Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Demoncrat's New Strategy

Gun owners and defenders of the 2nd Amendment, beware - there are sneaky things afoot in Washington DC and around the country.

The Demoncrats have finally realized just what a "hot button" issue the 2nd Amendment is with Americans, and with the very real possibility of the Demoncrats losing control of the Congress this November, they're starting to suddenly change their stance on gun control. Politicians who have long been pro-gun control and anti-2nd Amendment are now changing their tunes, saying they're "pro 2nd Amendment" and supporters of gun rights. Which makes you sit back and ask yourself, "After SO many years - decades, really - of anti-gun and anti-2nd Amendment commitment, why would they suddenly change their minds on this?

Simple. They want your vote in November.

It all started back in 1994 when Al Gore lost the Presidential race to George Bush. Gun rights and the 2nd Amendment was a key factor in that election, and it was "pro-gun states" that carried Bush to victory. At that point some of the people in the Demoncratic party started to realize that being "anti-gun" was a sure way to lose an election. And the events in our nation concerning gun rights and the recent Supreme Court opinions on the 2nd Amendment, Washington DC's gun law and Chicago's gun law have only bolstered the thought in the Demoncrat's minds that maybe they need to change their public opinion and public view on the issue of gun control. After all, statistics don't lie, and the statistics say that if you want to get elected you better be a supporter of gun rights and the 2nd Amendment.

Note, please, that I said "public opinion" and "public view." I said it that way for a reason - I have no doubt in my mind that once elected on the platform of "pro-2nd Amendment," these lifelong Demoncrats will abandon their carefully-constructed "public view" and will then get back to work dismantling your right to keep and bear arms.

Once a snake, always a snake.

But as for me, I'm not so easily fooled. I learned a very long time ago from both my parents and personal experience that you judge a man by his DEEDS and not by either his words or his skin color. And in the case of these "newly minted" supporters of the 2nd Amendment, when they start actually DOING SOMETHING to prove to me that they've truly changed their stands and not just putting on an act to win votes, THEN I'll support them. There have been too many politicians in the past - the most recent being NObama - who have said during a campaign that they support gun rights and the 2nd Amendment only to have their actions or voting records in Congress prove that they're lying out their ass just to get your vote. I truly believe that such is the case here.

So beware, America, there are sneaky dealings afoot.


Friday, July 23, 2010

Senate Candidate Alvin M. Greene - "American Hero?"

So once again, the state of South Carolina has made the national news, and once again it's because of the idiot who won the Demoncratic primary for the US Senate, Alvin M. Green. For those of you who don't know who this clown is, I suggest you either research my previous blog entry or do a web search of the news sites; that will save me having to recap it all here.

But for those of you who know who this asshat is, here's the latest: his military service records were finally released, and man, what a moron! Greene served about four years in the US Air Force during which time he received numerous bad performance reports (the AF calls them EPRs, for Enlisted Performance Reports) and was denied promotion TWICE. Having served 23 years with the Air Force I immediately recognized the EPR form that they flashed on the screen on the news this morning, and I immediately noted that the form they showed had an overall performance rating of 1. And the scale goes from 1 to 5, with 5 being superior performance and 1 being just short of a slug.

Alvin M. Greene is a slug.

He was also stationed at Shaw AFB in South Carolina, and when his unit deployed to the Middle East he was intentionally left behind, with his superiors saying that he was "totally incapable of performing his duties" and "presents a serious security risk to his fellow airmen."


So his lousy EPR ratings got him denied for promotion TWICE, and in the Air Force when that happens, they deny you re-enlistment and force you to get out and become a burden on the civilian society. And in Greene's case, that's what happened. Except he didn't become a burden on the civilian society, he joined the US Army Reserve and later went active duty.

And he did the same shitty job there, getting kicked out for the same reasons as the Air Force kicked him out. He's a slug. Period.

So when he was called on the phone by a reporter and asked about his service record, he did exactly what slugs who have been kicked out because they're slugs do - he blamed the service, his supervisors, and the government - but he accepted no blame for himself. He says that the military only promotes "terrorists," citing the US Army major who killed 13 people at Ft. Hood last spring. He calls himself an "American Hero," and even went so far as to suggest that the state of South Carolina could raise money by manufacturing and selling action figures of him in uniform!

You're kidding me, right? Jesus H. Christ, what planet is this guy from?

