it mates? You claim to know all this, but HOW?
I'll tell you how - YOU DON'T. PERIOD. You're an idiot with a dream, so deeply caught up in your dream that you absolutely refuse to see reality for what it is, that reality being that you're nothing more than a fat buffoon with bad hair romping and stomping around in the woods, making a fool out of yourself on national television.
And the really sad thing is that not only do people believe you, somebody decided to give you your own TV show and you're actually getting paid for it.
At this point I feel I must answer the two questions that are going through your minds, so here are the answers.
NO, I don't watch the show - my wife does. I don't suffer fools well, but she thinks it's funny as hell and laughs her ass off every time the show comes on. Guess she has a better sense of humor than I do. (But then, she laughs at fart jokes, too...)
YES, I think it's possible that a Bigfoot-type creature exists. I'm quite sure that there are still things on our planet that we haven't discovered quite yet, and Bigfoot may very well be one of them. But still, you have to ask yourself one question: we've found the bodies and remains of every kind of creature known to mankind, including prehistoric ones, yet no one has ever - EVER - found the body of a dead Bigfoot. You can't help but wonder about that, now can you?
Maybe we'll get really, really lucky and somebody will come up with some good, solid video of a Bigfoot - killing and eating Dodo.
Now THAT I would pay to see!
Fast forward to 2012, skipping past such other "hits" like "The Simpsons," "American Dad," and my personal favorite for second place "Stupidest Show on TV" which is "Family Guy," and that brings you to our grand-prize winner, the absolute STUPIDEST show on TV, hands down. And the name of the show?
If you haven't seen this miscarriage of modern entertainment and you're in the mood for a good laugh, or you just feel like having justification for calling someone a stupid son of a bitch and a freakin' idiot, then this is the show for you!
The show is about a group of people, two guys and a girl, who spend their time traveling around the county "looking for Bigfoot." The two guys are "Bigfoot Experts" (never mind that they've never actually SEEN one), and the girl is there as a non-believer to add credibility to their "findings." The head "expert" is a tall, fat, dopey, hippie-looking dude with long, frizzy hair that looks like it's never seen a brush or a comb; on top of that he's prone to wearing those mesh-backed trucker's hats with the foam fronts from the 1980s that only make him look like more of an idiot than he actually is. He goes by the nickname of "Bobo" (which should in all reality be "Dodo," because that's what he is) and proudly claims that he's been researching Bigfoot for 25 years. And THAT, dear friends and neighbors, is what makes him an "expert."
Never mind that in the 25 years he's been "researching" Bigfoot he's never seen one, never heard one that he could prove, never found ANY physical evidence save for some suspicious footprints, and never found any bones or the body of a dead one. Never mind all that, he's still an "expert," and if you don't believe that then all you have to do is ask him and he'll tell you.
To this clown, everything is "Squatchy." That's one of his two favorite words, "Squatchy." Every time he says that word it makes me want to rip my ears off and puke, it really does. He goes into a stand of damp, wet forest and immediately declares that "this area is really squatchy!" He finds a portion of forest that's remote and far away from people, and declares that "yeah, this place is really squatchy!"
His other favorite word is "Squatch" or the plural version, "Squatches." In the episode I had the misfortune to see today while I was at home for lunch, Dodo and his other two idiots were walking through a national forest and stumbled across some kind of structure that looked like a teepee, only made out of branches instead of canvas. So what's the first thing Dodo declares? "This is a Squatch hunting blind!" When someone asks him what he thinks a Bigfoot likes to eat, he declares with the certainty of Einstein explaining the Theory of Relativity that "Squatches love bacon!" In another instance in the same episode today, they come across what looked to be a deer carcass or something like that. To the average person it looked like a wolf got to it, but to Dodo that wasn't it...nooo, it wasn't, not by a long shot. "This is a Squatch kill, that's what this is!" he declares. And even worse, in one episode he and his band of merry idiots were next to a lake when Dodo pops up and says, "This is how Squatches fish!"
But my favorite example is when Dodo and his other morons stand out in the woods in the middle of the night, yelling and hollering like a couple of idiots - which they are - explaining that "this is how a Squatch calls its mate!" and hoping for a reply. When they actually do hear some kind of cry in what may or may not be an actual reply - which has only happened once that I know of - they immediately declare "that's a Squatch answering us!" without having any idea at all of what is making the noise or of where it is. It could be another idiot, a local yokel this time, out in the woods doing the same thing they are, but they immediately classify it as a real, genuine Bigfoot!
I only have one question for Dodo, one very simple, logical question: HOW DO YOU KNOW? JUST HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW? Having never seen one, found any remains, found any physical evidence, never seen anything even remotely close to actual, indisputable evidence, just how the freaking hell do you know how a Bigfoot fishes? How do you know how it hunts, how it kills, and how it mates? You claim to know all this, but HOW?
I'll tell you how - YOU DON'T. PERIOD. You're an idiot with a dream, so deeply caught up in your dream that you absolutely refuse to see reality for what it is, that reality being that you're nothing more than a fat buffoon with bad hair romping and stomping around in the woods, making a fool out of yourself on national television.
And the really sad thing is that not only do people believe you, somebody decided to give you your own TV show and you're actually getting paid for it.
At this point I feel I must answer the two questions that are going through your minds, so here are the answers.
NO, I don't watch the show - my wife does. I don't suffer fools well, but she thinks it's funny as hell and laughs her ass off every time the show comes on. Guess she has a better sense of humor than I do. (But then, she laughs at fart jokes, too...)
YES, I think it's possible that a Bigfoot-type creature exists. I'm quite sure that there are still things on our planet that we haven't discovered quite yet, and Bigfoot may very well be one of them. But still, you have to ask yourself one question: we've found the bodies and remains of every kind of creature known to mankind, including prehistoric ones, yet no one has ever - EVER - found the body of a dead Bigfoot. You can't help but wonder about that, now can you?
Maybe we'll get really, really lucky and somebody will come up with some good, solid video of a Bigfoot - killing and eating Dodo.
Now THAT I would pay to see!
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