When you disagree with him/her, that's when.
I have a hard and fast rule that I try really hard to obey, and that rule is NEVER to discuss politics and/or religion with someone I don't know - and even then, I'm cautious about who I discuss these topics with, as both of them can be volatile enough to ruin what was thought to be a good relationship, friendship, or in some cases, marriage. Outside of the members of my immediate family (and even then there's a few I won't discuss religion with), there's only one person that I can discuss both with and not want to pinch their head off and crap down their neck when it's over. And the really surprising thing is that as much as my "brutha from anutha mutha," Bulldog and I are alike, when it comes to politics we are polar opposites. He's a former Democrat and an avid liberal, and I'm a former Republican and avid conservative. We've had many a spirited political discussion over many beers and many bottles of Sailor Jerry, and as intense (not heated, mind you, but intense) as the discussions may have gotten, when it was all over we were still friends. Actually, I think that brought us even closer. And the really amazing thing about it is that not once have we ever insulted each other or even lost our cools; the discussions were intense but respectful, with each of us respecting the opinion of the other and his right to both have it and speak it.
Unfortunately, I can't say that for the rest of the world, especially when it comes to religion. And I had the unhappy instance this past week to have that demonstrated to me once again, and this was without even getting involved in a religious discussion - actually, it was because I refused to get sucked into a religious discussion.
Short version of a long story: on the unofficial Sons of Confederate Veterans page on Facebook, I made a post where I stated that political postings were out of place on that page because the current political aspirings have nothing to do with the mission of the SCV. When asked why not by a member, I said because political discussions invariably and inevitably led to religious discussions, and I refused to participate in either - especially religious discussions.
At that point one of the members of the page decided to start quoting scripture at me in what I can only guess was an effort to prove me wrong or change my mind.
Yeah, like that's gonna work - quote scripture at someone who has already told you he's not gonna participate in a religious discussion.
In any event, I reiterated to Phil that I was not going to get involved in a religious discussion, at which point Phil got really testy. He started slinging insults, which is the normal thing that "christians" do when you don't play their game, and started accusing me of things I didn't say or do. When I called him on that and challenged him to find where in my postings I had said the things he said I did, he used the typical "ignore it and it'll go away" tactic that never works - at least not with me, anyway. So when I continued to challenge him to back up with quotes from my postings what he said I had posted, he got even more testy and finally labeled me as a "troublemaker."
Gee, imagine that...he's the one who started with the accusations and insults, and yet I'm the troublemaker.
I guess what really torqued Phil off was when I pointed out to him that he was being insulting and rude, and asked him if that was the way Christians were supposed to act. He really got his panties in a knot after that, so I guess I struck a nerve. After all, no one likes to be proven wrong and shown to be a total and complete fool in a public forum.
So it seems that even when I try to avoid getting sucked into a religious discussion, I still incur the wraith of the so-called "Christians" who ultimately end up acting in a very un-Christian like manner. Either that, or they climb up on their religious high-horse and talk down to you like you're some lower form of uneducated life barely worthy of their supreme attention. Either way, all they do is prove themselves to be horse's asses, and the really sad thing is that they don't see it.
Now don't get me wrong, friends and neighbors, I have no problem with religion; as the bumper sticker says, "I have no problem with God, it's his fan club I can't stand." I realize that everyone is going to have their own opinions about God, religion, the Bible, the Qu-aran, the Koran, and all of the other holy books out there, and chances are pretty good that they're going to be a hell of a lot different than mine. And that's just fine, really. The problem is, while I respect the opinions of others even though I don't agree with them, I rarely get that same respect in return. What I do get is a "holier-than-thou" attitude or a barrage of scripture-laden insults that make me wonder just what the other person's idea of being a Christian really is. I find it a sad state of affairs that someone who professes to be a Christian cannot find it in their hearts - or be mature enough - to accept the opinions of others and treat them with the same respect that they demand others give their opinions. I've said this all my life, and I'll say it again because I truly believe it: of two differing opinions, neither one is right and neither one is wrong; they're just different.