Alvin M. Greene is nothing more than a slug, a dolt, a moron, an idiot with an IQ that apparently puts him one or two points below a bush. He's too stupid to see that he's nothing more than a clown and that people are laughing at him, and he thinks he's this great savior and "American hero."

And he's the Demoncratic nominee for the US Senate seat from the State of South Carolina.

The elections this year are gonna be a slaughter. The Republican candidate, Jim DeMint, a seasoned and experienced politician and campaigner, is gonna chew this slug up and spit him out in little bloody pieces.

And I can't wait!


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Shirley Sherrod Was Railroaded

As with most of America, I was appalled and outraged at the inflammatory, racial comments made by USDA official Shirley Sherrod in a video of a speech she gave to a Georgia chapter of the NAACP in March. In this short, 2 minute outtake Ms. Sherrod admits to not giving her "full effort" to a white farmer who was facing forclosure, instead turning him over to "his own kind" for help. The reactions of the NAACP members in the audience didn't help any either, considering the tear against that group I've been on lately.

So I did exactly what the asshole who published the video clip wanted - I reacted with my emotions instead of my common sense, and I immediately slapped the "racist" label on Ms. Sherrod. But I was by no means along - the head of the USDA and even the White House immediately demanded her resignation, and the head of the NAACP issued a statement in which he said they were "appalled" at her comments.

And then the NAACP - who had the presentation videotaped in the first place - released the full, 47 minute version of th complete presentation. Now I believe in being fair, and I do try to look at both sides of an issue before I open my mouth about it, so I sat down yesterday morning and watched the entire video. And after watching the entire video, I came up with several conclusions, the most important one being listed first.

CONCLUSION #1: The guy who published the outtake, Andrew Breitbart of the website Biggovernment.com, is a flaming asshole. He picked the only - the ONLY - two minute segment of her entire presentation in which she admitted to committing a racist act 24 years ago and published it as if it had happened last week. He failed to include the part in her speech where she said she realized what she did was wrong, and later went back to help the farmer save his farm from foreclosure, a fact verified by the farmer's wife. He also intentionally omitted her telling the crowd that she realized it wasn't about "black v. white" but it was about poor people in general. If there were an "Asshole of the Month" award, Mr. Breitbart would win it hands down.

CONCLUSION #2: The White House and the USDA failed to give Ms. Sherrod a fair shake when they failed to investigate things fully and completely, and they prematurely demanded her resignation. NObama and the head of the USDA, Tom Vilsack, would be a tie for runner-up of the "Asshole of the Month" award, with NAACP CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous coming in a close third.

CONCLUSION #3: By her own admission, Ms. Sherrod committed a racist act against a white person. Again, by her own admission, she has reformed herself and now realizes she was wrong, but that doesn't negate the fact that at that time, 24 years ago, while she was in a position of authority with the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, she committed a racist act. And she should be held accountable for that. Some kind of punishment should be meted out because she did in fact commit a racist act, but I don't believe it should cost her her job. But getting off scot-free just because she admitted to it and has since changed her ways? Uh-uh. Just because you apologize to the victim doesn't change the fact that you made him a victim in the first place. Ms. Sherrod broke FEDERAL ANTI-DISCRIMINATION LAWS, so she should be held accountable.

CONCLUSION #4: Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson have proven themselves to be nothing more than racist assholes by their silence in this affair. A video of a black woman admitting to a racist act against a white man to a crowd of NAACP members goes national, and neither of them say a thing condeming her. You and I both know that if this had been a white man, those two pricks with feet would have their faces all over the TV demanding "justice." To me, this is proof positive that these two asshats don't give a damn about you unless you're black - if you're white, they could care less. In my book, this makes them RACISTS.

So I'm not outraged at Ms. Sherrod like I was a few days ago; now I'm pissed off at the asshole who started this whole thing, Andrew Breitbart. Not only has he caused this woman to unjustly lose her career and her image, he has damaged the reputation of the Tea Party at a time when the party is just starting to really gather steam. He gave credence to the laughable NAACP resolution published last week condemning the acts of the Tea Party as "racist." In short, this knuckle-dragging, inbred moron has done more harm to the Party than he did good, and HE should be held accountable.

If I were Shirley Sherrod, I'd sue him into the next century.

But all of this does bring to light one question, a question that you simply cannot ignore in this day and age:

What would have happened if a WHITE MAN had told that story instead of a black woman?

I think we all know the answer to that.


Saturday, July 17, 2010

Farewell to "The Voice" and "The Boss"

If you're any fan of baseball, then you know that baseball lost two greats this week with the passing of Bob Sheppard, "The Voice of Yankee Stadium," and George M. Steinbrenner III, "The Boss." Both of these men were icons with both professional baseball in general and the New York Yankees in specific, and the Yankees will be forever changed because of them.

If you ever had the pleasure of attending a game at Yankee Stadium sometime after 1950 as I did, then you had the honor and pleasure of hearing the classiest, most professional announcer in organized baseball. Bob Sheppard was the public address announcer at "The House That Ruth Built" from 1950 until 2008, a career that spanned nearly 60 years. He refused to holler and shout while announcing the lineup as the other announcers in baseball did, instead sticking to his personal motto of "clear, concise, and consistent." He announced each and every player, no matter what uniform they wore, with the same amount of professionalism and dignity, something that cannot be said about any other announcer in baseball. He gave a special quality to the games played at Yankee Stadium, and I personally think it only fitting that his last season of announcing the games should also be the last season of the original Yankee Stadium. His dignity and professionalism set the gold standard for every announcer in baseball, and he will be sorely missed.

Like him or hate him, there's no denying that George Steinbrenner was THE motivating factor behind the Yankees becoming the baseball dynasty that they are. He was tough, he was demanding, he was a perfectionist, but he was GOOD at what he did. His nearly-insatiable drive to win was legendary, and when asked about it during a post-World Series game celebration after having won the title, he said that the only thing he cherished more than winning was "breathing." He insisted upon a strict set of rules for his players, and it gave a sense of class to the organization at a time (late '70s and early '80s) when baseball needed it. NO long hair, NO beards, NO goatees, NO outlandish behavior on the field - these were George's rules, and you either followed them or you got your ass traded. In an age where it was common to see the players on a baseball team looking like a bunch of back-alley thugs (the Phillies, for example) with the scraggly beards and long hair, when the Yankees took the field you knew you were looking at a professional baseball team in every sense of the word. And they won games - boy, did they win games. And titles, World Series titles - they won a hell of a lot of them as well under The Boss's leadership. Not everyone, including the players, liked him but to a man everyone respected him. And you just can't argue with that.

So the world of baseball has lost two of its greatest, much to our sadness and dismay. The sport will go on, the Yankees will go on, but the void left by these two great men will somehow never be filled.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

The NAACP Proves My Point

A few days ago I posted a blog entry in which I said that every time someone criticized NObama, his faithful minions would immediately throw the race card. And now my point has been proven far better than I ever could have proven it myself, and the source of the proof comes from none other than the NAACP.

For those of you who may not have been keeping up on current events, the NAACP just had their national convention during which they voted on a resolution that initially was going to slap the "racist" label on the Tea Party movement, due to an incident last March in which Tea Party members allegedly "hurled racial epithets" at a black lawmaker. The Tea Party group that organized the demonstration during which this alleged incident took place immediately denied anything like that taking place. And, despite all of the media coverage present, despite all of the video cameras there and all of the hand-held camcorders and cell phones with video capabilities that were there, not one single minute of such activity was recorded!

In other words, the NAACP has voted on a resolution based on nothing but pure hearsay, rumor, and innuendo. To me, there can be no clearer, more damning example of the racist and bigoted nature of the NAACP than this. And to make matters worse, NAACP National President Benjamin Todd Jealous said this when questioned about the resolution:

"We take no issue with the Tea Party movement. We believe in freedom of assembly and people raising their voices in a democracy. What we take issue with is the Tea Party's continued tolerance for bigotry and bigoted statements.

"The time has come for them to accept the responsibility that comes with influence and make clear there is no place for racism and anti-Semitism, homophobia and other forms of bigotry in their movement."

Well, if this ain't the pot calling the kettle black! Of course, Jealous and his pack of merry idiots aren't going to see it that way.