Not a hard concept to wrap your mind around, is it? But you'd be surprised at just how impossible some of the more "motivated" members of God's fan club find it to do.
I look at it like this: if your beliefs work for you, then go for it. As long as you're happy with them and your beliefs make your life enjoyable, then more power to ya. Just don't inflict your beliefs on me and tell me mine are wrong, because I'm liable to shove 'em back down your throat. I've never suffered fools well, and I ain't gettin' any better at it the older I get.
Besides, when it's all over and we all go meet our maker, somebody is in for one hell of a big disappointment.
One man's view of local and world events unfolding around him as seen from middle-class America.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
I'm So Disgusted I Could Throw Up
I don’t know who disgusts me more – President NObama, Senator John “I Have Two Purple Hearts” Kerry, or every single member of the Congress of the United States, Demoncratic, Republican, and Independents alike.
If you’ve been paying attention to the news about the economic status of the United States and the impending recession – that’s right, friends and neighbors, recession – then you know what the source of my disgust is. And right behind being disgusted I’m also scared shitless as to what the future is going to bring our nation, thanks to the morons, idiots, and downright assholes in the great stinkhole known as Washington , DC.
So let’s start at the top where, in the words of President Truman, “the buck stops.”
Unless you’re Barack NObama, that is.
Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but I always thought that the President of the United States was supposed to put political party affiliation aside once he’s in office, and run the country in a fair, impartial manner, holding both houses of Congress responsible and calling them to task when need be.
Unless you’re Barack NObama, that is. If you’re Barack NObama you continue to side with the Demoncratic party, totally ignoring the blockades to an agreement on the debt ceiling put in place by your fellow jackasses and placing the blame squarely on the Republicans. You get up in front of the nation and hold a press conference, specifically blaming those in the Congress who disagree with your socialistic and uber-liberal views, and you chastise them for not being “understanding” and “cooperating” and doing “what’s best for the nation.”
Never mind that your fellow jackasses in the Demoncratic party are doing the same thing. Oh, by all means, let’s not confuse the issue with facts, shall we?
And then when an agreement is finally reached and the debt ceiling is raised – not averting financial disaster but only postponing it – you stand up in front of the nation again and laud your fellow jackasses for the fine work they did in getting the agreement hammered out.
Fair and impartial. Riiiiiight.
Just about now I’m sure all of you who voted for this man are going to start with the usual chorus of, “It’s not his fault, he inherited this problem from George Bush!” Well, that’s not gonna fly with me, and here’s why – like it or not, the President of the United States, while he may not be the one who caused the issue, is the one who is ultimately RESPONSIBLE for it simply because he’s the President. It’s as simple as that. And it was the same way during the Bush administration as well – he didn’t cause the economic issues facing his administration, but he was RESPONSIBLE for it because he was the President.
And if memory serves me correctly, all of the Bush-bashers out there who are now rabid NObamabots said the same thing about Bush then that I’m saying about NObama now – you can’t avoid the responsibility just because you inherited it from the previous administration!
Which would be “Slick Willy” Clinton, by the way, another member of the Demoncratic party.
Now, for those of you who are going to retort with the statement that “Slick Willy” was the last President to have a balanced budget, I’m sorry to inform you that you’re wrong. According to the ultimate source, that source being the Federal governments’ own accounting office, the last president to have a balanced budget was Dwight David Eisenhower. So that pretty much ends that, and I don’t give a good Goddamn what CNN says.
So the debt ceiling is raised, and the nation’s economic rating is subsequently downgraded for the first time in the nation’s history despite the “historic agreement” Congress hammered out in the 11th Hour. And then, a few days later, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are downgraded as well, causing the stock market to continue its record tumble.
This is the part where Senator John “I Have Two Purple Hearts” Kerry comes in. This jackass gets up in front of the cameras and places blame for the downgrading squarely upon the Tea Party, claiming that their “radical” ideas (emphasis is mine, not his) on reducing spending and cutting the size of the government are the cause of the downgrade.