What it all boils down to is this: The NAACP is scared to death of the Tea Party. They're absolutely terrified that the efforts of the Tea Party are going to wake America up to the racial inequalities in this country, the inequalities which were put in place by the Federal government during the Civil Rights era and which give the blacks a continual and government-sanctioned advantage over the white race, and they're going to do and say anything they can to derail the Tea Party's efforts. And that, of course, includes throwing the race card. I mean, what better way to "prove" to America that the Tea Party is nothing more than a bunch of racists than to just simply pass a resolution saying so? After all, when a black person or a black organization says that someone or something - a WHITE someone or something, that is - is racist, then it must be true! Right? Never mind the fact that there is no evidence of any kind to support the allegations made in the resolution - a black group said it, so it must be so! Right? I mean, blacks just can't be racists, can they?

At least, that's what the American public has been brainwashed to believe in this "politically correct" society that America has become. (And I don't suppose Mr. Jealous has ever heard of King Samir Shabazz, the head of the "new" Black Panther party - you know, the guy who said in public that all "white crackers" and their "cracker babies" should be killed? Of course not.)

Well, the Tea Party is poised on the brink of changing all of that, so naturally the NAACP is scared to death - as they should be, because the American people, both white and black, are becoming more and more disgruntled, dissatisfied, and dismayed with our President and his inept, one-sided, socialist agenda. And when November rolls around, they're going to show him and the rest of the country just how dissatisfied they are when a whole shitload of Demoncratic incumbents lose their re-election bids in the Congress.

Personally, I can't wait.

Oh, one last thing: I wonder if the NAACP ever stopped to realize that there are black people in the Tea Party?

Prob'ly not. That would be too inconvenient.


Monday, July 12, 2010

The Worst Thing to Happen To America Since The War for Southern Independence

After much thought and careful consideration, I have come to the conclusion that the election of Barack Hussein Obama to the office of President of the United States is the single worst thing to happen to America since the War for Southern Independence.

I still stand by what I said after the election first concluded, that being I think it's something special and spectacular that America finally elected a minority President. And I still stand by my statement that he was elected for the wrong reason, that reason being that he was black.

But my opening statement in this blog post is fueled by something other than the fact that he's a Demoncrat, that he's a liberal, that he's a Socialist, and that he's inexperienced. It's based on the increasing racial tension in this country which is caused in small part by NObama's recent instructions to the DOJ to ignore crimes against whites committed by blacks and to focus on crimes against blacks committed by whites, coupled with the dropping of the Federal case against the Black Panthers; however, in large part it's caused by the reactions of the Obamabots and any other group that supports him whenever someone else criticizes him.

Without fail, anytime someone or some group criticizes NObama his faithful Obamabots throw the race card, with the most recent example being the NAACP's threat to label the Tea Party "racists." (Like that's gonna hurt them or their cause...get a life! But I digress...) No matter how much logic you use, no matter how many facts you present, no matter how much you attempt to present a sane, mature, logical, non-racial point of view on an issue concerning The Great Pretender, his loyal minions will throw the race card and label you a racist. They'll say that no matter what you say in your defense, the REAL reason you're criticizing him is because you're a racist and don't like blacks.

This is a fact I have found out by personal experience on Facebook. I've had numerous discussions (well, I was discussing, the other assholes were arguing) with NObama supporters in various areas of Facebook, and without fail all of them - ALL of them, even the white people I was talking with - have ended up saying that the only reason I don't like him is because he's black, which makes me a racist.

This line of thought is creating an ever-widening rift between the whites and blacks in this country, with those who support NObama because they believe in his policies and not the color of his skin, be they white or black, being caught right smack dab in the middle of things. And the longer this kind of crap goes on the bigger and more irreversible this rift is going to become.

Now I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that there aren't white folks out there who aren't racists and who don't like NObama just because he's black - they're there, and I put them on a plane of importance just slightly higher than whale shit. But each and every time those folks open their mouths to spew their line of hatred they reveal themselves for what they really are, and that's when people stop taking them seriously. But when people like me, people who have ZERO problem with his skin color, are automatically lumped into the same category as these knuckle-dragging, inbred assholes whose family trees don't fork, all that does is make the matter worse. Much worse. And unless something changes in our nation and changes pretty damned quickly, I see nothing but bad things on the horizon.

And NObama's recent actions - and inactions - have done nothing to help things improve.

The racial tension in this country is rising each day, and I can honestly say I believe it's being caused by the black population of America and not the white population. It's being caused by those who insist on throwing the race card each and every time someone dares to criticize NObama, those who insult his opponents and mock their stand, doing so with the bravado of those who are protected by the "shield of political correctness" which permeates our country. They can insult us with impunity, and they do - vehemently, viciously, and without remorse.