So lemme get this straight: the financial wizards at S&P who did the downgrading think that cutting spending and not going further into debt is a bad idea? Somehow, I just don’t think so… Seems to me that all Kerry did is prove what a pompous, ignorant jackass he really is, and if he’s thinking about another shot at the Presidency then I have two words for him: Swift Boat. ‘Nuff said.
That brings me to the band of merry idiots who are responsible for this mess in the first place, that band of idiots being every single member of Congress. This cluster of clueless clowns has steered the country on a course of rampant spending and over-extending of resources for decades, passing the responsibility for the mess from one President to the next and never having to worry about getting their hands dirty from it. After all, the President is the one who’s responsible and will catch all the flak, right?
Unfortunately, that is a correct statement. These self-centered, non-caring assholes are able to get away with this kind of crap for two reasons: one, they keep finding equally clueless people to vote for them, and two, there are NO TERM LIMITS in Congress. And make no mistake about it, if we didn’t have a House and a Senate that was full of fatcat politicians embedded in the hide of the government deeper than an Alabama tick we wouldn’t have this problem. If you want to get right down to brass tacks and the harsh reality of it all, the President isn’t the one who’ running the country no matter who that person may be – the ones who are running it are the members of Congress. The President is nothing more than a figurehead in a lot of instances, a temporary occupant of the White House whose policies and power expire at the end of eight years at the most when his term is over. The next President is free to reverse things the previous one may have done – such as Bush not extending the Clinton-era gun ban – and there’s nothing that the old President can do about it.
Congress, on the other hand, faces no such limitations because they don’t face a term limit, so they’re free to wreak havoc for as long as they can fool the public into electing them.
I am a firm supporter of term limits for members of Congress, and I sincerely hope I live to see the day when term limits become the law of the land. Of course, that may very well never happen because who are the ones who have to draft and approve the law?
Why, the members of Congress, of course.
But there is hope, and unfortunately the circumstances that will bring it about are somewhat less than ideal. If the economy does what I think it’s gonna do and tanks, thereby causing a full-blown recession, I have a feeling that the outcry from the public is gonna be so loud, so long, and so severe that several things will happen: NObama will become a one-term President, and the members of Congress are going to be forced by popular opinion to enact term limits.
So our choices are not to have a recession and let Congress continue to screw things up for us, or have a recession which will cause the nation to have a new President and enact term limits for members of Congress.
Some choice, huh?
If you’ve been paying attention to the news about the economic status of the United States and the impending recession – that’s right, friends and neighbors, recession – then you know what the source of my disgust is. And right behind being disgusted I’m also scared shitless as to what the future is going to bring our nation, thanks to the morons, idiots, and downright assholes in the great stinkhole known as Washington , DC.
So let’s start at the top where, in the words of President Truman, “the buck stops.”
Unless you’re Barack NObama, that is.
Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but I always thought that the President of the United States was supposed to put political party affiliation aside once he’s in office, and run the country in a fair, impartial manner, holding both houses of Congress responsible and calling them to task when need be.
Unless you’re Barack NObama, that is. If you’re Barack NObama you continue to side with the Demoncratic party, totally ignoring the blockades to an agreement on the debt ceiling put in place by your fellow jackasses and placing the blame squarely on the Republicans. You get up in front of the nation and hold a press conference, specifically blaming those in the Congress who disagree with your socialistic and uber-liberal views, and you chastise them for not being “understanding” and “cooperating” and doing “what’s best for the nation.”
Never mind that your fellow jackasses in the Demoncratic party are doing the same thing. Oh, by all means, let’s not confuse the issue with facts, shall we?
And then when an agreement is finally reached and the debt ceiling is raised – not averting financial disaster but only postponing it – you stand up in front of the nation again and laud your fellow jackasses for the fine work they did in getting the agreement hammered out.
Fair and impartial. Riiiiiight.
Just about now I’m sure all of you who voted for this man are going to start with the usual chorus of, “It’s not his fault, he inherited this problem from George Bush!” Well, that’s not gonna fly with me, and here’s why – like it or not, the President of the United States, while he may not be the one who caused the issue, is the one who is ultimately RESPONSIBLE for it simply because he’s the President. It’s as simple as that. And it was the same way during the Bush administration as well – he didn’t cause the economic issues facing his administration, but he was RESPONSIBLE for it because he was the President.
And if memory serves me correctly, all of the Bush-bashers out there who are now rabid NObamabots said the same thing about Bush then that I’m saying about NObama now – you can’t avoid the responsibility just because you inherited it from the previous administration!
Which would be “Slick Willy” Clinton, by the way, another member of the Demoncratic party.
Now, for those of you who are going to retort with the statement that “Slick Willy” was the last President to have a balanced budget, I’m sorry to inform you that you’re wrong. According to the ultimate source, that source being the Federal governments’ own accounting office, the last president to have a balanced budget was Dwight David Eisenhower. So that pretty much ends that, and I don’t give a good Goddamn what CNN says.
So the debt ceiling is raised, and the nation’s economic rating is subsequently downgraded for the first time in the nation’s history despite the “historic agreement” Congress hammered out in the 11th Hour. And then, a few days later, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are downgraded as well, causing the stock market to continue its record tumble.
This is the part where Senator John “I Have Two Purple Hearts” Kerry comes in. This jackass gets up in front of the cameras and places blame for the downgrading squarely upon the Tea Party, claiming that their “radical” ideas (emphasis is mine, not his) on reducing spending and cutting the size of the government are the cause of the downgrade.
So lemme get this straight: the financial wizards at S&P who did the downgrading think that cutting spending and not going further into debt is a bad idea? Somehow, I just don’t think so… Seems to me that all Kerry did is prove what a pompous, ignorant jackass he really is, and if he’s thinking about another shot at the Presidency then I have two words for him: Swift Boat. ‘Nuff said.
That brings me to the band of merry idiots who are responsible for this mess in the first place, that band of idiots being every single member of Congress. This cluster of clueless clowns has steered the country on a course of rampant spending and over-extending of resources for decades, passing the responsibility for the mess from one President to the next and never having to worry about getting their hands dirty from it. After all, the President is the one who’s responsible and will catch all the flak, right?
Unfortunately, that is a correct statement. These self-centered, non-caring assholes are able to get away with this kind of crap for two reasons: one, they keep finding equally clueless people to vote for them, and two, there are NO TERM LIMITS in Congress. And make no mistake about it, if we didn’t have a House and a Senate that was full of fatcat politicians embedded in the hide of the government deeper than an Alabama tick we wouldn’t have this problem. If you want to get right down to brass tacks and the harsh reality of it all, the President isn’t the one who’ running the country no matter who that person may be – the ones who are running it are the members of Congress. The President is nothing more than a figurehead in a lot of instances, a temporary occupant of the White House whose policies and power expire at the end of eight years at the most when his term is over. The next President is free to reverse things the previous one may have done – such as Bush not extending the Clinton-era gun ban – and there’s nothing that the old President can do about it.
Congress, on the other hand, faces no such limitations because they don’t face a term limit, so they’re free to wreak havoc for as long as they can fool the public into electing them.
I am a firm supporter of term limits for members of Congress, and I sincerely hope I live to see the day when term limits become the law of the land. Of course, that may very well never happen because who are the ones who have to draft and approve the law?
Why, the members of Congress, of course.
But there is hope, and unfortunately the circumstances that will bring it about are somewhat less than ideal. If the economy does what I think it’s gonna do and tanks, thereby causing a full-blown recession, I have a feeling that the outcry from the public is gonna be so loud, so long, and so severe that several things will happen: NObama will become a one-term President, and the members of Congress are going to be forced by popular opinion to enact term limits.
So our choices are not to have a recession and let Congress continue to screw things up for us, or have a recession which will cause the nation to have a new President and enact term limits for members of Congress.
Some choice, huh?
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