And sooner or later the white population of this nation is gonna get a bellyful of it, just like the blacks did during the 1960's. There will be the same marches, the same protests, the same speeches as were made during the Civil Rights Movement, only this time it's gonna be white faces behind the microphones, behind the signs, and on the TV. It will be the beginning of the end of the "political correctness" that has been strangling our nation like so much kudzu for the past 20 years, and it will also be the beginning of the most violent time period our nation has known in 40 years.

The really bad thing, however, is that from this point on I have no idea what will happen. Either demonstrations and marches with the occasional clash of colors will take place, or things will get worse - much worse - thanks to the efforts of racist and hate groups on both sides of the color line. And if that happens, I'm not sure that an all-out race war won't break out.

It is my most fervent hope that things in America don't get this bad, it really is.

But I'm afraid it might.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

NObama, Our Worst President Ever

Until this year, I always thought that Jimmy "Mr. Peanut" Carter was our worst President ever. After all, he did kill the B-1 program, deny the military a pay raise for three years, give away the Panama Canal, and sit on his hands doing nothing while our embassy in Iran was overrun and our citizens taken hostage for 444 days, something that ended the day Ronald Reagan took the oath of office. Yep, Carter was hands-down my choice for Worst President Ever.

Until now.

Now I am fully convinced that Barack Hussein Obama is the absolute worst President we've ever had, and the events of this week only prove it more - as if more proof was needed. In case you haven't been keeping up with current events, here's what's been going on.

NObama has given NASA a new mission, having killed the new space program they were working on. Now, the Great Pretender has tasked the head of NASA with improving relations with the Muslim world.

Excuse me,but just what the HELL does that have to do with SPACE EXPLORATION? I mean, after all, the name of the agency is the National Aeronautics and SPACE Administration, right? So just what in the living hell was NObama thinking when he tasked the head of this agency with improving relations with a part of the world that A) doesn't have a space program, B) doesn't need a space program, C) doesn't want a space program, and D) hates our guts? Out of all of the stupid shit this moron has done, this one makes me wonder the most.

Then there's the lawsuit filed against the state of Arizona by NObama's Attorney General, who basically said that Arizona needs to keep its collective nose out of Federal business. Never mind that the Feds aren't doing squat to solve the problem Arizona has addressed with the new law; they don't want Arizona to do anything that would make them look bad.

I guess the Attorney General and his boss, the President of the United States, never heard of a concept of "State's Rights," huh? Sure looks like it. Last time I looked, the Constitution of the United States gives each state the right to pass laws to protect itself, its borders, and its people, something that any first year law student would know. But then again, I guess NObama and his AG didn't catch that part in class.

For the first time in my life, I'm genuinely concerned about the fate of our nation due solely and completely to the actions of this idiot in the White House. He shows his ineptness, inexperience, and total lack of leadership at every turn. Between him and the band of merry idiots in his Cabinet, led by Joe "Foot In Mouth" Biden and Nancy "I'm In Charge" Pelosi, they're going to absolutely ruin this country.

But the thing that has me the most concerned is this: when people were pissed off at Nixon, they were talking impeachment. When they were pissed off at Clinton, they were talking impeachment. When they were pissed off at GW Bush, they were talking impeachment. But with NObama, they're not talking impeachment.

They're talking secession. And I'm quite sure that the lawsuit against Arizona is going to fuel the fires even more.

Don't get me wrong, I still think that secession is not the answer, although I do think it's legal. (Yeah, I know all about Texas v. White, 1870; I just disagree.) But for all of the reasons I posted in my blog last April or so, I think that any attempt by any state to secede will end in disaster for that state. But the thing that concerns me is that people are talking about it - and talking seriously about it - in the first place. And the secession movement is gaining ground, especially in Texas. With every stupid thing our buffoon of a President does or says, he adds fuel to the fire - and he's got more than 2 years to do and say a whole lot of stupid things. And that gives me a very bad feeling about what's liable to happen in our nation due to him.

The only saving grace, as I see it, is the Congressional elections coming up in November. I have a strong feeling that the Tea Party Movement - of which I am a proud part - is going to prevail, and the liberal Demoncrats are going to lose control of the Congress. Once that happens that will pretty much take the wind out of NObama's sails, and maybe - just maybe - he won't be able to screw the country up any more than he already has.

At least, I hope that's the way it will all work out. Time will tell.